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Passenger manifest of the ship APOLLO evacuating Loyalists from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia 1783
Originally posted April 15, 1998. Updated November 18, 2013
Originally contributed By Lark Szick, Randal Oulton, Gail Facini
Updated by Rick Roberts

The Apollo was one ship in a fleet that evacuated thousands of Unitied Empire Loyalists from New York at the conclusion of the American Revolution.
This article contains a transcription of the return of men, women, children and servants in Capt. Robert Wilkins Company of Loyalists on board the ship APOLLO, John Adamson, Master, for Port Roseway which is now known as Shelburne, Nova Scotia. The Apollo departed New York on June 8, 1783.

Articles related to this topic:
  1. Names submitted to be part of The Port Roseway Association group of United Empire Loyalists evacuating to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, 1783. An Association was formed to organize those Loyalists wishing to be evacuated from New York to Port Roseway at the end of the American Revolution.

  2. Minutes of The Proceedings of the Port Roseway Associates 1782. A list of people whose names were added to the Port Roseway Association going to Shelburne, Nova Scotia.

  3. Passenger manifest of the ship APOLLO evacuating Loyalists from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia 1783. A return of men, women, children and servants in Captain Robert Wilkins Company of Loyalists on board the ship APOLLO, John Adamson, Ship's Master for Port Roseway on June 8, 1783.
Residence Occupation Residence Recommended By Comments
* Robert Wilkins Capt merchant Army General Brock came with a woman, 1 child under 10, 2 children over 10, and 4 servants.
* Henry Hodgkinson, Lt. hairdresser Army Capt Hartly came with a woman and a servant.
* Stuart Thomas Lt. arms mover Army Capt Wilkins came with a woman and a servant.
* James Holden Sergeant cooper Army Capt Wilkins came with a woman and a servant.
* William Fraser Sergeant weaver Army Capt Wilkins came with a woman
John Adams navy pilot North Carolina, came with a woman and a servant.
John Al(sop) not confirmed sawer England Mr Stuart came alone with 3 servants. The last name is not clear on the passenger manifest.
William Branston mariner New York came with a child over 10 and a servant.
* William Caldwell carpenter Ireland Mr. David Porter came alone.
* John Cheese navy pilot New York Mr Verner came with a woman and 2 servants.
Robert Dodds mariner New York went in his own vessel came with a woman, 1 child under 10, 1 child over 10 and 2 servants.
* Ronald MacDonald mariner New York went in his own vessel came with a woman and a child under 10, and 2 servants.
William Doane mariner New York came alone.
James Dolfied labourer army Robert Wilkins (servant Indented) came alone.
John Goody mariner New York Mr Ellis came alone.
* Alexander Gordon labourer N. Britain Capt Wilkins came with a woman and a servant
* Edward Green cord weaver Rhode Island John Smith came with a woman, 1 child under 10, 1 child over 10, and 4 servants.
* John McIntire merchant New York Mr Ross, went in his own vessel came with his wife , 3 children over 10, and 7 servants.
* Ronald McIntire carpenter N. Britain came with a woman and a child over 10, and a servant.
* Alexander McKay mariner New York Mr Johnston, went in his own vessel , ; came with a woman and 2 servants.
Duncan McKinnon labourer N. Britain came alone.
George McKay labourer New York went in his own vessel came with a woman and 2 servants.
* Alexander McKenzie labourer N. Britain came with a woman and 2 servants.
* James Leslie house carpenter N. Britain Mr Henry Hodgkinson came with a woman and a servant.
Berry Lowe tailor Rhode Island came with a woman, 2 children over 10, and a servant.
* William Moody mariner New York Mr Scully came with a woman and 3 servants.
* William Owens carpenter Pennsylvania Mr Williams came alone.
* David Porter carpenter New York came alone with one servant.
* John Phillips mariner New York went in his own vessel came with a woman, 2 children under 10, 4 children over 10, and a servant.
* Lewis Palmer farmer Cornthe__ Manor Capt Pitcher. came with a woman, 5 children under 10, and 2 servants.
Thomas (Tom) Ross cord weaver Philadelphia Capt Dodds came with a woman and 3 children under 10
Archibald MacBeath carpenter N. Britain Mr Sloane came with a woman, 2 children under 10, 1 child over 10, and a servant
John Sloane carpenter Ireland Mr. John Bull, came alone. (on original list it states he was sent back to New York.. sick.) ( Comment: did he try to come at an earlier time?)
* George Singleton labourer Pennsylvania Mr Williams came alone.
* David Thompson Mr Benj. Lowe , stone cutter N. Britain went in his own vessel, came with a woman, 2 children under 10, 1 child over 10, and 5 servants.
* John Fitzpatrick carpenter Ireland Mr. David Porter came alone with a servant.
* John Williams. came alone with a servant.

Total of 38 men, 14 women, 18 children under 10, 17 children over 10, 54 servants making a grand total of 151 in this group.

An asterisk (*) marks confirmed members of the Port Roseway Association.

Source: ĘPAC MG 23, (B30). Wilkins, Robert (Soldier), transcripts, 1781-1787.

Related reading and published sources: Final thoughts:
  • Always check primary sources to confirm transcribed materials. We acknowledge that these pages may, and probably do, contain technical and/or typographical errors.

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