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Royal Canadian Navy Ledger Sheets (1910-1941)
Posted 04 November 2011, links updated December 19, 2018 (web page colour/appearance changes regularly but content is mostly consistent)
By Rick Roberts, Global Genealogy

If you are looking for information about individuals who served in the Royal Canadian Navy or the Naval Reserve between the beginnning of the Canadian Navy in 1910 up to 1918, or those who enlisted between 1919 and 1940, you need to check the online Royal Canadian Navy Ledger Sheets (1910-1941)

Library and Archives Canada has provided an online database that can be searched for free.

This is the Introduction page which provides a short overview and a link search the database. For a more detailed description of the records see the background document

Clicking the Search link results in a screen where you can search the index using any or all of the following: surname; given name/s; service number.

I searched the "Devlin" surname to access an example result:

That search resulted in a single record for a John Devlin. The result of the search provides the full name of the man and his service number. The name is hot linked to the full entry.

Clicking on John Devlin's name provided a summary of all information that is available for this man. That information includes Name; Service Number; Port; Date of Birth; Occupation; Volume; and Reference.

Now you have the information that is required to acquire copies of the documents that you want for your individual. Library and Archives Canada provides an online resource to help with the ordering process.

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