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Article posted: April 15, 1998 NAMES OF THE CROMWELLIAN ADVENTURERS FOR LAND IN IRELAND From "Irish Pedigrees" by John O'Hart, vol 2 In Prendergast's "Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland", under the heading " Scheme for a Last and Permanent Conquest of Ireland, through a Society of Adventurers, he says: "According to the scheme of the Parliament for suppressing the Irish Rebellion (of 1641), 2.500,000 acres of Irish lands, to be forfeited, were offered as security to those who should advance moneys toward raising and paying a private army for subduing the rebels In Ireland. The moneys, instead of being paid into the King's exchequer, were to be paid to a committee, composed half of members of the House of Commons and half of subscribers to this joint fund, who were to nominate the general and the officers, the King having nothing to say to the force but to sign the officers' commissions. All the Irish saw that this army of Adventurers were coming, like the first invaders under Strongbow, to conquer estates for themselves and their employers, and therefore could not but oppose them for the sake of their wives and children, who must be deprived of their homes. They must therefore fight against England thus represented, and the King (Charles I.) be deprived of their aid. The King objected to the Act: It took away from him the power of pardoning the Irish; and he suggested that it must only render them desperate, which in truth was the very purpose of the Parliament, but he dared not refuse his assent. The measure was received in England as a triumph over the king and the Irish. The subscribers, or Adventurers as they were called, were to have estates and manors of one thousand acres given to them in Ireland at the following low rates: In Ulster for 200 pounds, in Connaught for 300, in Munster, for 100, and in Leinster for 600, and lands proportionately for less sums. The rates by the acre were four shillings is Ulster, six shillings in Connaught, eight shillings in Munster, and twelve shillings in Leinster. If this plan were carried out, it was to put an end for ever, according to Sir John Bulstrode Whitelock, the Speaker off the House of Commons to that long and bloody conflict foretold (with so much truth) by Giraldus Cambrensis. The work of Queen Elizabeth and James the First, it was said, would now be perfected. The Irish would now be rooted out by a new and overwhelming plantation of English: another England would speedily be found in Ireland; And that prophecy (by Giraldus Cambrensis), as old as the invasion, be proved false, that Ireland will not be conquered till just before the Day of Judgment." As it was not until the 27th of September, 1653, that the Parliament were enabled to declare the Rebellion in Ireland subdued, and the war appeased and ended, it was only then that preparations were made for setting out lands in that country, in satisfaction of each Adventurer's subscription. Eleven years, however, had then elapsed since the first Act of Subscription in 1642, and some of the Adventurers were no doubt dead, while others of them had sold or assigned their Adventures; but each such Adventurer, or his or her Assignee, received lands in Ireland, equivalent in each case to the paid-up subscription. It may be observed that some of the Adventurers were Irish, living in England, and some of them living in Ireland. The full name and address of each Adventurer is in Prendergast book; "Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland"; 2nd edition published in Dublin, 1922, by ....... ? ......... Page 1. Surnames of the Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, under the various Acts and Ordinances of Subscription; commencing with the Act of 17 Charles I. chap. 33, A.D.1642, and ending in 1646; When all further subscription ceased: Adams Banister Birch Brewer Addys Banks Bird Brewster Ailster Barber Birkenhead Brice Ailston Barefoot Bisby Brickdell Alcock Bareton Bishop Bridges Alcocke Barg Bishopp Briggs Alexander Barker Biskoe Bright Alford Barnaby Blackborrow Brightwell Allen Barnard Blacke Brimley Allenson Barnardiston Blackwell Brinley Allot Barnes Blagne Briscoe Almery Barrett Blake Brocket Almond Barrington Blakiston Bromwich Allured Barton Blande Brooke Ames Barwicke Blate Broomer Amyos Bassett Blatt Broughton Anderson Bate Blunsdon Brouker Andrews Bateman Boate Browne Anthony Bayley Boggest Brunskell Archebold Baynton Boggeste Bruster Arkins Bayntun Bond Bryfield Armine Beale Bone Buckland Arnold Beamont Bonner Buller Arrundell Beard Bonnvyn Bunce Ash Beardolfe Booke Burcott Ashe Beardolph Bosfield Burgess Ashley Beck Bosville Burgis Ashton Bedingfeild Botterill Burlace Ashurst Bedingfield Boughton Burroughs Ashwell Beighton Boulton Button Atkins Belfeild Bourcher Bye Aunsley Bell Box Bynce Ausley Bellers Boyce Cacott Austin Bence Boynton Cage Austrey Bendigo Boyse Campbell Ayres Bendish Bradley Camphield Ayscough Bentley Bradshaw Cannockt Babb Bernard Braket Canting Babington Best Branckstead Carpenter Babbington Betsworth Brand Carrill Baily Bewley Breakeing Carter Bainford Biddolph Brenley Carwithen Baker Bidle Brentley Castle Ballam Bdolph Brereton Catlin Ballard Bigg Brereton Caulier Bancks Biggs Brett Chamberlain Page 2. Chambers Crickmore Dyke Ffountain Chandler Crispe Eames Ffountaine Chaveney Croane Earle Ffowler Chaveny Cromwell East Ffox Cheney Crooke Eastwicke Ffrancis Cheny Crossing Eaton Ffranklin Cheswick Crow Eden Ffreeman Chewning Crowley Edlin Ffrench Childe Crowther Edwards Ffrere Chillingworth Dabbe(Debbe) Elderby Ffyenns Clapham Dacres Eldersy Fish Clapp Daire Eldred Fisher Clare Daniel Elie Fletcher Clarke Darnely Elliot Foster Clay Dashwood Ellis Francis Claydon Davenport Elliston French Clement Daves Elinston Galllle Clerke Davey Emes Galton Clercke Davis Enderbe Gardner Clifton Davy Evans Garland Clotworthy Dawes Evelin Garnall Clutterbuck Dawson Evillin Garnar Clutterbucke Day Ewelin Garner Cobb Deards Ewer Garrard Cocke Deathricke Eyres Garth Coish Debbe(or Dabbe) Farrington Gastrell Colbron Delany Ffalder Gay Colchester Dennis Ffane Gearing Cole Dent Ffarmer Gerrard Coleman Deskeene Ffarrington Gethinge Coles Diline Ffarthing Gibbs Collect Dingley Ffarwell Giles Collins Disney Ffawne Gill Collyer Ditton Ffeatherton Gipps Combe Dodd Ffielde Gitting Cooke Dornelly Ffenton Gittings Coomb Dover Fferris Glanvill Coombs Dowleing Ffewster Goad Coop Dowleingg Ffigg Goddard Cooper Downe Ffinch Goddesden Corbet Downing Ffisher Godfrey Corke Dowse Fisk Godsden Cornish Dowys Ffiske Gomesden Cory Doyley Ffissenden Good Coulson Drake Fflasher Goodard Cox Draper Fflesher Goodier Coxon Dringe Ffletcher Goodwin Coysh Dryden Ffoard Goswell Crandley Ducane Ffolliot Gouch Crawley Duke Ffoote Gouge Cressy Dun Ffoster Gouing Crew Dupree Ffoulkes Gould Page 3. Gower Hazleburt Hurste Lazinley Gowrdon Hazlerigg Hussey Leader Graant Hearne Hutchins Leaver Grannow Heathcocke Hutchinson Lee Grantham Heathcott Hyland Leete Graves Heathcotte Ingram Legatt Greenhill Heather lrens Lenthall Greensmith Heecocke Isaacke Levering Greenwell Henly Ivatt Levit Gregson Henman Ivery Lewellin Grocer Henson Jackson Lewillin Grove Herrage Jacques Lewin Gulson Herring Jaques Lewis Gunston Heveningham Jeffryes Liffkens Guxton Hiccocke Jenkins Ligh Guy Hickman Jenner Lincolne Haddilove Higgens Jenny Ling Hale Higgins Jessen Linge Hales HIldesley Johnson Lipplate Hall Hill Jones Lisle Hallows Hinde Jordan Litle Hamon Hippesley Joseph Litmaker Hampden Hitchcocke Jurin Littleton Hampson Hoare Keddermister Lloyd Hampston Hobbert Kendrick, Locke Hardening Hobson Kendricke Lockier Harding Hodges Kentish Long Hardy Hodgson Keynes Longe Harlnett Hodilow Kilby Lordell Harmon Holland King Lorrard Harrington Holman Kingston Lorring Harris Honnor Kinnaye Loton Harrison Honnywood Kircombe Loughall Harryman Hopping Kirkham Lound Harsnett Hotchkis Kittlebutler Loupe Hart Houghton Knapp Love Harte House Knight Low Hartford Howard Knightley Lucas Harvey Howe Knowles Lumley Harvy Howell Lacey Lunnery Harwell Howlsted Lacy Lyon Hastings Hoxton Lacye, Macomber Hatt Hoyte Lake MacWorth Hatton Hubbard Lamb Maherly Haughton Hubbert Lambell Mallock Haule Hublon Lambelle Maltas Haward Hudson Lambert Malthies Hawell Hughes Lamott Man Hawes Hukins Lane Marlow Hawkes Hull Langham Marriot Hawkins Humphreys Langley Marryot Hayden Hunt Laughall Marshall Hayes Hunter Lazingbye Martin Page 4. Martinere Nicholl Pettit Rayment Mary Nicholson Peymoyer Raymoun Masham Nobbs Pheasant Read Massey North Phillips Reade Mastall Northcott Pickering Redferne Mathew Norton Piggott Reene Matthew Nosworthy Pike Regmerter May Nutkins Pim Reynold Maynard O'Ffeild Pinn Reynolds Mayne Officiall Pinner Richards Meade Offley Pitcher Richardson Meare Oldfield Pitches Ridges Measy Onslow Pitt Risby Meggot Onslowe Pitts Roach Melhuish Orchard Player Robbins Mercer Ottyer Plucknett Roberts Merideth Overing Polsted Robins Merricke Overton Polsteed Robrough Methould Owen Poole Roch Michell Owener Popham Rodbeard Micketwait Owfeild Pordage Rogers Midleton Packer Porter Role Miles Page Pott Roswell Mileston Paine Potter Roulston Miller Palentine Pots Round Mills Pallin Poulter Rovins Minor Palmer Powell Row Mitchell Panter Prestley Royley Molins Pargiter Prettie Rumney Moody Parker Priaulke Rushley Moore Parkhurst Price Russell Morgan Parret Prince Ruthhorne Morley Parris Pritey Rutton Morall Parry Procter Sadler Morris Parsons Pryer Sallway Mortom Partheridge Puller Salmon Mosia Partridge Pury Sanders Mosyer Pate Pye Sandon Mounson Pay Quiny Sankey Mountagne Payton Radcliff Scarlet Mountney Peacock Radcliffe Scobell Moyer Peacocke, Raie Scot Mumford Peake Rainsboro Scott Munday Pearce Rainsboro Seager Murdocke Pearson Rand Seale Musgrave Pecke Randall Sear Nettle Pedder Rendal Seare Nettleship Peers Randolph Searle Nethuish Pennington Ratcliff Sedgewicke Newmam Pennoyer Ratcliffe Seed Newton Perket Rathbrand Seignejurall Newtowne Perry Rathwell Shakespeare Page 5. Shakspeare Steele Tiffen Walter Sheafe Steming Tillaslye Wardell Sheares Stephenson Tillett Warner Sheffeild St. Hill Tilsley Warren Shepcott Stint Tipping Warring Sheppard Stipe Toft Waterhouse Sheppy St. Jobn Towne Waters Shetbrooke Stocke Townesend Waterton Sherlocke Stoker Townley Watkins Shingler Stone Townsend Watson Shortt Story Towse Watts Shurtis Stoughton Trelawney Weale Shute Strange Trenchard Webb Shuttleworth Stratton Trinnlett Webster Sibbs Strickland Trimlet Weeks Sibley Stroud Triplett Wells Silloby Stubber Trotman Wenman Simpson Stubbins Tncker West Skinner Sturdy Tuffenaile Westrow Skippon Sturmy Tunbridge Wharton Skrenshaw Suelling Turbington Wheatley Skrimshawe Sumner Turgis Whitcombe Sleigh Summpter Turlington White Smiter Sutton Turner Whitehall Smith Swan Tutty Whiteing Snell Sweete Tyler Whitekett Snelling Swinnicke Tym Whitlock Snow Swinnocke Underwood Whitston Soame Symons Valentine Whittaker Solsted Syntall Vassal Whittingham South Tabor Vaughan Wilcox Sowden Tarlton Venner Wilde Sparrow Tarrant Venor Wildinge Speller Tartle Vernon Wilkin Spenser Taylor Vickars Willett Spring Temple Vincent Williams Springer Tenant Viner Willington Springett Tendring Voice Willoughby Spurston Terrill Vye Wilson Squire Terry Wade Winkly Stackhouse Thewel Waggstaffe Winspeare Staine Thomas Wagstaffe Winstone Standish Thompson Walcott Winewood Stane Thornburie Waldo Witham Starkey Thoroughgood Waldoe Withern Starky Thorould Wall Wollaston Starr Thorpe Waller Wolley Starrahirrs Thrale Wallin Wood Staunton Thibbs Wallington Woodcock Stedde Tichburne Wallis Woodcocke Stedderman Ticknee Walmsley Woodgate Page 6. Woodhead Woodward Wright Yeates Woodhouse Wolfe Wyan Young Woodley Woolnough Wymer Younge Woodruffe Wormelayton Yard Woods Worth Yates ---------------------------------- From "Irish Pedigrees" by John O'Hart, vol 2 Browse the resources at GlobalGenealogy.com: