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Books, Maps & Other Resources Scotland / Scottish Genealogy & History
BOOK - Tracing Your Edinburgh Ancestors, A Guide for Family and Local Historians
By Alan Stewart
Published by Pen and Sword, Barnsley, 3rd November 2015
Edinburgh has been the capital of Scotland for the last 500 years and more. The 'Athens of the North' is the centre of Scottish banking, medicine, architecture, law and publishing. It is the home of Scotland's national museums and the location of the Queen's official residence in Scotland and of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. It is also the site of the Edinburgh Festival and Royal Military Tattoo, and the seat of the devolved Scottish government. The city is steeped in national, local and family history, and Alan Stewart's handbook is the perfect guide to it.
"The many genealogical records of Edinburgh are described in detail, while appendices cover genealogy websites and Edinburgh’s many archives, museums, art galleries, castles, palace and family history society."
He takes readers through the story of Edinburgh from the earliest times up to the present day, showing how its colourful history has affected the lives of their ancestors. The many genealogical records of Edinburgh are described in detail, and appendices cover genealogy websites, family history societies, and Edinburgh's many archives, museums, art galleries, castles and palaces.
Contents include:
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Part One - Edinburgh's History
- Chapter One - Edinburgh before Scotland
- The Edinburgh volcano
- The Ice Age
- Prehistoric Edinburgh
- The Romans
- Din Eidyn and Edwinesburg
- Chapter Two - The Old Town
- The thirteenth century and earlier: Saint Margaret and her
- The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the arrival of the Stewarts
- The sixteenth century: the Battle of Flodden and Mary,
- Queen of Scots
- The seventeenth century: the Union of the Crowns, the
Covenanters and the Darien scheme
- The eighteenth century: the Union of the Parliaments, the
Jacobite rebellions and the Porteous riots
- Outbreaks of plague
- Other epidemics
- Chapter Three - The NewTown
- Plans to extend Edinburgh to the north of the Castle and
the Old Town
- The First NewTown
- The Second and subsequent New Towns
- The Scottish Enlightenment
- Chapter Four - Edinburgh in the Last 200 Years
- The Great Fire of Edinburgh
- Aerial attack during the First World War
- The Edinburgh Festival and Fringe
- City of Literature
- The devolved Scottish Government
- Edinburgh's trades and industries
- Edinburgh's football teams
- Transport in Edinburgh
- Air raids during the Second World War
- Chapter Five - Leith, North and South
- Edinburgh's seaport from early times
- Leith from 1800 onwards
- Newhaven
- Chapter Six - Edinburgh's Villages
- The growth of Edinburgh
- St Cuthbert's parish
- The parish of Cramond
- The parish of Corstorphine
- The parish of Colin ton
- The parish of Liberton
- The parish of Duddingston (including Portobello)
- The parishes of Ratho, Currie, Kirkliston and Dalmeny
(including Queensfeny)
- Part Two - Edinburgh's Records
- Chapter Seven - Births, Marriages and Deaths in Edinburgh
- Statutory registers of births, marriages and deaths
(civil regiatration)
- Birth records
- Marriage records
- Death records
- Register of Corrected Entries
- Minor records
- Divorce records
- Where arc these records located?
- Chapter Eight - Lists of Edinburgh's Residents
- The 1755 Webster Census
- Census returns 1801 - 2011
- The 1841 Census
- The 1851-1911> Censuses
- Where are the census records located?
- Directories
- Telephone directories
- Valuation rolls from 1855 onwards
- Online catalogues
- Chapter Nine - The Church in Edinburgh
- The Church of Scotland (parish registers and kirk session
- The Roman Catholic Chu:ch
- The Scottish Episcopal Church (in the Anglican
- A Non-conformist Churches
- Seceding Presbyterian Churches
- Reunification of the Secession Churches
- Where are the Church of Scotland records located?
- Other Church records held by the National Records of
- Chapter Ten - Death in Edinburgh
- Cemeteries and crematoria
- Obtaining more information on your ancestor's burial or
- St Cuthbert's Churchyard
- St Giles' Churchyard
- Greyfriars Churchyard
- St John's Episcopal Churchyard
- Canongate Churchyard
- Old Calton Burial Ground
- New Calton Burial Ground
- Holyrood Abbey burials
- War Memorials
- Chapter Eleven - Edinburgh Wills and Inventories
- Chapter Twelve - Inheritance Records, etc
- Retours/services of heirs
- Sasines - land transfers
- Landed estate records
- Fatal accident inquiries
- Chapter Thirteen - Edinburgh's Civil and Criminal Courts
- The Court of Session
- The High Court of Justiciary
- The Sheriff Courts
- The CommissaI)' Courts
- The Admiralty and Exchequer Courts
- Local courts
- Prisons and prisoners
- Chapter Fourteen - Taxing Edinburgh
- Land Tax, 1649-1814
- Hearth Tax, 1691-1695
- Poll Tax, 1693-1699
- Other taxes, 1747-1802
- Chapter Fifteen - Edinburgh's Schools
- The Royal High School
- Leith Academy
- George Heriot's School
- The Mary Erskine School
- George Watson's College
- James Gillespie's High School
- Donaldson's School
- The Edinburgh Academy
- John Watson's Institution
- Stewart's Melville College
- Merchiston Castle School
- Fettes College
- Loretto School
- Other Edinburgh secondary schools
- Where are the school records located?
- Chapter Sixteen - Edinburgh's Universities
- Edinburgh University
- Heriot Watt University
- Edinburgh Napier University
- Queen Margaret University
- Where are the records located?
- Chapter Seventeen - The Statistical Accounts of Scotland
- Sir John Sinclair and the Statistical Accounts
- The Statistical Accounts online
- The Statistical Accounts for the Edinburgh area
- Part Three - Appendices
- Appendix One - Wehsites for Researching Edinburgh Family History
- ScotlandsPeople
- ScotlandsPlaces
- National Records of Scotland
- The National Archives (London)
- National Library of Scotland
- Ancestrycouk
- Findmypastcouk
- Deceased Online
- Capital Collections
- Our Town Stories
- Newhaven-on-Forth
- My Ain Folk
- Appendix Two - Edinburgh Archives
- National Records of Scotland (and ScotlandsPeople Centre)
- National Library of Scotland
- Edinburgh City Archives
- Edinburgh Central Library
- Appendix Three - Edinburgh's Family History Society
- The Scottish Genealogy Society
- Appendix Four - Edinburgh Museums
- National Museum of Scotland
- Museum of Edinburgh (formerly Huntly House Museum)
- The People's Story Museum
- The Writers' Museum
- Museum of Childhood
- Queensfeny Museum
- Museum on the Mound
- Surgeons' Hall Museums
- Appendix Five - Edinburgh Art Galleries
- Scottish National Gallery/Royal Scottish Academy
- Scottish National Gallery of Modem Art
- Scottish National Portrait Callery
- City Art Centre
- Appendix Six - Palace and Castles of Edinburgh
- Holyrood Palace and ruins of Holyrood Abbey
- Edinburgh Castle
- Lauriston Castle
- Ruins of Craigmillar Castle
- Select Bibliography
- Index
- "Alan takes readers through the story of Edinburgh from the earliest times up to the present day, showing how the city’s colourful history has affected the lives of their ancestors. The many genealogical records of Edinburgh are described in detail, while appendices cover genealogy websites and Edinburgh’s many archives, museums, art galleries, castles, palace and family history society." -- celebrate-scotland.co.uk
220 Pages
Softcover - perfectbound
6.25 X 9.25
Photos / illustrations
ISBN: 9781473828575
Published by Pen and Sword, Barnsley, 3rd November 2015
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