Ireland & Northern Ireland Genealogy & History Resources A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland [1842], Comprising The Several Cities, Boroughs, Corporate, Market, and Post Towns, Parishes, and Villages, with Historical and Statistical Descriptions. Second Edition. [2 Volumes on One CD] By: Samuel Lewis [1842] Originally published by Samuel Lewis, London 1842 This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton 2009 (on CD )
Definition: A topographical dictionary is an alphabetically arranged record of accurate details, and precise description of places. Samuel Lewis published his massive Irish topographical dictionary in 1837. The second edition, from which these pages are reproduced, was published in 1842. The complete title of the original work is: A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, Comprising the Several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Corporate, Market, and Post Towns, Parishes and Villages. With Historical and Statistical Descriptions; Embellished with Engravings of the Arms of Cities, Bishopricks, Corporate Towns, and Boroughs; and of the Seals of the Several Municipal Corporations. Second Edition. This Second Edition is more than just a 1842 reprint of the 1837 publication. Lewis added much new information to this Second Edition: "The Proprietors [Lewis et al]...take this opportunity of gratefully acknowledging the numerous communications which they have received from gentlemen who have kindly favoured them with additional information since the publication of the former Edition". This work is organized alphabetically by the names of the villages, parishes, towns, cities, etc, as they were known in 1837-1842, making it very easy for researchers to locate information that they seek about a specific place. Descriptions are very detailed, including civil parish locations as as they relate to known boundaries of existing towns, villages, baronies, counties and provinces. Includes information about principle landowners, church parishes and districts. In Lewis' own words about his criteria for including information in the book: "... endeavoured to present every fact of importance tending to illustrate the local history, or convey useful information respecting the past or present state, of Ireland: fabulous tales and improbable traditions have generally been intentionally omitted; the chief aim being to give, in a condensed form, a faithful and impartial description of each place". A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland [1842] by Samuel Lewis is an essential tool for those who seek knowledge about specific places in Ireland. Sample page (resolution has been reduced for online viewing) 1436 Pages Searchable [.pdf Adobe Acrobat] Originally published by Samuel Lewis, London 1842 This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton 2009 (on CD ) More Genealogy & History Resources from Global Genealogy:
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