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Genealogy & History Resources

BOOK - The Western Canada Photographers List (1860-1925)
By Glen C. Phillips
Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton 2002, 2010
An invaluable guide to help you identify the place and date when a photograph was taken. Many family history researchers have boxes of photographs, but do not know who is depicted in the photo nor when or where it was taken. This book lists individual photographers, where they worked and when. That means that if you have a photograph that includes a photographer's stamp or other identification you can easily find out when and where that picture was taken. Oftentimes that will help you to identify who is in the picture. ISBN 1-894378-56-3    More information
Coilbound......29.95 (C$)
pdf download...... 15.95 (C$)
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Licensed for personal use only

BOOK - Place Names of Alberta
By Geographic Board of Canada
Originally published by the Department of the Interior - Canada, 1928
This edition by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2006

Place Names of Alberta includes the names of all cities, towns, villages and municipal districts, all post offices, all railway stations and the names of many of the rivers, streams, lakes and mountains as they were known in 1928. This resource is especially helpful to those who are researching Alberta families or history for the period of early setlement of the province. Many names of placs have changed in the years since 1928. Other places have ceased to exist since the printing of this record in 1928, while others have flourished to assimilate their nieghboring towns and villages. ISBN 1-894571-73-8    More information
Coilbound......19.95 (C$)
pdf download...... 12.95 (C$)
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BOOK - A History of Manitoba: Its Resources and People
By George Bryce
Originally published by Canada History Company, Toronto, 1906
This edition by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2003 (CD 2011)

Bryce's comprehensive history of Manitoba is invaluable for those who are interested in the history of early Manitoba in general, and the families and individuals who settled in the region before 1906 in particular. In addition to the usual settlement history that one expects from a publication from this time period, the book also provides a quantity of individual and family biographies. Several of those biographies include a portrait and an image of the signature of the person. An extensive new index that includes every instance of a personal name, plus every instance of a place name has been added to this book. Check the More information link for a list of biographies, table of contents and those names that appear in the NEW INDEX.
ISBN 1-894378-68-7 (Hardcover)     More information
Hardcover...... 121.95 (C$)
Book on CD...... 24.95 (C$)
pdf download...... 19.95 (C$)
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Licensed for personal use only

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