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BOOK - A History of Manitoba: Its Resources and People (with a New Index)
By George Bryce
Originally published by Canada History Company, Toronto, 1906
This edition by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2003 (CD 2011)
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Hardcover Edition 7" X 9.75"
Book-on-CD Edition
George Bryce's excellent history of early Manitoba is invaluable for those who are interested in the families and individuals who settled in the region before 1906. In addition to the usual settlement history that one expects from a publication from this time period, the book also provides a quantity of individual and family sketches.
During evaluation of the original book, it struck the publisher that there are a tremendous number of references to the places that early settlers came from. That realization resulted in an extensive new index being done which identifies every instance of a personal name, plus every instance of a place name.
Contents include:
- Descriptive and Topographical. The Archaean Region. Mineral Resources. The Lake Region. Glacial Effects. Shore Line. Surface Features. The Highlands.
- Founding of the Hudson's Bay Company. Rupert's Land
- Government and Trade of the Hudson's Bay Company
- Struggles With the French
- Verandrye and the French in Rupert's Land
- The Scottish Fur Traders of Montreal
- The Nor'Westers of Canada and Their Rivalries and Truces. The
X Y Company
- The Hudson's Bay Company Pushes Inland
- Lord Selkirk's Colony
- The Fur Companies' Struggle
- "Seven Oaks" Skirmish
- Lord Selkirk's Visit
- Fort Garry and Sir George Simpson
- Elements of Population at Red River
- Lord Selkirk's Colony (1817-1835)
- Red River Settlement (1835-1844)
- Discontent in Assiniboia (1845-1869)
- Canada Seeks After Rupert's Land
- The Riel Rebellion (1869-1870)
- Manitoba Created in 1870. The Organic Act of 1870
- The First Decade as a Province. Settlement, Extension of Boundaries and General Provincial Affairs
- The Boom (1879-1882)
- Early Means of Transportation in Manitoba. The Steamboat. The Red River Cart
- The Building of the Railways
- Agriculture and Farming
- Business Interests of Manitoba
- Growth of Cities and Towns
- The Newspapers of Manitoba
- Sketch of Political Development
- The Educational System of Manitoba. Public Schools. Colleges and the University
- The Rise of the Churches
- Social Condition of the People
- The Future of Manitoba (as forecast in 1906)
- INDEX (added exclusively to this edition) click here to view Index
Biographies included:
Adams Bros Adams, D. E Adams, Frank W Adamson, Allan J Agnew, John H Aikenhead, Joseph Aikins, J. A. M Aikins, James C Aikins, J. S Alexander, William Allan, James B Allan, William R.. Anderson, Edward Andrew, George Andrews, Alfred A Arbuthnot, John Arkell, Francis E Armington, Milton J Armitage, Joseph S Armstrong, Hugh Ashdown, James H Bailey, Wilson S Baine, James D Baird, Hugh N Baldwin, James M Banfield, Annine F Bank of British North America Bannister, Wm. A Banting, Charles R. Barber, Edmund L Barclay, Robert Barr, George Barrett, Gregory Barrowclough, Samuel L Baskerville, Charles A Beaubier, Thomas Bell, Charles N. Beliveau, Honnisdas Black, Geo. M Black, John W Black, Thomas Black, William A Blair, John Bolton, Burton W Bonnar, Robert A Bonny, James R Borthwick, Hugh J Boyce, Edward Eriggs, Edward Bright, Albert Brock, Jeffry H Brown, Edward Brown, John Browne, George Bryan, George F Bryans, James Bryce, George Brydges, Frederick H Brydon, William Buck, Thomas H Burrows, Theodore A Byrnes, Henry Cadham, James H Callander, John C Cameron, Douglas C Campbell, Peter Campbell, Robert J Carruthers, George F Carthew, John R Chaffey, Benjamin E Chapin, Festus Chapman, Thomas Chevrier, Horace Clark, Charles W Clark, Douglas A Clark, William Clement, Stephen E Codd, Alfred Codville, John J Congdon, Arthur Cowan, James Cowan, William J Cox, Frederick J. C Cranston, Charles H Crawford, John Crawford, William E Cross, William H Crotty, Henry S Crowe, George R Cunningham, Henry C Curran, John P Currie, William Curry, Duncan S Daly, Thomas M Darrach, Robert Davidson, Alexander Davidson, James H Davis, Fred L Dawson, Alexander Deacon, Thomas R Denison, Albert Dickie, Noble Dingwall, Donald R Drewry, Edward L Drewry, Frederick W Driscoll, John W Drysdale, John A Eadie, James Elliott, George A Evans, Richard D Evans, Thomas D. B Fairbairn, James Fieldhouse, Mannaduke H Fleming, John Fleming, John William Fonseea, William G Forrest, Christopher F Fowler, Frank O Frame, James F Fraser, Alexander C Fry, Henry Fry, John Galloway, Roper Gait, George F. Gait, John Garrioch, W. Scott. Georgeson, William Gibson, James S Glines, George A Gordon, James T Gordon, William Gourley, R. J Graban, Charles Graburn, Christopher Graham, Herbert C |
Griffin, James Y Grundy, James A Hadskis, George H Hagel, Nathaniel F Haggart, Alexander Hall, Robert Hallett, Frank T Hamilton, Daniel Hamilton, Jonathan J Hammond, William J Hanbury, John Handscomb, Sidney T Haney, John R Hannah, John Hargraft, Alexander R Harris, Edward J Harris, John Walter Harrison, Richard M Hart, John A Haverson, John H Hay, Arthur G Heap, James Helliwell, Chas. V Henderson, William Herriot, William Hespeler, William Hetherington, Robert B Higginbotham, Joseph F Higham, James Hobbs, James A Hooper, Samuel Horn, David Hosmer, Edward A. C Houkes, Albert L Howden, James H Anthony J Hughes, Thomas A. M Hughes, Joseph H Hurt, Robert J Hutchings, E. F Hutchinson, Hodgson W Imperial Bank of Canada Inglis, John Innes, James Jackson, George N Jackson, Samuel J James, Edwin A Johnson, James Joslin, William W Kelly, Andrew Kelly, Thomas Kennedy, John Kennedy, William J Kerr, David Kirkcaldy, James Laird, David Lait, William B Lanigan, William B Lawrence, George Lawlor, Thomas J Lee, Thomas Leech, J. Hillyard Leech, Richard E. A Leslie, John Leslie, N. G Lindsay, Jonathan Lochead, John S Lock, Thomas H Locke, Corbet Lockhart, Thomas Love, John Lundy, Frank B Macdonald, Daniel A Macdonald, Hugh J Machaffie, W. A Maclntyre, Lachlan C MacLean, Daniel Macpherson, Ritchie MaeVicar, Edwin L Manitoba Iron Works Manning, Robert F Manville, Herbert A March, Frank M Marlett, Samuel R Martin, Isaac W . Maulson, George J Maw, Joseph McBean, Bruce McClain, Samuel McClure, Gavin McConnell, Benjamin J McCorquodale, Colin McCrae, James W McCuish, Donald J McDiarmid, Alfred R. McDonald, Duncan McFadden, David H McGill, Joseph A Mclnnis, Stanley W Mclntyre, Archibald H Mclntyre, Peter C McKay, Hector McKechnie, John McKenzie, Albert E McKerehar, Daniel W McKinnon, Donald C McLaren, Archibald McLaren Bros McLaughlin, H. Douglas McLennan, Duncan McMeans, Lendrum McMicken, Alexander McMillan, William W McPherson, Hugh McPhillips, George McRae, Alexander C McWilliams, William H Meikle, Harry Meredith, Henry v Miller, William W Monkman, Albert Monteith, George B Monteith, Robert Montgomery, Oswald Montgomery, Thomas Montgomery, Weston Morden, Wilmot F Mott, Ezra A Muir, Robert Mulvey, Stewart Munroe, George F , Murray, George W Murphy, Gabriel B Musgrove, George Myers, Robert H Nanton, Augustus M |
Nation, Frederick Nation, Joseph Newman, Fred L Newman, Thomas A Newton, Charles H O'Donnell, John H Olafson, Gisli Oldfield, John H Ogilvie Hour Milling Co Parrish, William L Paterson, Robert W Pattison, James W Pearson, Ernest W Percival, Thomas M Pitblado, Isaac Pineo, William M Rankin, Andrew D Ramsay, Peter B. H Rea, James F Reesor, D. A Reid, Alexander Renton, John Richardson, Robert D Richardson, Robert L Richardson, William Riley, Robert T Rimer, Francis W Roberts, James A Robinson, Jerry Robinson, Joseph M Robinson, Thomas Roblin, Redmond P Rocan, Maxime Roche, WiUiam J Rochon, E. J Roddick, George Rogers, Robert Ross, Adam E Ruddell, John H Russell, John H. G. Rutherford, Thomas Ruttan, Henry N Ryan, Joseph Ryan, Thomas Salts, William H Schaffner, Frederick L Schmidt, Julius H Schooley, Sloan Scott, Alexander L Scott, Frederick W Scott, James Scott, John A Scott, Robert Scott, Robert R Scott, Stuart Scott, Thomas Scott, William Sexsmith, George Sharpe, Thomas Shaw, Arthur W Shaw, George H Shea, Patrick Sheldon, Charles Shillinglaw, Walter H Shirriff, James Simpson, Charles M Simpson, John Simpson, Robert M Skyiner, Henry J Slater, Andrew E Smith, Alborn Charles Smith, Gilbert C Smith, James Smith, John E Smith, John Smith, Roderick Smith, William P Snelgrove, Alfred H Soames, George Sowden, William H Speirs, John T Spence, James Spink, Samuel Sprague, Daniel E Stobart, Frederick W Stephens, George F Stevenson, William W Stewart, Arthur Stirton, James Strang, Robert Stratton, Ira Strome, Isaiah R Stuart, James Swinford, Herbert Taylor, Richard R Taylor, Thomas W Tees, James Telford, D. McL Thompson, Geo. B Thompson, Harry C Thompson, John W Thomson, Robert S Thomson, Charles J Thomson, John Thomson, Richard S Tilt, Capel Tomalin, William J. C Tupper, James S Walker, David M Walker, William Wallace, James S Waller, Henry E Watson, Johnston Watson, Robert Welch, Alexander R Wellband, William Wemyss, John West, Charles H Wheeler, Charles H. Whitla, R. J Whyte, William Williams, Frank Williams, John Wilson, Andrew E Wilson, William Winearls, Herbert H. Winkler, Valentine Wood, George D Wright, Archibald Wright, James A Young, Ainslie L Young, Finlay McNaughton Younge, Joseph W |
1022 pages including the new index
7" X 9.75"
Hardcover - premium burgundy Tanotex covering
Index (names and places)
Portraits with some biographies (with signatures)
Originally published by Canada History Company, Toronto, 1906
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2003 (CD 2011)
ISBN 1-894378-68-7 (Hardcover)
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