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Quebec, Lower Canada, New France
Genealogy & History Resources

CD ROM - Tanguay Collection - Version 3.0 - 2 CD Set
By Rev Cyprien Tanguay and Joseph-Arthur Leboeuf
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2011
The first CD contains all seven volumes of Dictionnaire généalogique des familles Canadiennes (Genealogical dictionary of Canadian families) originally published between 1871-1890. Covers Catholic vital records for the period of French Canada from 1608 to approximately 1760. Perhaps the most-well known and oft-quoted source for French-Canadian genealogy. The second CD includes three other inportant works including Complément au dictionnaire généalogique Tanguay (600 pages of corrections/additions to Tanguay) by LeBoeuf; À travers les registres (Gleanings from the Registers) by Tanguay; Répertoire général du clergé Canadien (Directory of Canadian Clergy) by Tanguay. Over 5,900 pages of essential information for those researching their early French Canadian or Catholic roots.     More information
CD ROM Set......59.95 (C$)
pdf download......39.95 (C$)
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MISC. VITAL RECORDS - Province of Quebec
By Ontario Genealogical Society - Ottawa Branch
Republished by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2011-current
The Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society published several important records for Western Quebec. Long out of print they are now reprinted by Global Heritage Press in printed and digital formats.

IMPORTANT: Listed below is every book that has been republished (available immediately), or can be republished (available within 7 days). Books that are already republished have a hot link to a "More information" page where you can learn more about the book and order immediately. Books that are not yet republished are available upon request. To initiate republishing of a book, email a request to We republish the book in printed and pdf formats and send you a link to the information/ordering page within 7 days.
    Cemetery Records - Quebec
    • 1891 Cemetery, Old Chelsea, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Centre Eardley Cemetery, Aylmer, Qubec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Edina Cemetery, Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Dalesville Public Cemetery, Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Québec    More information
    • Hall's Cemetery, Wakefield, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • MacLaren Cemetery, Wakefield, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Norway Bay United & Norway Bay Anglican Cemeteries, Bristol, Québec    More information
    • Pink's Cemetery (Mountain View), Hull Township (Gatineau), Québec    More information
    • Private Cemetery, Chelsea, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Protestant Cemetery, Cantley, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Scotch Road Cemetery, Grenville Township, Argenteuil County, Québec    More information
    • St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cantley, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • St. James Anglican Cemetery, Hull, Gatineau, Québec    More information
    • St. James Anglican Church, Hudson, Vaudreuil County, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • St. Mary's Anglican Church, Como, Vaudreuil County, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • St. Matthew's Anglican Church Cemetery, Grenville Village, Argenteuil County, Québec    More information
    • St. Mungo's United Church Cemetery, Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Québec    More information
    • St. Stephen's Anglican Cemetery, Buckingham, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Old Chelsea, Quebec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Two Cemeteries of Masham, La Peche Township, Outaouais, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Census Records - Quebec
    • 1825 Census of Hull Township, Buckingham, Lochabour, & Templeton - Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information
    • 1851 Census of Eardley Township, Canada East (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • 1851 Census of the Township of Hull, Canada East (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Church Records - Quebec
    • Canadian Wesleyan Methodist Baptisms [5 vols] (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Church of England Parish Registers of North Clarendon & Thorne, 1864-1916 [most are 1873-1916], Pontiac County, Quebec    More information
    • Church of England Parish Register, North Clarendon & District, 1864-1873, Pontiac County, Quebec    More information
    • Church Records of St. Andrew's Presbyterian/UC, 1881-1939, Poltimore & Cantley, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Estate Records - Quebec
    • Carleton County, Ontario and Western Quebec Probates and Administrations - Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information

    Immigration Records- Quebec
    • Names of Emigrants, From the 1845-1847 Records of James Allison, Emigrant Agent at Montreal   More information

    Militia Records - Quebec
    • Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information
      • Hull Militia, 1808
      • Eardley Militia, 1808
      • Onslow Militia, 1808

    Newspaper Vital Record Transcriptions - Quebec
    • Birth, Marriage, and Death Notices from the Shawville Equity 1883-1916 (Pontiac County)   More information

BOOK - Ottawa District Marriage Register 1816 - 1853 [Eastern Ontario]
By Dan Walker, Fawne Stratford-Devai
Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999 (CD version 2013)
Includes all or part of the following contemporary counties: Prescott, Russell & Carleton ( also some marriages from bordering Quebec townships). Surrounding contemporary counties include: Dundas, Stormont, Glengarry, Grenville, Lanark, Renfrew.
ISBN 978-1-894571-12-8 (coilbound)     More information including an Index
Softcover...... 49.95 (C$)
Book on CD...... 21.95 (C$)
pdf download...... 17.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Loyalist Refugees, Non-Military Refugees in Quebec 1776-1784
By Gavin K. Watt
Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2014
Soldiers did not come alone. In the past, wives, mothers, fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers and children of the fighting men have been given secondary treatment. In Loyalist Refugees, they are the subjects of a study describing the systematic persecution that forced so many to seek refuge in Quebec. How these unfortunate people were housed, fed, clothed and employed is examined, as is their desperate unhappiness and discontent. This book identifies and lists details for more than 2,000 non-military loyalist refugees who sheltered in lower Quebec during the American Revolution—pointing researchers to crucial primary and secondary sources in Canada, the USA, and the UK. Many if not most of these refugees migrated to places across British North America and beyond, after their period of sanctuary in Quebec. ISBN 978-1-926797-96-0 (Coil bound)     More information
Coilbound......65.95 (C$)
pdf download......18.95 (C$)
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BOOK - L'île d'Orléans [Isle of Orleans, Quebec]
By: Pierre Georges Roy
Originally published by Historic Monuments Commission of the Province of Quebec, Quebec, 1928
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2011 (CD 2011)

A high-quality production, our edition of L'île d'Orléans contains all of the pages of the original work, including the 14 full colour plates, plus a colour image of the origial cover. L'île d'Orléans is an essential read for everyone with an interest in French settlement in North America insofar as a large percentage of French Canadians and Franco-Americans can trace their ancestry to early residents of the island. Île d'Orléans has been described as the "microcosm of traditional Quebec and as the birthplace of francophones in North America." High resolution pdf versions of this book are available both on CD or as a pdf download, however the printed hardcover edition is now out of print.
ISBN 978-1-926797-51-9 (Hardcover)     More information
Book on CD......24.95 (C$)
pdf download......19.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Reports of the Commissioners on the Rebellion Losses in the years 1837-1838 - in Lower Canada (Quebec)
Published by Provincial Parliament, Montreal, 1852
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2013

This Report of the Commissioners on the Rebellion Losses... focuses on 107 claims of the final 348 claims that were still outstanding in 1852. These 107 denied or partially denied claims make especially interesting reading insofar as so many of the claimants participated directly in the Rebellion, or materially supported the rebel cause. After an explanitory preamble the report continues with a list of the claimants names and amounts of claim, where they lived, details about the amount of the claim. The bulk of the book contains written explanations supporting the Commissioners' decisions on each individual claim (identified by claim number and person's name), plus several pieces of releavant correspondence and related explanation.     More information
Book on CD......19.95 (C$)
pdf download......15.95 (C$)
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BOOK - The Parish Registers of Births, Marriages, Deaths of St. Regis Roman Catholic Mission (Early Jesuit) 1784-1879 [Hogansburg, New York]
Compiled by Duncan MacDonald
Originally published by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 1989
This edition published by MacDonald Research*, Milton, 2010 (CD 2012)
*MacDonald Research is an imprint of Inc.

This pair of books contain the transcribed Baptism, Burial and Marriage registers of St. Regis Roman Catholic Mission of Hogansburg, New York which began as an early Jesuit Mission that served Roman Catholics the area in New York State that is on the American side of the St. Lawrence River east of Ogdensburg, South Glengarry Township (Ontario), and south western tip of the province of Quebec. South Glengarry Township is in the present-day united counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. ISBN 9781926797410 (vol 1); ISBN 9781926797427 (vol 2)     More information...
    Part 1 (1784-1830)
      Coil bound......46.95 (C$)
      Book on CD......19.95 (C$)
      pdf download......15.95 (C$)
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    Part II (1831-1879)
      Coil bound......79.95 (C$)
      Book on CD......24.95 (C$)
      pdf download......19.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Montreal Directory, 1868-69
Compiled by John Lovell & Co.
Originally published by John Lovell & Co., Montreal, 1868
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2000 (CD 2011)

The John Lovell directory of the city of Montreal for the years of 1868 to 1869 contains an alphabetical listing of the citizens of the city and a street directory that lists head of household an occupation of occupant of each address. It also includes subscribers and advertisers classified business directories and a miscellaneous directory. ISBN 1-894378-38-5 (Hardcover)    More information
Hardcover...79.95 .. 39.95 (C$)
Book on CD......24.95 (C$)
pdf download......19.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Notre-Dame de Montréal [RC], Selected Records of Baptism, Marriage and Burial for Early Scots and Irish 1775-1810
Compiled by Duncan (darby) MacDonald
Originally published by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 1992
This edition published by MacDonald Research*., Milton, 2012

Duncan (darby) MacDonald U.E. was an active member of the Clan Donald society in Canada when he undertook the task of transcribing all "births" [baptisms], marriages and "deaths" [burials] of Scots and Irish recorded in the parish registers of Notre-Dame de Montreal Roman Catholic Church. What he sought were records of families who later settled in and near Cornwall/Stormont in Ontario (Upper Canada) or were related to those families. MacDonald also noted that he included parish records of "some family names of English, German, French, etc origin which your author/editor felt would be of interest". That means that Mr. MacDonald did not do a complete transcription, but focused on the many families that complimented his personal research interests. It is important for those considering purchasing this book to refer to the index to ensure that the records you seek are included. The Index is available here. As we were preparing this book for reprinting it was immediately noticable that a goodly number of events recorded here are for people from, living in, or going to places distant from Montreal including present-day Ontario, United States, and overseas. ISBN 978-1-926797-65-6     More information
Coilbound......43.95 (C$)
Book on CD......19.95 (C$)
pdf download......15.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Forests and Clearings - The History of Stanstead County, Province of Quebec, With Sketches of More Than Five Hundred Families
Compiled by B. F. Hubbard
Revised, Abridged, with Additions and Illustrations by John Lawrence
Originally published by Lovell Printing and Publishing Co., Montreal, 1874
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2010
This authoritive local history provides a comprehensive description of the history of Stanstead County from the time of the earliest European settlers until 1874. Genealogists and the descendants of those early pioneers and inhabitants of Stanstead county will especially be drawn to the collection of more than five hundred family histories/sketches. Overflowing with names, dates and places as well as local history of the community that the county's early families forged from the wilderness. ISBN 9781926797137 (Hardcover)     More information
Book on CD......23.95 (C$)
pdf download......18.95 (C$)
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BOOKS - History of Brome County From the Dates of the Grants of Land therein to the Present Time, With Records of some Early Families [Quebec]
By Rev. Ernest M. Taylor, M.A.
New Indexes by Arlene Royea [2009]
Volume One - Originally published by John Lovell and Son, Montreal 1908
Volume Two - Originally published by John Lovell and Son, Montreal 1937
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2009

The Reverend Ernest M. Taylor created two volumes of history of Brome County and family sketches of the people who called Brome their home. The first volume was published in 1908. The author had intended to have the second volume ready soon after, "however, various matters occassioned the delay", not the least being the challenge of accumulating the histories of failies who settled in teh county pior to 1850. That second volume was published 29 years later in 1937. These works have been valued by historians and genealogists ever since. Both volumes include carefully prepared text that offers valuable insights into the early settlement and development of the County of Brome. ISBN 978-1-926797-02-1 (vol 1); ISBN 978-1-926797-03-8 (vol 2)     More information
Vol. 1 Hardcover......86.95 (C$)
Vol. 1 pdf download......17.95 (C$)
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Vol. 2 Hardcover......97.95 (C$)
Vol. 2 pdf download......18.95 (C$)
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BOOK - History of Shefford
By Cyrus Thomas
Originally published by Lovell Printing and Publishing, Montreal, 1877
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton 2001

A historical reprint of the original 1877 book with a new every-name index. The author discusses the civil, ecclesiastical, biographical and statistical history of Shefford Quebec, as it was known in 1877. Of great interest to those who seek knowledge of the region during its early development and the personalities that guided it throughout its development. Local individuals and their accomplishments are included as well as lists of those who served in public office, sorted by year. ISBN 1-894378-46-6 (Hardcover)     More information
Book on CD......20.95 (C$)
pdf download......16.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Sketches of Some Early Shefford Pioneers (Quebec, Canada) (1905)
By J. P. Noyes
Originally published by Waterloo Public Library, Waterloo, 1905
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2006

The design of this book is to provide of a series of biographical sketches to accompany portraits of ten men who had, in one way or another, been intimately connected with the early history of Shefford. In telling the stories of these men, Noyes also shed considerable light on the settlement and development of Shefford, as well as on family members and others in the community up to 1905.     More information
Hardcover......49.95 (C$)
pdf download......15.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Pioneers of The Upper Ottawa, and The Humors of the Valley [Hull & Aylmer, Quebec area]
By Anson Guard.
Originally published by Emerson Press, Ottawa, 1905.
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999 (CD 2009)

Genealogists will rejoice to see this new edition of Pioneers of the Upper Ottawa, with its wealth of genealogical information about families in the Aylmer-Eardley-South Hull area. The original edition of 1906, published by a small press in Ottawa, has disappeared so thoroughly that even libraries have not found copies to place in their rare book rooms. The core of the book, and the justification for republishing it after so many years of neglect, are the genealogies which occupy the last third of the volume. All the earliest families are listed, with information about who married whom, where migrant children have gone and whose farms various descendants occupy now. This historical reprint includes a new introduction and a new index. ISBN 1-894378-28-8 (Hardcover)     More information
Hardcover......77.95 (C$)
Book on CD......23.95 (C$)
pdf download......19.95 (C$)
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BOOK - History of The Ottawa Valley, A Collection of Facts and Reminiscences For Over Half A Century [Ontario & Quebec]
By J. M. Gourlay
Originally published 1896
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton 2008 (CD 2010)

History of The Ottawa Valley is a great resource for those with an interest in the settlement and early development of the communities in the Ottawa Valley. The book addesses both the Ontario and Quebec sides of the Ottawa River. Seemingly endless references to specific settlers and early community leaders populate the pages of this respected history. Originally published in 1896. ISBN 1-978-1-897446-3-5 (Hardcover)     More information
Book on CD......22.95 (C$)
pdf download......17.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Contributions To The History of The Eastern Townships, Accounts of the Early Settlement of St. Armand, Dunham, Sutton, Brome, Potton, and Bolton [Quebec, Canada]
By Cyrus Thomas.
Originally published by John Lovell, Montreal 1866.
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2006 (CD 2009)

Cyrus Thomas created a work that has endured as a valued reference work since it was first published by John Lovell, Montreal in 1866. It is a carefully prepared text that offers valuable insights into the early settlement and development of the Eastern Townships of present-day Quebec as reported by a witness from more than one hundred and forty years ago.     More information
Book on CD......23.95 (C$)
pdf download......18.95 (C$)
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BOOK - History of the Eastern Townships (1869) Province of Quebec, Dominion of Canada
By Mrs. C.M. Day
Originally published by John Lovell, Montreal, 1869
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2005
The author describes the founding and development of the Eastern Townships in detail. The book contains much biographical information about individuals and families who settled in the area. An invaluable reference for everyone with an interest in the early history of the Eastern Townships of Quebec (Lower Canada / Canada East). ISBN 1-897210-72-8 (Hardcover)     More information
Hardcover......89.95 (C$)
pdf download......19.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Pioneers of the Eastern Townships
by Mrs. C.M. Day
Originally published by John Lovell, Montreal, 1863
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton 2000 (CD 2010)

This high quality historical reprint contains pioneer sketches of the first settlers in this area, as well as a very good description of what they encountered while establishing a life for themselves in the New World. New Index! According to the original author : "the object of the book is to bring a more lively remembrance of the hardships and privations suffered by the early settlers of these townships." ISBN 1-894378-45-8 (Hardcover)     More information
Hardcover......59.95 (C$)
Book on CD......21.95 (C$)
pdf download......16.95 (C$)
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BOOK - History of Compton County and Sketches of the Eastern Townships, District of St. Francis, and Sherbrooke County
Compiled by L.S. Channell
Originally published by L.S Channell, Cookshire, 1896
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton 1999 (CD 2009)

After more than 100 years, this book is still considered an essential resource for those with an interest in the early settlement history of Commpton County, and its founding families. Filled to the brim with biographical sketches, first-hand accounts, and historical records from a wide array of primary and secondary sources, The History of Compton County will continue to delight readers and researchers for centuries to come. Most information was gathered from old settlers, old newspapers, government reports, municipal records, and written accounts left by some pioneers. ISBN 1-894378-13-X (Hardcover)     More information
Hardcover......78.95 (C$)
Book on CD......22.95 (C$)
pdf download......17.95 (C$)
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BOOK - History of the Counties of Argenteuil, Quebec & Prescott, Ontario
By: Cyrus Thomas
Originally published by John Lovell & Son, Montreal, 1896.
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999 (CD 2010)

Cyrus Thomas, educator and author, wrote this comprehensive history of neighboring counties - one in Quebec, and one in Ontario - in 1896. This book remains the foremost published history of the settlement and development of the region up to its publication date in 1896. The historical and family sketches included in History of the Counties of Argenteuil, Quebec & Prescott, Ontario, contain a wealth of names and genealogical information that will be of great interest to those with an interest in the history and families of the region. ISBN 1-894378-06-7 (Hardcover)     More information
Book on CD......24.95 (C$)
pdf download......19.95 (C$)
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BOOK - The History of the County of Huntingdon, and of the Seigniories of Chateaugay and Beauharnois from Their Settlement to the year 1838
By Robert Sellar
Originally published by Canadian Gleaner, Huntingdon, 1888
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton 2010

This thick county history is overflowing with the history of the settlement and advancement of the Quebec county of Huntingdon and the seigniories of Chateaugay and Beauharnois from the time of the first Europwan settlement up to 1838. Lists of occupants of properties and first settlers are a windfall for family historians who seek information about their ancestors who settled or lived in the community. Much anecdotal and biographical information about specific individuals is included in this fine local history. ISBN 9781926797045 (Hardcover)     More information
Hardcover......128.95 (C$)
BOOK on CD......24.95 (C$)
pdf download......19.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Pontiac County Protestant Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1864-1911, St. George's, St. Stephen's & St. Mathew's Anglican Churches
By Dawn Murphy
Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999
This book consists of information extracted from microfiche records of Anglican circuit riders and churches from Pontiac County Quebec. Pontiac County is located on the Ottawa River, upstream from the present day cities of Ottawa & Hull, situated opposite the Ontario counties of Renfrew and Lanark. Many of the family names contained in this book will be familiar to those who have researched in Lanark and Renfrew as there was a great deal of migration between the counties. ISBN 1-894378-09-1     More information
Coilbound......39.95 (C$)
pdf download......16.95 (C$)
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BOOK - St. Joseph De Soulange, Les Cèdres, Québec. Some Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1777-1833
By Duncan MacDonald
Originally published by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 1991
This edition published by MacDonald Research, Milton, 2010
This book includes carefully transcribed records of baptisms, marriages and burials from 1777 until 1833 that were recorded in the regiters of St. Joseph De Soulange Roman Catholic Church in Les Cèdres, Québec. Also included are images of pages from the original registers. ISBN : 9781926797243 (Hardcover)     More information
Coilbound......24.95 (C$)
pdf download......12.95 (C$)
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BOOK - La Grande Recrue de 1653: The Colonists Who Saved Montreal
By Ronald J. Auger, translated to English by Dianne J. Little
Published by Quintin Publications, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, 2002
In 1953, Montreal celebrated the 300th anniversary of the coming of "La Grande Recrue de 1653." Published for the celebration, this book is filled with names, biographies and history but was available in French only. Until this translation, it has not been available in an English version. The translator's objective in translating this book was to make the information accessible to English speaking researchers interested in genealogy who do not read the French language. It remains an important book in the study of French Canadian genealogy for all descendants who trace ancestors to this historical time and place. La Grande Recrue de 1653 is frequently listed in bibliographies concerning the history of not only Montreal and but also all of French Canada, books about demographics, and biographies of the pioneers of New France, to name just a few. More information
Coilbound...89.95 (C$)

BOOK - King's Daughters and Founding Mothers: The Filles du Roi, 1663-1673 (2 Volume Set)
By Peter J. Gagné
Published by Quintin Publications, Orange Park, 2001-2008
A groundbreaking biographical dictionary of the nearly 800 women and girls sent from France to populate Quebec between 1663 and 1673. The introduction explains the need for the program, compares it to similar initiatives by the British and Spanish, dispels misconceptions about the Filles du Roi and gives a history of the program in Canada. Includes information and index to husbands of Filles du Roi. Written in English.
ISBN 1-58211-950-3 (vol 1) (Softcover); ISBN 1-58211-731-4 (vol 2) (Softcover)    More information

2 Vol. Set......124.95 (C$)

BOOK - The Good Regiment. The Carignan-Salieres Regiment in Canada, 1665-1668
By Jack Verney.
In 1665 the Carignan-Salieres Regiment was sent to Canada by King Louis XIV to quell the Iroquois, whose attacks were strangling the colony's fur based economy and threatening to destroy it's tiny settlements. In this book, Jack Verney reveals that soldiers in the Carignan-Salieres Regiment were not saintly knights but caroused, womanized, and gambled just like those of any other infantry. Many of their members married some of the first French women to come to the colonies, and some married women from the 'Fille du Roi' immigration.
ISBN 1-58211-932-5 (Softcover)     More information
Softcover......39.95 (C$)

BOOK - Before The Kings Daughters, The Filles a Marier 1634-1662
By Peter J. Gagné
Published by Quintin Publications, Orange Park, 2008
Before the state-sponsored immigration program that sent nearly 800 women known as Filles du Roi to Québec, 262 brave and adventurous women made the journey to New France on their own. Sent by relatives and religious organizations or enlisting on their own account, these women did not benefit from a paid passage and dowry drawn from the King’s treasury, but they did face the same if not worse hardships and dangers. Known as the Filles à Marier or “marriageable girls,” they were the first single women to set foot in the colony since its return from the English in 1632. True pioneers and heroines, they left their homes in France to found new ones in the New World. This book – the first work dedicated solely to this group of pioneer women – tells their story, collectively and individually. It first examines the much-misunderstood early immigration of women to New France, explaining the need for women in the colony, the difficulties in increasing the population and the unfounded assertions that these women were prostitutes, not pioneers. The book then includes individual biographies of each of these 262 single women and concludes with a table of arrivals per year, an appendix of supporting documentation (marriage and enlistment contracts and inventories), a glossary, index of husbands and a comprehensive index to the book. This is an English language edition. More information
Coilbound...89.95 (C$)

BOOK - The Christie Seigneuries, Estate Management and Settlement in the Upper Richelieu Valley, 1760-1854
By: Francoise Noel
Published by McGill-Queen`s University Press, Montreal, 1992
In The Christie Seigneuries, Françoise Noël provides a detailed case study of the Christie Seigneuries in the Upper Richelieu Valley (in what is now Quebec) during the period from the French surrender to the British in 1760 to the commutation act of 1854 ending seigneurial tenure. While most seigneurial studies have focused on the censitaires, Noël examines the administrative practices of the seigneurs themselves.
ISBN: 9780773508767     More information
Hardcover......84.95 (C$)

BOOK - The Patriots and the People: The Rebellion of 1837 in Rural Lower Canada
By Allan Greer
Published by University of Toronto Press, Toronto
The Patriots and the People is a fundamental reinterpretation of the Rebellion. Allan Greer argues that far being passive victims of events, the habitants were actively responding to democratic appeals because the language of popular sovereignty was in harmony with their experience and outlook. He finds that a certain form of popular republicanism, with roots deep in the French-Canadian past, drove the anti-government campaign. Institutions such as the militia and the parish played an important part in giving shape to the movement, and the customs of the maypole and charivari provided models for the collective actions against local representatives of the colonial regime. More information
Softcover.... 43.95 19.95 (C$)

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to Canada

Three Sisters from Kensington & Chelsea Union

The Dale's Cemetery
Russell County, Ontario

Pink's Cemetery
Hull Township
(Gatineau), Quebec