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BOOK - The Talbot Regime, The First Half Century of the Talbot Settlement
By C.O. Ermatinger, K.C.
Originally published by The Municipal World Ltd, St. Thomas, 1904
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999

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This rare volume illustrates early settlement and historical events of the southwestern portion of Upper Canada, that later became part of the province of Ontario in 1867. The hardcover version is temporarily out of print however the PDF downloadable version was produced from our original print master and is completely searchable.

Contents include
  • CHAPTER I.—" The Finest Forest in the World
  • CHAPTER II.— Talbot's Family and Early Life
  • CHAPTER III.— Talbot and Governor Simcoe
  • CHAPTER IV. — Detroit and Site of London' Visited
  • CHAPTER V.— Talbot's Military Career.— Royal Dukes' Friend-ship. — " Skitteewaabaa"
  • CHAPTER VI — Simcoe's Letter, — Lord Hobart's Order. — Dunwich Selected
  • CHAPTER VII. — Settlement Begun. — Early Settlers. — Talbot Road. — Hardships and Difficulties
  • CHAPTER VIII — Simon Zelotes Watson. — Governor Gore. — War Begins
  • CHAPTER IX. — Hull's Invasion. — Westbrook and Watson. — Fall Of Detroit
  • CHAPTER X. — Proctor's Western Campaign. — Battles of Lake Erie and Moraviantown. — Tecumseh's Death
  • CHAPTER XI. — The Rolphs' Hospitality. — Militia Services and Pay. — Commissariat Troubles
  • CHAPTER XII.— Militia Exploits.— Raids on Port Talbot.— Mills Burned. — Westbrook at Oxford
  • CHAPTER XIII.— Port Dover Burned. — Marauding Desperadoes. — McArthur's Raid. — Close of the War
  • CHAPTER XIV. — Colonel Talbot and the Provincial Government. — Attends Colonial Office and the Result
  • CHAPTER XV. — Annuity to Colonel Talbot. — Further Visits to Colonial Office. — The North Branch Talbot Road. — Originator of Settlement Duties and Good Roads.
  • CHAPTER XVI.— Scotch in Aldborough and Dunwich. — Bees and Balls. — Opposition to Colonel Talbot
  • CHAPTER XVII.— Dr. John Rolph.— Colonel Burwell.— Elections. — Two Scotch Baronets
  • CHAPTER XVIII.— The Talbot Anniversary.— St. Thomas.— A Talbot Settlement in London Township. — Courts AND Officials Moved to London
  • CHAPTER XIX. — Early Threshing Machines. — Joseph Pickering. — Farming in 1825-6
  • CHAPTER XX.— St. Thomas in 1830.— Rev. M. Burnham
  • CHAPTER XXI— The New District Capital.— London's First Decade, 1826-1836. — Early Settlers. — Officials, Lawyers, Doctors
  • CHAPTER XXII. —Letters From Colonel Talbot to Hon. Peter Robinson 1830- 1834. — The Cholera
  • CHAPTER XXIII. —St. George's Day, '32.— Colonel Talbot's Speech
  • CHAPTER XXIV.— Talbot Anniversary in 1832.— Some New Arrivals. — St. Thomas in the Thirties. — Early Settlers. — Newspapers and Barracks In Both Towns
  • CHAPTER XXV. — Mrs. Jameson in the Settlement. . . .178
  • CHAPTER XXVI. — Political Affairs of the Province. — Rebellion OF 1837. — Dr. Chas. Duncombe
  • CHAPTER XXVIL— Duncombe's Rising and Flight.— The "Elegant Extracts " and the Caroline
  • CHAPTER XXVIIL— Invasion of Western Frontier.— St. Thomas Cavalry. — Schooner Anne. — Fighting Island. — Battle of Pelee Island. — Invasion at Windsor
  • CHAPTER XXIX.— Port Stanley Threatened.— Bela Shaw.— Hon. E. Leonard. — Disaffection in South Yarmouth. — Executions at London
  • CHAPTER XXX. — The Macbeths. — Colonel Airey's Regiment. — St. Thomas in the 40's
  • CHAPTER XXXI. — London in the 40's. — Killaly Banquet. — Fires. — Lord Elgin 242
  • CHAPTER XXXII. — Progress of Settlement, Municipally, Materially, ETC. — Towns, Villages and Town- ships Described. — Chatham and Windsor- in THE 40's
  • CHAPTER XXXIII. — Moral and Religious Condition. — Church Progress. — The Various Churches. — Dr. Strachan's Visit to Chatham and Talbot Road
  • CHAPTER XXXIV. — Early Schools and Educational Progress
  • CHAPTER XXXV. — Colonel Airey's Return. — Letters to Judge Salmon. — Lady Emmeline Wortley's Visit. — Colonel Talbot's Last Visit to England. — His Death
  • CHAPTER XXXVI.— Anecdotes of the Colonel CHAPTER XXXVII.— Estimate of Colonel Talbot.— Pioneers at Rest
Appendices include:
  • A — The Talbot Papers, Previous to War of 1812.
  • B — Papers Relating to War of 1812, Militia Mustek Rolls, etc.
  • C — Lists of Persons Plundered in Long Point and Talbot Settlements During the War, etc.
  • D — Talbot Papers Subsequent to the War, Letters to Major Salmon and From Dr. John Rolph and Sir P. Maitland.
  • E — The Talbot Anniversary Correspondence.
  • F — Letters and Documents Relating to Rebellion 1837-38. — List of St. Thomas Cavalry.
  • G — Miscellaneous, Relating to Colonel Talbot's Visits to England, etc., in 1848 and 1850. — Lists of Judges, Magistrates, Teachers, Inspectors, etc.
The Talbot Regime also includes an index, and 36 illustrations of prominent people, and significant buildings.

475 Pages (including introduction and illustrations)
6" x 9.25"
Illustrations (36)
Originally published by The Municipal World Ltd, St. Thomas, 1904
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999

ISBN 1-894378-10-5

Names included in the INDEX

The Appendices, which include many names and lists of names, are not indexed. From the book: "The Appendices are not indexed, but names contained in them may readily be found under their appropriate headings. Colonel Thomas Talbot's name appears so constantly throughout the book that it is unnecessary to include it in the Index".
    Ackland, Judge; Ackland, Gideon; Acklyn, Squire; Adams, Edward; Adams, family; Airey, Sir George; Airey, Richard, (Col.) (Lord), S; Airey, Julius; Airey, Mrs., (afterwards Lady); Alexander, Mr.; Alexander, John; Allen, Judge; Allen, Rev. D.; Allen, Thomas; Allworth, A. J.; AUworth, Rev.W. H.; Anderson, David; Anderson, Dr.; Andrews, Richard; Angus & Birrell; Anne, schooner; Applegarth, Mr.; Arkell, family; Arkell, William; Arkell, Thomas; Armand, de la Richardie, Rev.; Armstrong, A. S.; Arthur, Sir George; Askin, Col. J. B.; Askin, John H. L.; Askins, The; Ault, John; Aylmer, Lord

    Baby; Baby, Hon. James; Baby, F. and C; Baby, W. L.; Backhouse, Col. and family; Backus, Stephen; Backus's; Bagot, Sir Charles; Baker, »; Baker, Elder; Baldwin, Dr. W. W.; Baldwin, Hon., Robt., S; Balkwill, John; Ball; Bannerman; Bannerman, Sir George; Barber, John; Barclay, Capt.; Barnes, Jonas; Barto; Barwick, Major; Barwick, Hugh; Basden, Capt.; Bate, N. W.; Bathurst, Earl; Battersby, Lieut.; Bayley, Rev. B.; Bazley; Beals, Major; Beauprie, John; Becher, H. C. R.; Bedford; Beemer, John; Bell, Mr.; Bell, Capt.; Belton, Rev. S.; Benedicts; Benners; Bennett, Holton; Berdans; Berett, Rev. T.; Best; Bidwell, Mr.; Bierce; Big-elow; Bird; Birrell & Co.; Black, Mr.; Blackburn, Josiah; Blackhouse, Capt.; Blackwood, James; Blackwood, Andrew and Robert; Blake, Rev. D. E., Hons. W. H.; Edw. and S. H.; Blue, John; Blue, Archibald; Bonnell, Mr.; Borbridge; Bostwick, Henry; Bostwick, Rev. Gideon; Bostwick, Col. John; Bostwick, John, Jr.; Bostwick, Misses; Boswell, Rev. E. J.; Boughner, John; Boughners; Boulton, James; Boulton, H. J.; Bowen, Major; Bowes; Bowlby's; Bowman, Dr. D. J.; Bowyer, Rev. R. C; Boyd, Elder; Boyer, Rev. R. C; Bradley, Colonel; Brant, Joseph; Bray, Elder; Brebeuf; Breen, Lieut.; Breffney; Brigham, B. B.; Brock, Sir Isaac; Broderick, Capt.; Brooks, Thos.; Brough, Rev. C. C; Brough, family; Brown, John; Brown, General; Brown, Hon. George; Brown, Gordon; Brown, Dugald; Brown, Rev. Charles; Browne, Capt.; Bruce, Dr.; Buchanan, Mr.; Buchanan, Hon. Isaac; Buchanan, Isaac, (N. Yarm'th); Buchanans; Buckingham, Marquis of; Bullens; Bullock, Lieut.; Bostwick, Gideon; Burdick; Burdick, Freedom; Burke, Rev. Father; Burleigh; Burnham, Rev. Mark; Burnham, Hon. Z.; Burwell, Col. Mahlon and family; Burwell, John; Burwell, James; Burwell, Samuel; Bury, Wm.; Busbee, Mr.; Buscerk, Mr.; Butler, Lt. Col.; Butlers

    Caddy, John H.; Cadillac; Call, Enos; Caldwell, Capt.; Cameron, Ewen; Campbell; Campbell, Dugald; Campbell, Sir Alex.; Campbell, Elder D.; Campbell, Colonel; Campbell, Miss; Campeau; Campion, Rev. Jas. W.; Carfrae, Robt.; Carling, Thomas; Carling', Sir John; Caroline, steamer; Carpenter; Carroll, Abraham; Carroll, Capt.; Carroll, Peter; Carroll, Rev. Father; Cascaddens; Casey, Geo. E.; Cassick, Thos.; Caughell, John; Caughell, David; Caug'hell, family; Caulfield, Rev. St. Geo.; Chadwick, Mr.; Chambers, Capt.; Champlain; Charlevoix; Charltons; Charraonel, Bishop; Chase; Chaumonot; Cheeseman, Adjt.; Chisholm, Dr.; Chisholm, Lawrason; Chrysler. James; Chute, Elder; Chutes; Clarence, Duke of; Claris, Geo. T.; Claris, John; Clarke, Albert; Clarke, Rev. W. F.; Clench, Joseph B.; Cleverly, Fred; Cline, Jacob; Clines; Clunas; Colborne, Sir John; Coleman, Capt.; Collins, Sergeant; Collins, C; Collins, H. E.; Collins; Coltman, Widow; Colton, R.; Comfort, Stephen; Comfort, Hiram; Cooper, Sir Astley; Corbett; Cornishes, The; Cornish, W. K.; Cornisli, Frank; Couche, Dep. Com. Gen'l; Cowley, Miss; Cowley, Joseph; Coyne, Henry; Coyne, William; Coyne, James; Craddock, Miss; Craig'; Crandell, Elder; Crandell, Jeremy; Crane, George; Crane, Anthony; Crane, Mr. and Mrs ; Crawdon, Wm.; Crawford, Mr.; Crinnon, Rev. Father; Cronyn, Bishop; Cronyn, Verschoyle; Crooks, Hon. James; Crossetts; Crouse, Dr.; Cruikshank, Mr.; Crutchley, General; Cullen, Rev. John; Cumberland, Duke of; Cunningham, C; Curran, Col.; Curran, J. P.; Currie; Curtis, J. Thomas; Curtis, Capt.

    Dalzell, Col.; Darling; Davidson, John; Davis; Davis, Capt. R.; Davis, John; Decow, Jacob; Defields, Joseph; DeLaroche, Daillon; Delaware Castle; Dewar, Thos.; Dickson; Dingman; Dixon, Capt.; Dixon, John; Dixon, T. C; Doan, J.; Doan, J. G. and wife; Dobbie, G. and A.; Dockstader; Dodd, John; Dodd, James; Dodge, Colonel; Dollier de Casson; Dolsens; Dolsen, J. and M.; Donnelly, Dr.; Doolittles; Dorchester, Lord; Dougall, James; Dougall, J. J.; Douglas, Sergeant; Douglas, John; Douglas and Warren; Dowland, Sergeant; Downie, Rev. Father; Drake, Roderick; Drake, Wm.; Drake, Benj.; Drake, Richard; Drake, Daniel; Drake, James W.; Draper, Hon. W. H.; Drew, Capt.; Drummond, Gen'l Sir G.; Drummond, Alex.; Du L'hut; Duck; Duggan, John; Duncombe, Dr. C. and family; Duncombe, Dr. E. and family; Duncombe, David; Dunlop, Dr.; Dunn, Hon. Mr.; Durfee; Durrant, Rev. J.; Dyer, Miss

    Eastabrook, Joseph; Eastwood, Elder; Eberts, Capt.; Ebbs, Rev. E.; Eccles, S. and family; Edison, Thos. A.; Edisonf Samuel; Edmonds, Miss; Edmondson, John; Edward, Duke of Kent; Edward, Mr.; Edwards, Mor'v'n M.; Elgin, Lord; EUesmere, Lady; Elliott, Colonel; Elliott, Capt.; Elliott, Judge Wm.; Elliott, George; Elliott, Rev. F. Gore; Ellison, J., R. and F.; Ermatinger, E. and F.; Ermatinger, Capt. and family; Evans, Wm.; Evans, Sirde Lacy; Evans, Rev. F.; Ewart, John

    Farlane, J. M.; Farley, Ann; Farley, James; Farnham; Ferguson; Ferguson, Rev. Geo.; Ferrin, Samuel; Finch's Mills; Finlay, J. P.; Finlay, Philip; Finnis, Capt.; Fisher's Glen; Fitzgerald, Capt.; Fitzgerald, Mr.; Fitzgibbon, Colonel; Fleming, James; Flood, Rev. R.; Flood, John; Forbes, Alex.; Ford, Thomas; Forsyth; Foster, Geo.; Fowler, Levi; Francis, Capt. ; Franklin, Dr.; Franklins; Fraser, Simon; Eraser, Mr.; Fraser, Rev. W.; Fraser, Rev. John; Freeman; French; Fullerton, Mathews

    Galbraith; Galbraith, Walter; Galinee; Ganson, Elisha S.; Gardiner, Thomas; Gardiner. Singleton; Gardner, Lieut.; Garnsey, Samuel; Garrett; Geary, Wm.; Geeris, Wm.; George IIL; George IV.; Georgina; Gibbins, Mr.; Gibbons, James; Gilbert, R. and sons; Gilbert, Ira; Gilbert, David; Gilbert, Dr.; Gillies, Archibald; Gillies, John; Givens, Colonel; Givens, James, Judge; Glasgow, Capt.; Glasgow; Glass, Sheriff; Glegg, Major; Glenelg, Lord; Goderich, Lord; Going, Dr. H.; Goodhue, Hon. G. J.; Goodhue, Dr. J. C; Gooding, Charles; Gordon, Capt.; Gore, F., Lieut. Governor; Gould, Anson; Gourlay, Robt.; Gowan, O. k.; Graham; Grame, Lieut.; Grant, Chas., Sr.; Grant, Commodore; Granville, Lord; Gray, Lieut.; Green; Grey, John; Grey, John, Jr.; Grey, Foilet; Grey, Lord; Griffin, Edw. ; Griffin, Sanders; Griffin, Gilbert; Griffon, The; Grogan, Capt.; Groves, Constable; Guernsey; Guest, Thomas; Gumes, John; Gunn, Geo.; Gunn, W. & Co.; Gunne, Rev. John; Gunns; Gzowski, Sir Casimir

    Haekstaflf, C. H.; Hagerman, Solicitor-General; Haggert, Neil; Haight; Haleys; Hall; Halton, Major; Hambly, Mr.; Hamilton, Lieut. -Col.; Hamilton & Warren; Hamilton, James; ,SS. ; Hamilton, Hon. John; Hamilton, Henry; Hamilton, Rev. John; Hamiltons; Hancks, Lieut.; Handy, General H. S.; Hanover, King of; Hannah, Wm.; Hanvey, Daniel; Hardinge, Lord ; Hardy, Joseph; Harris; Harris, John; Harris, Mrs. Amelia; Harris, Sarah B.; Harris, Helen V.; Harris, Eliza; Harris, Elder; Harrison, General; Harrison, William; Haskett, William; Hatches; Hatt; Hawkesworth; Hay, Mr., Sec. ; Head, Sir F. B.; Hennepin; Henry, Chas.; Henry, George; Hess, John; Heward; Hickie, Rev. John; Hickory, Colonel," ; Highs; Hincks, Sir F.; Hitchcock; Hobart, Lord; Hobson, Rev. W. H.; Hodge, Thomas; Hodgkinson, Mr.; Hodgkinson, George; Hodgkinson, T.; Hodgkinson, B.; Holland, Rev. H.; Hollywood; Holmes, Capt.; Holmes, Samuel; Holmes, Marcus; Holmes, Major; Hope, Hon. Adam; Hope and Hodge; Hope, Birrell & Co.; Hope, Charles; Hopkins, Elder; Horner, Thos.; Horton, William; Horton, Edward; Hortons; Handley, Major; House; Hovey, M.; Howard, Thos.; Howey, Thos.; Howey, James; Harrison, Dr.; Hughes, Judge D. J.; Hull, General; Hume, Joseph; Hume, Dr.; Hunter, Lieut. General; Hunter, Jeffry; Hunter, Mrs.; Hutchisons; Hyman, E. W.

    Ingersol, Chas.; Ingersbll, James; Innes, Sir James

    Jackson, Rev. J.; James, C. C; Jameson, Vice-Chancellor; Jameson, Mrs.; Jamieson, Rev. Andrew; Jannette, F.; Jenkins, Thos.; Jennin|rs, John; Johnson, Sir Wm.; Johnston. Capt.; Johnston, Mr.; Joliet; Jones, Stuart; Jones, Capt.; Jung, Michael; Kains, W. K.; Kaye, O. C, Lister; Kearney, L. C .; Keir, A. and T.; Kempt, Sir James; Kent, Duke of; Kents; Kent & Southwick; Kerr, John; Kerr, Thos. ; Kerr, Capt.; Kerr, Geo.; Keys, Robt.; Killaly, Hon. H. H.; Kilsall, Lieut.; King-sford; Knights; Labatt, Mr.

    Labatt, family; Labouchere, Mr.; Ladd, Alvro; Ladd, Lemuel; Ladd, Phural; Lafontaine; Laing, Joseph; Lampman, Peter; Lampman, Rev. A.; Landon, Elder; Lanes; Langanj E.; Lapenotiere, Mr.; LaSalle; Lawless, L.; Lawrason, L.; Lawrason & Chisholm; Lawrence, Geo.; Lawton, Geo.; Learn, Jesse; Lee, Dr., no; Lee, Hiram D.; Lee, James; Lees, The; Lefroy, Capt; Leitch; Leonard; Hon. E.; Leonard, family; Lennox, Lady Sarah; Leslie, Capt.; Leslie, John; Lewis, Capt.; John Lewis. ; Lewis, Frank; Lewis, Benjamin; Lewis, A. B.; Lewis, Barnabas, and sons; Light, W. S.; Lindop, T. L.; Lindsay, Lieut. - Col.; Lindsay, Chas.; Lister, Kaye; Little, Col.; Littlehales, Sir E. B.; Livingstone, Samuel; Livingstone, Wm.; Lock, Wm. H.; Locker, Thomas; Loder's; Long. Marshal; Long, Mr.; Lount; Love, Col.; Love, Alex.; Lowe, Miss; Luke; Lyman, Moore & Co.; Lynn; Lyon, W . B. ; Lyon, Nathan

    Mabee, Simon; Mack, Rev. F.; Maitland, Sir P.; Maitland, Lady Sarah; Maitland, Colonel; Malcolm; Malcolm, Eliakim; Mallory, Benajah; Mallory, Captain; Mandeville, David; Markle, A . ; Marlatt, Daniel; Marlatt, John; Marrs; Marr, David; Marsh, Elder; Martin, Wm.; Mathews, Thos.; Mathews, Capt.; Mathews, Edw.; Mathews, Mr.; Medcalf, Lieut.; Meeks; Menzie, John; Meredith, J. W. C; Meredith, Sir W. R.; Meredith, Justice; Merrick, Levi; Merril, Elder; Metcalfe, Lord; Millard, Daniel; Millards; Miller, John; Miller, Edwin; Miller & Kent; Mills; Miller, N. and Hon. D.; Mills, Rev. Father; Mills, Elder; Mitchell, Judge; Mitchell, White; Mitchells; Mockeridge, Rev. Jas.; Moffat, Mr.; Montross, Silas ; Mooney, Wm.; Moore, Elias; Moore, M. T.; Moore, Dr.; Morgan, H. J.; Morley, Rev. Mr.; Morrill, Simeon; Morrisoni Dr.; Morse, Corny.; Mortimer, Rev. A.; Mount, Roswell; Mountain, Bishop; Mountcashel, Earl of; Mountjoy; Muckle, John; Muir, Major; Munro, George; Munro, James; Munro, Sheriff; Munroe; Mr.; Murray, Sir Georgie; McArthur, General; Macbeth, George and family; McCann, Hugh; McCarton, Thos.; McCausland, A. and J.; McClary, John and family; McCoU, Thos. and S.; McColI, NicoU; McCoU, Dugald; McConib, steamer; McConnells; McConnell, Shook; McCormacks; McCormack, Capt.; McCormack, Wm.; McCrea's; McDermonds; McDermond, Elder; McDiarmid, Finlay; McDonald, Sir J. A.; McDonald, Sandy; McDonnell, John; McDonnell, Bishop; McDougall, Mr.; McDougall, John; McDougall, Colin; McEwen, D. and J.; McFadden; McFee, Daniel; McGregor, Gregor. ; McGregor, Lieut.; McGregor, Peter; McGregor, Duncan; McGugan, Donald; Mcintosh, Rev. A.; Mclntyre, Daniel; Mclntyre, Ross and; Mclntyres; McKay, Angus; McKay, John; McKay, William; McKay, Mrs. and Miss; McKeaud and Bell; McKee, Colonel; McKeon, Capt. ; McKellar, Peter; McKellar, Sheriff; McKellar, Rev. D.; McKenney, Doyle; McKenney, Richard; McKenzie, W. Lyon; McKenzie, Murdock; McKenzie, George; McKenzie, Duncan; McKenzie, the explorer; McKenzie, Rev. Donald; McKilligan, Rev.; McKindley, James; McKinnon, Rev.; McLachlin, A.; McLean, Alex.; McLeod, "General; McLeod; McLemans; McLoughlin, Michael; McLoughlin, John; McManus, Patrick; McMillan; McMillan, Rev. D.; McNab, Andrew; McNab, Sir Allan; McNaughton, Donald; McNeal, Archibald; McNeal, Hugh; McPherson; McPherson, Mrs.; McPyerson, D. and H.; McPherson, Rev. Lachlin; McQueen, Major

    Napier, Sir Chas.; Neals; NefF, Peter J.; Nelles; Nevills, Major; Nevills, Miss; Nichol, Lt.-Col.; Nichol, George; Nichol, Mrs. R. B.; Niles, W. H.; Niles, Mr.; Nixon, Walter; Northumberland, Duke of; Norvall, John; Notman, Mr.

    Oakes, Garrett; O'Brien, Joseph; O'Brien, Dennis; O'Dwyer, Rev. Father; O'Flynn, Rev. Father; O'Neal, John; O'Neil, Wra.; Orchards; O'Reilly and Newcombe; O'Reilly, James; Orr> Major; Osgoode, Chief Justice

    Page, Jesse; Palmer; Papineau; Parish, Thomas; Parish, David; Parkes; Parke, William; Parke, Thomas; Parke, Samuel; Parke, E. J.; Parkins, ex-Sheriff; Parkinson, R.; Partridg-e, Mr.; Patterson, Col. Leslie; Paterson (piper); Patterson, D.; Pauls; Paul, Anson; Paul, Eltham; Paul and Rhykert; Payne, Esau; Paynes; Peacey, Wm.; Pearce; Penhale, Richard; Penwarden; PerIey,'A.; Perley, Colonel; Perry, Capt., (Commodore) ; Petrie, Rev. Geo.; Phalen, John; Phillips, Dr.; Phillpot; Pickering, Joseph; Pickle, Elder; Pollard, Rev. R.; Pontiac; Porter, Maj.-Gen'l; Portland, Lord; Portman, Hon. M. B.; Pounds; Powell, Chief Justice; to ; Prevost, Sir Geo.; Price, Samuel; Prince, Col.; Pritchards; Proctor, General H.; Proctor, Mrs.; Proudfoot, Rev. W.; Purdy; Putnams; Putnam, Mr.; Pyne, Rev. A.

    Radcliffe, Colonel; Raglan, Lord; Railton, Geo.; Ralph, Robt.; Randolph; Randall, Mr.; Rapelje, Daniel; Rapelje, Mrs.; Rapelje, Sheriff A. A.; Ratcliff; Ralhcoffey; Read, Rev. T. Bolton; Reed; Reeks; Reid, James; Reiffenstein, St. Adjt.; Retter, Mr.; Reynolds, Surgeon; Rhykert, Paul; Rice, Moses; Richards, Mr.; Richardson, Jos. and T. B.; Richardson, Richard; Richardson, Hugh; Richardson, Major J.; Richardson; Richmond, Duke of; Richmond, Duchess of; Ridout, Surveyor-General; Ridout, Georgfe; Rider; Riley, Isaac; Ritchie, Rev. Wm.; Rob; Roberts, Lord, g; Roberts, Capt.; Roberts, Br. Gen. E. J.; Robertson, Alex.; Robertson, Thos.; Robinson, Sir J. B.; Robinson, Sir F. B.; Robinson, Hon. Peter; Robinson, Hon. John B.; Robinson, John; Robinson, Malcolm; Rodgers, Peter; Roe, Dr. J. Hill; Roe, Charles; Roe, John A.; Roebuck; Rogers; Roll, Dr.; Rolph, Dr. Thomas; Rolph, Dr. John; Rolph, Rev. Romaine; Rolph, Rev. Thomas; Rolph, Georg-e; Rolph, Sarah; Rolph, Emma; Ros, Lord de; Rose, Rev. Samuel; Ross & Mclntyre; Ross, Rev.; Rottenburgh, Gen. de; Rouse, Elder; Rowland, Elder D. W.; Russell, Prest. Peter; Russell, Peter; Rutledge, Miss; Ryan, Rev. T. D.; Ryerse, Samuel; Ryerse, Mrs.; Ryerse Mills; Ryerson, Col. Joseph; Ryerson, George; Ryerson, Egerton; Ryerson, Rev. Wm., John and Edw. M.

    Salmon, Major; Salmon, Mrs.; Salmon, Judge; Salmon, Rev. Geo.; Salter, John; Sanders, Mr.; Sandys, Rev. F. W.; Saxton, Alex, and Wm.; Saxton, John; Scanlan, Mrs ; Scatchard, John; Scatchard, Thomas; Schofields; Schofield, Ira; Schooleys; Scott, Chief Justice; Scott, George; Scott, Mr. ; Scott, Rev. John; "Scott's" ; Schram, Peter; Seabrooks; Seaton, Lord; Secord, David; Selby, Mr.; Selkirk, Lord; Sells, John; Sells, Wm.; Senseman; Seward, Col.; Shanly, James; Shaw, Bela; Shaw, Aeneas, Maj.-Gen'l; Sheaffe, Maj.-Gen'l; Shenich, Mrs.; Shepherd, T. W.; Sheppard, Edmund; Shepherdson, Rev. D.; Sherich; Sherwood, Judge; Sherks; Sholes; Shore, Capt.; Shore's; Sifton, John; Sifton, Charles; Silcox, Joseph; Silcox, Revs. J. B. and E. D.; Simcoe, Governor; Simpson, Levi; Simpson, Sir J.; Sinclair, Elder; Skinner, Rev. James; Skitteewaabaa; Sloot, Elder; Smeit, Lieut. -Col.; Smith, Dr.; Smith, Mr.; Smith, P.; Smith, Sir D. W.; Smith, Garrett; Smith, Rev. L B.; Smith, Moore & Co.; Smith, "Dandy; Smith; Smith, Col. Samuel; Southwick, Dr.; Sovereen; Sparke, Capt.; Speedy, schooner; Springer; Spurgin, Wm.; Stacey's; Staffords; Stanley, Lord; Stevens; Stewart, Bishop; Stewart, Rev. James; Stewart, Duncan; Stewart, John; Stimson, Rev. E. R.; Stimson, Dr.; Stimson, Miss; Stokes; Stoney, Edmunds; Storor's; Storey; Strachan, Bishop; Strathy, J. B.; Stratton, Henry; Street, W. W.; Street, Rev. G. C; Strong & Wheeler; St. George, Colonel; St. Clair; Suffel, George; Sullivan, Mr.; Summers'; Sutherland, General; Sutherland, William; Sutherland, Rev. W. R.; Suttons; Sutton, John, Jr.; Sutton, John, (Westminster); Swartz, Lewis; Swazey, Rev. Caleb; Swisher; Sydenham, Lord; Sydere, Ed.; Sydere, Arthur; Symonds, Thos.

    Talbots de Malahide; Talbot, Lieut.-Col., Neil; Talbot, Barbara; ^ Talbot, William; Talbot, Hon. Freeman; Talbot, Ed. A.; Talbot, John; Talbots (Tipperary); Taylor (school master); Taylor, William; *Teal, Asa; Tecumseh; Teeple, Peter; Teeple, Pelham; Ten-Brock, John; Thayer, Israel; Thebo, Capt.; Thellar, Dr., (General); Theyendanegea; Thompson, J. and Sam; Thompson, Mr., (Ft. Stanley); Thompson, James C; Thorpe, Judge; Tiffany, Mr.; Tilden; Tisdale; Tomlinson, R.; Tonty; Tovey, Rev. A.; Tozer, Chas. G. A.; Travers; Travers, Dr.; Travers, Dr. John; Trowbridge; Trydell, Col.; Turners; Turquand, Dep. Com.; Turrils; Turvills; Triton, ship; Tyas, Mr.; Tyrrel, John

    Vail, Mr.; VanAllen, Capt.; VanAUen, Mills; VanBroklyn, Mr.; VanBuskirk, Mr.; VanBuskirk, Dr. W. C; Vandusen, Rev.; VanEvery, Mr.; VanNorman, Mr.; Vanpatters; VanRensselaer; Vincent, General; Vining, Elder; Von Schultz

    Wade; Wade, Dr.; Walker; Walker, Weeden; Walker, John; Walthew, John; Walthew, James; Warburton, Lieut. -Col.; Ward, Capt.; Ward, family; Warren, Mr.; Warren, Thos. D.; Warren, Douglas; Warren, Hamilton; Wastell, Rev. W. P.; Waters'; Watson, James; Watson, Simon Z.; Watson, Mrs. Dixie; Watson; Webb, Wm.; Wegg, George; Welch, Thos.; Wellesley, Arthur; Wellington, Duke of; Westbrook; Westlake, Duncan; Westmoreland, Lord; Westovers; Wetherall, Col.; White and Mitchell; Whitehead, G. W.; Whyte, Mrs.; Widdifield; Wilcocks; Wilcox, Joseph; Wilkinson, Elder; William, Prince & King; Williams, Titus; Williams, Richard; Williams, Thomas; Williams, Samuel; Williams, Judge; Williams, Jonathan; Williams, Wynant; Williams, G. R.; Williams, Mrs.; Williams, Dr.; Williams, Elder; Willis, Judge; Williston, Rev.; Wills, Mr.; Wilson, Capt.; Wilson, Col. Ben.; Wilson, Crowell; Wilson, Jeptha; Wilson, Mrs. J. H.; Wilson, John, (Judge); Wilson, Maj.-Gen. Jas. H.; Wilson, Dr.; Wilson, Elder; Wilsons; Winchester, Gen'l; Wogan; Wolseley, Lord; Wood, W. R.; Wood; Wood, Amasa; Wood, Nathan; Wood, Philo; Woodford, Sir A.; Woods, Judge R. S.; Woodward, Lieut. J. K.; Woolleys; Wortley, Stuart; Wortley, Lady; Wright, Francis; Wright, Rev. Mr.; Wrong, Gilbert

    Yeigh, Mrs. KateW.; Yeo, Sir J.; Yerex, J.; York, Duke of; Youmans, R,V. D.; Young, Lady; Young, Sir Wm.; Young, Mr. Miss., F.; Young, Judge

    Zeisberger, T.

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