Ontario / Upper Canada
BOOK - The Talbot Regime, The First Half Century of the Talbot SettlementGenealogy & History Resources By C.O. Ermatinger, K.C. Originally published by The Municipal World Ltd, St. Thomas, 1904 This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999
This rare volume illustrates early settlement and historical events of the southwestern portion of Upper Canada, that later became part of the province of Ontario in 1867. The hardcover version is temporarily out of print however the PDF downloadable version was produced from our original print master and is completely searchable. Contents include
475 Pages (including introduction and illustrations) 6" x 9.25" Illustrations (36) Index Originally published by The Municipal World Ltd, St. Thomas, 1904 This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999 ISBN 1-894378-10-5 Names included in the INDEX The Appendices, which include many names and lists of names, are not indexed. From the book: "The Appendices are not indexed, but names contained in them may readily be found under their appropriate headings. Colonel Thomas Talbot's name appears so constantly throughout the book that it is unnecessary to include it in the Index".
Baby; Baby, Hon. James; Baby, F. and C; Baby, W. L.; Backhouse, Col. and family; Backus, Stephen; Backus's; Bagot, Sir Charles; Baker, »; Baker, Elder; Baldwin, Dr. W. W.; Baldwin, Hon., Robt., S; Balkwill, John; Ball; Bannerman; Bannerman, Sir George; Barber, John; Barclay, Capt.; Barnes, Jonas; Barto; Barwick, Major; Barwick, Hugh; Basden, Capt.; Bate, N. W.; Bathurst, Earl; Battersby, Lieut.; Bayley, Rev. B.; Bazley; Beals, Major; Beauprie, John; Becher, H. C. R.; Bedford; Beemer, John; Bell, Mr.; Bell, Capt.; Belton, Rev. S.; Benedicts; Benners; Bennett, Holton; Berdans; Berett, Rev. T.; Best; Bidwell, Mr.; Bierce; Big-elow; Bird; Birrell & Co.; Black, Mr.; Blackburn, Josiah; Blackhouse, Capt.; Blackwood, James; Blackwood, Andrew and Robert; Blake, Rev. D. E., Hons. W. H.; Edw. and S. H.; Blue, John; Blue, Archibald; Bonnell, Mr.; Borbridge; Bostwick, Henry; Bostwick, Rev. Gideon; Bostwick, Col. John; Bostwick, John, Jr.; Bostwick, Misses; Boswell, Rev. E. J.; Boughner, John; Boughners; Boulton, James; Boulton, H. J.; Bowen, Major; Bowes; Bowlby's; Bowman, Dr. D. J.; Bowyer, Rev. R. C; Boyd, Elder; Boyer, Rev. R. C; Bradley, Colonel; Brant, Joseph; Bray, Elder; Brebeuf; Breen, Lieut.; Breffney; Brigham, B. B.; Brock, Sir Isaac; Broderick, Capt.; Brooks, Thos.; Brough, Rev. C. C; Brough, family; Brown, John; Brown, General; Brown, Hon. George; Brown, Gordon; Brown, Dugald; Brown, Rev. Charles; Browne, Capt.; Bruce, Dr.; Buchanan, Mr.; Buchanan, Hon. Isaac; Buchanan, Isaac, (N. Yarm'th); Buchanans; Buckingham, Marquis of; Bullens; Bullock, Lieut.; Bostwick, Gideon; Burdick; Burdick, Freedom; Burke, Rev. Father; Burleigh; Burnham, Rev. Mark; Burnham, Hon. Z.; Burwell, Col. Mahlon and family; Burwell, John; Burwell, James; Burwell, Samuel; Bury, Wm.; Busbee, Mr.; Buscerk, Mr.; Butler, Lt. Col.; Butlers Caddy, John H.; Cadillac; Call, Enos; Caldwell, Capt.; Cameron, Ewen; Campbell; Campbell, Dugald; Campbell, Sir Alex.; Campbell, Elder D.; Campbell, Colonel; Campbell, Miss; Campeau; Campion, Rev. Jas. W.; Carfrae, Robt.; Carling, Thomas; Carling', Sir John; Caroline, steamer; Carpenter; Carroll, Abraham; Carroll, Capt.; Carroll, Peter; Carroll, Rev. Father; Cascaddens; Casey, Geo. E.; Cassick, Thos.; Caughell, John; Caughell, David; Caug'hell, family; Caulfield, Rev. St. Geo.; Chadwick, Mr.; Chambers, Capt.; Champlain; Charlevoix; Charltons; Charraonel, Bishop; Chase; Chaumonot; Cheeseman, Adjt.; Chisholm, Dr.; Chisholm, Lawrason; Chrysler. James; Chute, Elder; Chutes; Clarence, Duke of; Claris, Geo. T.; Claris, John; Clarke, Albert; Clarke, Rev. W. F.; Clench, Joseph B.; Cleverly, Fred; Cline, Jacob; Clines; Clunas; Colborne, Sir John; Coleman, Capt.; Collins, Sergeant; Collins, C; Collins, H. E.; Collins; Coltman, Widow; Colton, R.; Comfort, Stephen; Comfort, Hiram; Cooper, Sir Astley; Corbett; Cornishes, The; Cornish, W. K.; Cornisli, Frank; Couche, Dep. Com. Gen'l; Cowley, Miss; Cowley, Joseph; Coyne, Henry; Coyne, William; Coyne, James; Craddock, Miss; Craig'; Crandell, Elder; Crandell, Jeremy; Crane, George; Crane, Anthony; Crane, Mr. and Mrs ; Crawdon, Wm.; Crawford, Mr.; Crinnon, Rev. Father; Cronyn, Bishop; Cronyn, Verschoyle; Crooks, Hon. James; Crossetts; Crouse, Dr.; Cruikshank, Mr.; Crutchley, General; Cullen, Rev. John; Cumberland, Duke of; Cunningham, C; Curran, Col.; Curran, J. P.; Currie; Curtis, J. Thomas; Curtis, Capt. Dalzell, Col.; Darling; Davidson, John; Davis; Davis, Capt. R.; Davis, John; Decow, Jacob; Defields, Joseph; DeLaroche, Daillon; Delaware Castle; Dewar, Thos.; Dickson; Dingman; Dixon, Capt.; Dixon, John; Dixon, T. C; Doan, J.; Doan, J. G. and wife; Dobbie, G. and A.; Dockstader; Dodd, John; Dodd, James; Dodge, Colonel; Dollier de Casson; Dolsens; Dolsen, J. and M.; Donnelly, Dr.; Doolittles; Dorchester, Lord; Dougall, James; Dougall, J. J.; Douglas, Sergeant; Douglas, John; Douglas and Warren; Dowland, Sergeant; Downie, Rev. Father; Drake, Roderick; Drake, Wm.; Drake, Benj.; Drake, Richard; Drake, Daniel; Drake, James W.; Draper, Hon. W. H.; Drew, Capt.; Drummond, Gen'l Sir G.; Drummond, Alex.; Du L'hut; Duck; Duggan, John; Duncombe, Dr. C. and family; Duncombe, Dr. E. and family; Duncombe, David; Dunlop, Dr.; Dunn, Hon. Mr.; Durfee; Durrant, Rev. J.; Dyer, Miss Eastabrook, Joseph; Eastwood, Elder; Eberts, Capt.; Ebbs, Rev. E.; Eccles, S. and family; Edison, Thos. A.; Edisonf Samuel; Edmonds, Miss; Edmondson, John; Edward, Duke of Kent; Edward, Mr.; Edwards, Mor'v'n M.; Elgin, Lord; EUesmere, Lady; Elliott, Colonel; Elliott, Capt.; Elliott, Judge Wm.; Elliott, George; Elliott, Rev. F. Gore; Ellison, J., R. and F.; Ermatinger, E. and F.; Ermatinger, Capt. and family; Evans, Wm.; Evans, Sirde Lacy; Evans, Rev. F.; Ewart, John Farlane, J. M.; Farley, Ann; Farley, James; Farnham; Ferguson; Ferguson, Rev. Geo.; Ferrin, Samuel; Finch's Mills; Finlay, J. P.; Finlay, Philip; Finnis, Capt.; Fisher's Glen; Fitzgerald, Capt.; Fitzgerald, Mr.; Fitzgibbon, Colonel; Fleming, James; Flood, Rev. R.; Flood, John; Forbes, Alex.; Ford, Thomas; Forsyth; Foster, Geo.; Fowler, Levi; Francis, Capt. ; Franklin, Dr.; Franklins; Fraser, Simon; Eraser, Mr.; Fraser, Rev. W.; Fraser, Rev. John; Freeman; French; Fullerton, Mathews Galbraith; Galbraith, Walter; Galinee; Ganson, Elisha S.; Gardiner, Thomas; Gardiner. Singleton; Gardner, Lieut.; Garnsey, Samuel; Garrett; Geary, Wm.; Geeris, Wm.; George IIL; George IV.; Georgina; Gibbins, Mr.; Gibbons, James; Gilbert, R. and sons; Gilbert, Ira; Gilbert, David; Gilbert, Dr.; Gillies, Archibald; Gillies, John; Givens, Colonel; Givens, James, Judge; Glasgow, Capt.; Glasgow; Glass, Sheriff; Glegg, Major; Glenelg, Lord; Goderich, Lord; Going, Dr. H.; Goodhue, Hon. G. J.; Goodhue, Dr. J. C; Gooding, Charles; Gordon, Capt.; Gore, F., Lieut. Governor; Gould, Anson; Gourlay, Robt.; Gowan, O. k.; Graham; Grame, Lieut.; Grant, Chas., Sr.; Grant, Commodore; Granville, Lord; Gray, Lieut.; Green; Grey, John; Grey, John, Jr.; Grey, Foilet; Grey, Lord; Griffin, Edw. ; Griffin, Sanders; Griffin, Gilbert; Griffon, The; Grogan, Capt.; Groves, Constable; Guernsey; Guest, Thomas; Gumes, John; Gunn, Geo.; Gunn, W. & Co.; Gunne, Rev. John; Gunns; Gzowski, Sir Casimir Haekstaflf, C. H.; Hagerman, Solicitor-General; Haggert, Neil; Haight; Haleys; Hall; Halton, Major; Hambly, Mr.; Hamilton, Lieut. -Col.; Hamilton & Warren; Hamilton, James; ,SS. ; Hamilton, Hon. John; Hamilton, Henry; Hamilton, Rev. John; Hamiltons; Hancks, Lieut.; Handy, General H. S.; Hanover, King of; Hannah, Wm.; Hanvey, Daniel; Hardinge, Lord ; Hardy, Joseph; Harris; Harris, John; Harris, Mrs. Amelia; Harris, Sarah B.; Harris, Helen V.; Harris, Eliza; Harris, Elder; Harrison, General; Harrison, William; Haskett, William; Hatches; Hatt; Hawkesworth; Hay, Mr., Sec. ; Head, Sir F. B.; Hennepin; Henry, Chas.; Henry, George; Hess, John; Heward; Hickie, Rev. John; Hickory, Colonel," ; Highs; Hincks, Sir F.; Hitchcock; Hobart, Lord; Hobson, Rev. W. H.; Hodge, Thomas; Hodgkinson, Mr.; Hodgkinson, George; Hodgkinson, T.; Hodgkinson, B.; Holland, Rev. H.; Hollywood; Holmes, Capt.; Holmes, Samuel; Holmes, Marcus; Holmes, Major; Hope, Hon. Adam; Hope and Hodge; Hope, Birrell & Co.; Hope, Charles; Hopkins, Elder; Horner, Thos.; Horton, William; Horton, Edward; Hortons; Handley, Major; House; Hovey, M.; Howard, Thos.; Howey, Thos.; Howey, James; Harrison, Dr.; Hughes, Judge D. J.; Hull, General; Hume, Joseph; Hume, Dr.; Hunter, Lieut. General; Hunter, Jeffry; Hunter, Mrs.; Hutchisons; Hyman, E. W. Ingersol, Chas.; Ingersbll, James; Innes, Sir James Jackson, Rev. J.; James, C. C; Jameson, Vice-Chancellor; Jameson, Mrs.; Jamieson, Rev. Andrew; Jannette, F.; Jenkins, Thos.; Jennin|rs, John; Johnson, Sir Wm.; Johnston. Capt.; Johnston, Mr.; Joliet; Jones, Stuart; Jones, Capt.; Jung, Michael; Kains, W. K.; Kaye, O. C, Lister; Kearney, L. C .; Keir, A. and T.; Kempt, Sir James; Kent, Duke of; Kents; Kent & Southwick; Kerr, John; Kerr, Thos. ; Kerr, Capt.; Kerr, Geo.; Keys, Robt.; Killaly, Hon. H. H.; Kilsall, Lieut.; King-sford; Knights; Labatt, Mr. Labatt, family; Labouchere, Mr.; Ladd, Alvro; Ladd, Lemuel; Ladd, Phural; Lafontaine; Laing, Joseph; Lampman, Peter; Lampman, Rev. A.; Landon, Elder; Lanes; Langanj E.; Lapenotiere, Mr.; LaSalle; Lawless, L.; Lawrason, L.; Lawrason & Chisholm; Lawrence, Geo.; Lawton, Geo.; Learn, Jesse; Lee, Dr., no; Lee, Hiram D.; Lee, James; Lees, The; Lefroy, Capt; Leitch; Leonard; Hon. E.; Leonard, family; Lennox, Lady Sarah; Leslie, Capt.; Leslie, John; Lewis, Capt.; John Lewis. ; Lewis, Frank; Lewis, Benjamin; Lewis, A. B.; Lewis, Barnabas, and sons; Light, W. S.; Lindop, T. L.; Lindsay, Lieut. - Col.; Lindsay, Chas.; Lister, Kaye; Little, Col.; Littlehales, Sir E. B.; Livingstone, Samuel; Livingstone, Wm.; Lock, Wm. H.; Locker, Thomas; Loder's; Long. Marshal; Long, Mr.; Lount; Love, Col.; Love, Alex.; Lowe, Miss; Luke; Lyman, Moore & Co.; Lynn; Lyon, W . B. ; Lyon, Nathan Mabee, Simon; Mack, Rev. F.; Maitland, Sir P.; Maitland, Lady Sarah; Maitland, Colonel; Malcolm; Malcolm, Eliakim; Mallory, Benajah; Mallory, Captain; Mandeville, David; Markle, A . ; Marlatt, Daniel; Marlatt, John; Marrs; Marr, David; Marsh, Elder; Martin, Wm.; Mathews, Thos.; Mathews, Capt.; Mathews, Edw.; Mathews, Mr.; Medcalf, Lieut.; Meeks; Menzie, John; Meredith, J. W. C; Meredith, Sir W. R.; Meredith, Justice; Merrick, Levi; Merril, Elder; Metcalfe, Lord; Millard, Daniel; Millards; Miller, John; Miller, Edwin; Miller & Kent; Mills; Miller, N. and Hon. D.; Mills, Rev. Father; Mills, Elder; Mitchell, Judge; Mitchell, White; Mitchells; Mockeridge, Rev. Jas.; Moffat, Mr.; Montross, Silas ; Mooney, Wm.; Moore, Elias; Moore, M. T.; Moore, Dr.; Morgan, H. J.; Morley, Rev. Mr.; Morrill, Simeon; Morrisoni Dr.; Morse, Corny.; Mortimer, Rev. A.; Mount, Roswell; Mountain, Bishop; Mountcashel, Earl of; Mountjoy; Muckle, John; Muir, Major; Munro, George; Munro, James; Munro, Sheriff; Munroe; Mr.; Murray, Sir Georgie; McArthur, General; Macbeth, George and family; McCann, Hugh; McCarton, Thos.; McCausland, A. and J.; McClary, John and family; McCoU, Thos. and S.; McColI, NicoU; McCoU, Dugald; McConib, steamer; McConnells; McConnell, Shook; McCormacks; McCormack, Capt.; McCormack, Wm.; McCrea's; McDermonds; McDermond, Elder; McDiarmid, Finlay; McDonald, Sir J. A.; McDonald, Sandy; McDonnell, John; McDonnell, Bishop; McDougall, Mr.; McDougall, John; McDougall, Colin; McEwen, D. and J.; McFadden; McFee, Daniel; McGregor, Gregor. ; McGregor, Lieut.; McGregor, Peter; McGregor, Duncan; McGugan, Donald; Mcintosh, Rev. A.; Mclntyre, Daniel; Mclntyre, Ross and; Mclntyres; McKay, Angus; McKay, John; McKay, William; McKay, Mrs. and Miss; McKeaud and Bell; McKee, Colonel; McKeon, Capt. ; McKellar, Peter; McKellar, Sheriff; McKellar, Rev. D.; McKenney, Doyle; McKenney, Richard; McKenzie, W. Lyon; McKenzie, Murdock; McKenzie, George; McKenzie, Duncan; McKenzie, the explorer; McKenzie, Rev. Donald; McKilligan, Rev.; McKindley, James; McKinnon, Rev.; McLachlin, A.; McLean, Alex.; McLeod, "General; McLeod; McLemans; McLoughlin, Michael; McLoughlin, John; McManus, Patrick; McMillan; McMillan, Rev. D.; McNab, Andrew; McNab, Sir Allan; McNaughton, Donald; McNeal, Archibald; McNeal, Hugh; McPherson; McPherson, Mrs.; McPyerson, D. and H.; McPherson, Rev. Lachlin; McQueen, Major Napier, Sir Chas.; Neals; NefF, Peter J.; Nelles; Nevills, Major; Nevills, Miss; Nichol, Lt.-Col.; Nichol, George; Nichol, Mrs. R. B.; Niles, W. H.; Niles, Mr.; Nixon, Walter; Northumberland, Duke of; Norvall, John; Notman, Mr. Oakes, Garrett; O'Brien, Joseph; O'Brien, Dennis; O'Dwyer, Rev. Father; O'Flynn, Rev. Father; O'Neal, John; O'Neil, Wra.; Orchards; O'Reilly and Newcombe; O'Reilly, James; Orr> Major; Osgoode, Chief Justice Page, Jesse; Palmer; Papineau; Parish, Thomas; Parish, David; Parkes; Parke, William; Parke, Thomas; Parke, Samuel; Parke, E. J.; Parkins, ex-Sheriff; Parkinson, R.; Partridg-e, Mr.; Patterson, Col. Leslie; Paterson (piper); Patterson, D.; Pauls; Paul, Anson; Paul, Eltham; Paul and Rhykert; Payne, Esau; Paynes; Peacey, Wm.; Pearce; Penhale, Richard; Penwarden; PerIey,'A.; Perley, Colonel; Perry, Capt., (Commodore) ; Petrie, Rev. Geo.; Phalen, John; Phillips, Dr.; Phillpot; Pickering, Joseph; Pickle, Elder; Pollard, Rev. R.; Pontiac; Porter, Maj.-Gen'l; Portland, Lord; Portman, Hon. M. B.; Pounds; Powell, Chief Justice; to ; Prevost, Sir Geo.; Price, Samuel; Prince, Col.; Pritchards; Proctor, General H.; Proctor, Mrs.; Proudfoot, Rev. W.; Purdy; Putnams; Putnam, Mr.; Pyne, Rev. A. Radcliffe, Colonel; Raglan, Lord; Railton, Geo.; Ralph, Robt.; Randolph; Randall, Mr.; Rapelje, Daniel; Rapelje, Mrs.; Rapelje, Sheriff A. A.; Ratcliff; Ralhcoffey; Read, Rev. T. Bolton; Reed; Reeks; Reid, James; Reiffenstein, St. Adjt.; Retter, Mr.; Reynolds, Surgeon; Rhykert, Paul; Rice, Moses; Richards, Mr.; Richardson, Jos. and T. B.; Richardson, Richard; Richardson, Hugh; Richardson, Major J.; Richardson; Richmond, Duke of; Richmond, Duchess of; Ridout, Surveyor-General; Ridout, Georgfe; Rider; Riley, Isaac; Ritchie, Rev. Wm.; Rob; Roberts, Lord, g; Roberts, Capt.; Roberts, Br. Gen. E. J.; Robertson, Alex.; Robertson, Thos.; Robinson, Sir J. B.; Robinson, Sir F. B.; Robinson, Hon. Peter; Robinson, Hon. John B.; Robinson, John; Robinson, Malcolm; Rodgers, Peter; Roe, Dr. J. Hill; Roe, Charles; Roe, John A.; Roebuck; Rogers; Roll, Dr.; Rolph, Dr. Thomas; Rolph, Dr. John; Rolph, Rev. Romaine; Rolph, Rev. Thomas; Rolph, Georg-e; Rolph, Sarah; Rolph, Emma; Ros, Lord de; Rose, Rev. Samuel; Ross & Mclntyre; Ross, Rev.; Rottenburgh, Gen. de; Rouse, Elder; Rowland, Elder D. W.; Russell, Prest. Peter; Russell, Peter; Rutledge, Miss; Ryan, Rev. T. D.; Ryerse, Samuel; Ryerse, Mrs.; Ryerse Mills; Ryerson, Col. Joseph; Ryerson, George; Ryerson, Egerton; Ryerson, Rev. Wm., John and Edw. M. Salmon, Major; Salmon, Mrs.; Salmon, Judge; Salmon, Rev. Geo.; Salter, John; Sanders, Mr.; Sandys, Rev. F. W.; Saxton, Alex, and Wm.; Saxton, John; Scanlan, Mrs ; Scatchard, John; Scatchard, Thomas; Schofields; Schofield, Ira; Schooleys; Scott, Chief Justice; Scott, George; Scott, Mr. ; Scott, Rev. John; "Scott's" ; Schram, Peter; Seabrooks; Seaton, Lord; Secord, David; Selby, Mr.; Selkirk, Lord; Sells, John; Sells, Wm.; Senseman; Seward, Col.; Shanly, James; Shaw, Bela; Shaw, Aeneas, Maj.-Gen'l; Sheaffe, Maj.-Gen'l; Shenich, Mrs.; Shepherd, T. W.; Sheppard, Edmund; Shepherdson, Rev. D.; Sherich; Sherwood, Judge; Sherks; Sholes; Shore, Capt.; Shore's; Sifton, John; Sifton, Charles; Silcox, Joseph; Silcox, Revs. J. B. and E. D.; Simcoe, Governor; Simpson, Levi; Simpson, Sir J.; Sinclair, Elder; Skinner, Rev. James; Skitteewaabaa; Sloot, Elder; Smeit, Lieut. -Col.; Smith, Dr.; Smith, Mr.; Smith, P.; Smith, Sir D. W.; Smith, Garrett; Smith, Rev. L B.; Smith, Moore & Co.; Smith, "Dandy; Smith; Smith, Col. Samuel; Southwick, Dr.; Sovereen; Sparke, Capt.; Speedy, schooner; Springer; Spurgin, Wm.; Stacey's; Staffords; Stanley, Lord; Stevens; Stewart, Bishop; Stewart, Rev. James; Stewart, Duncan; Stewart, John; Stimson, Rev. E. R.; Stimson, Dr.; Stimson, Miss; Stokes; Stoney, Edmunds; Storor's; Storey; Strachan, Bishop; Strathy, J. B.; Stratton, Henry; Street, W. W.; Street, Rev. G. C; Strong & Wheeler; St. George, Colonel; St. Clair; Suffel, George; Sullivan, Mr.; Summers'; Sutherland, General; Sutherland, William; Sutherland, Rev. W. R.; Suttons; Sutton, John, Jr.; Sutton, John, (Westminster); Swartz, Lewis; Swazey, Rev. Caleb; Swisher; Sydenham, Lord; Sydere, Ed.; Sydere, Arthur; Symonds, Thos. Talbots de Malahide; Talbot, Lieut.-Col., Neil; Talbot, Barbara; ^ Talbot, William; Talbot, Hon. Freeman; Talbot, Ed. A.; Talbot, John; Talbots (Tipperary); Taylor (school master); Taylor, William; *Teal, Asa; Tecumseh; Teeple, Peter; Teeple, Pelham; Ten-Brock, John; Thayer, Israel; Thebo, Capt.; Thellar, Dr., (General); Theyendanegea; Thompson, J. and Sam; Thompson, Mr., (Ft. Stanley); Thompson, James C; Thorpe, Judge; Tiffany, Mr.; Tilden; Tisdale; Tomlinson, R.; Tonty; Tovey, Rev. A.; Tozer, Chas. G. A.; Travers; Travers, Dr.; Travers, Dr. John; Trowbridge; Trydell, Col.; Turners; Turquand, Dep. Com.; Turrils; Turvills; Triton, ship; Tyas, Mr.; Tyrrel, John Vail, Mr.; VanAllen, Capt.; VanAUen, Mills; VanBroklyn, Mr.; VanBuskirk, Mr.; VanBuskirk, Dr. W. C; Vandusen, Rev.; VanEvery, Mr.; VanNorman, Mr.; Vanpatters; VanRensselaer; Vincent, General; Vining, Elder; Von Schultz Wade; Wade, Dr.; Walker; Walker, Weeden; Walker, John; Walthew, John; Walthew, James; Warburton, Lieut. -Col.; Ward, Capt.; Ward, family; Warren, Mr.; Warren, Thos. D.; Warren, Douglas; Warren, Hamilton; Wastell, Rev. W. P.; Waters'; Watson, James; Watson, Simon Z.; Watson, Mrs. Dixie; Watson; Webb, Wm.; Wegg, George; Welch, Thos.; Wellesley, Arthur; Wellington, Duke of; Westbrook; Westlake, Duncan; Westmoreland, Lord; Westovers; Wetherall, Col.; White and Mitchell; Whitehead, G. W.; Whyte, Mrs.; Widdifield; Wilcocks; Wilcox, Joseph; Wilkinson, Elder; William, Prince & King; Williams, Titus; Williams, Richard; Williams, Thomas; Williams, Samuel; Williams, Judge; Williams, Jonathan; Williams, Wynant; Williams, G. R.; Williams, Mrs.; Williams, Dr.; Williams, Elder; Willis, Judge; Williston, Rev.; Wills, Mr.; Wilson, Capt.; Wilson, Col. Ben.; Wilson, Crowell; Wilson, Jeptha; Wilson, Mrs. J. H.; Wilson, John, (Judge); Wilson, Maj.-Gen. Jas. H.; Wilson, Dr.; Wilson, Elder; Wilsons; Winchester, Gen'l; Wogan; Wolseley, Lord; Wood, W. R.; Wood; Wood, Amasa; Wood, Nathan; Wood, Philo; Woodford, Sir A.; Woods, Judge R. S.; Woodward, Lieut. J. K.; Woolleys; Wortley, Stuart; Wortley, Lady; Wright, Francis; Wright, Rev. Mr.; Wrong, Gilbert Yeigh, Mrs. KateW.; Yeo, Sir J.; Yerex, J.; York, Duke of; Youmans, R,V. D.; Young, Lady; Young, Sir Wm.; Young, Mr. Miss., F.; Young, Judge Zeisberger, T. More Canadian Genealogy & History Resources from Global Genealogy: