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Ontario Genealogical Society
Ottawa Branch Booklist

The Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (one of 29 branches) covers several Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec counties. Global Heritage Press publishes both their new works and reprints all of their earlier titles.

IMPORTANT: Listed below is every book that has been republished (available immediately), or can be republished (available within 7 days). Books that are already republished have a hot link to a "More information" page where you can learn more about the book and order immediately. Books that are not yet republished are available upon request. To initiate republishing of a book, email a request to We republish the book in printed and pdf formats and send you a link to the information/ordering page within 7 days.

    • Ottawa Branch News, Ontario Genealogical Society 1970 - 2008 (7328 pages)    More information
    • Ottawa Branch News & The Ottawa Genealogist, Ontario Genealogical Society 2009 - 2017 (2170 pages)    More information

    Immigration Records - Canadian
    • Names of Emigrants [immigrants to Canada], From the 1845-1847 Records of James Allison, Emigrant Agent at Montreal   More information

    Census Records - Misc
    • The Sally Hersey Diary: A Transcription (CD) (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Vital Records - Ontario / Upper Canada / Canada West
    • Marriage Records 1831-1842, Johnstown District, Upper Canada    More information
    • Index to Upper Canada Naturalization Registers, 1828-1850    More information

    Misc Early Records - Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec
    • Early Ottawa Valley Records (vital records, property records, militia records, estate records census records)    More information

    Cemetery Records - Carleton County

      Fitzroy Township (now known as West Carleton) - Carleton County
      • Ten Fitzroy Township Cemeteries [burial records]   More information
      • Three Fitzroy Township Cemeteries [burial records]   More information
      • St. George's C.E. Cemetery, Fitzroy Harbour (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

      Gloucester Township - Carleton County
      • Beechwood Cemetery, Memorial Transcriptions and Burial Records, Ottawa   More information
      • Beechwood Cemetery & Capital Memorial Gardens, Ottawa (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Bethany U.C. Cemetery, Ramsayville (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Hope Cemetery [Notre Dame Extension], Ottawa (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Monumental Inscriptions in the Billings' Burial Ground, Ottawa (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • St. George A.C. Cemetery, Hawthorne
      • St. Joseph's R.C. Cemetery, Orleans (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • St. Laurent R.C. Cemetery, Carlsbad Springs (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • The United Jewish Community Cemetery (Jewish Memorial Gardens), Bank Street at Highway 31, Ottawa   More information

      Goulbourn Township - Carleton County
      • Christ Church Anglican Cemetery, Ashton, Ontario   More information
      • Hazeldean Cemeteries, Carleton County, Ontario. Includes four cemeteries: Scharf Cemetery; Union Cemetery; Wiggins Burial Ground; Maple Grove Cemetery.   More information
      • Munster Union Cemetery, Munster Hamlet   More information
      • Old Wesleyan Methodist (or Shillington) Cemetery   More information
      • St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Richmond   More information
      • St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Richmond   More information
      • St. Paul's United Church Cemetery (The Old Methodist Cemetery), Richmond   More information
      • St. Philip's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Richmond   More information
      • St. Thomas Anglican Cemetery, Stanley's Corners   More information
      • Stittsville United Church (originally Methodist) Cemetery, Stittsville   More information

      Huntley Township - Carleton County
      • Carp Presbyterian Cemetery More information
      • Christ Church Anglican Cemetery, West Huntley Township More information
      • Huntley United Cemetery, West Huntley Township More information
      • St. James' C.E. Cemetery, Carp (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • St. Michael's R.C. Cemetery and List of Peter Robinson Settlers More information

      March Township - Carleton County
      • St. John’s Cemetery, South March [Kanata], With a History of the Church and Burying Ground   More information
      • St. Isidore Roman Catholic Cemetery, South March [Kanata]   More information
      • Maple Grove Cemetery, SEE: Hazeldean Cemetries (included in this book)   More information

      Nepean Township - Carleton County
      • Bell's Corners Union Cemetery, Concession 4, Lot 35, Nepean Township, Carleton County More information
      • St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Cemetery Concession 5, Lots 22-23 More information
      • Bukowinian Greek Orthodox Holy Trinity & Ukrainian Orthodox Cemeteries, Ottawa (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Capital Memorial Gardens, Ottawa [CD] (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Pinecrest Cemetery Cremations Index 1962 - 1988 (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Pinecrest Cemetery Interment Records 1970 - 1987 (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Pinecrest Cemetery and Highland Park Memorial Inscriptions to 1998 [CD] (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • The Merivale Cemeteries - St. John’s Merivale, Anglican Cemetery; Pinecrest Public Cemetery (Merivale); United Church Cemetery    More information

      North Gower Township - Carleton County
      Osgoode Township - Carleton County
      • All Saints C.E. Cemetery, Greely (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Metcalfe Union Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • New Jewish Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Our Lady of Visitation R.C. Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Prescott Road Union Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Reids Mills Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • St. Brigid's R.C. Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • St. Catharine's R.C. Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • St. John's R.C. Cemetery, Enniskerry (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

      Torbolton Township - Carleton County
      • MacLaren's Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • St. Thomas C.E. Cemetery, Woodlawn (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Census Records - Carleton County
    • 1822 Census of Nepean Township - Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information
    • 1842 Census of Carleton County, Canada West (Ontario)   More information
    • 1851 Census of Canada West, Carleton, Vol. 1: Bytown East & West (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • 1851 Census of Carleton County, Canada West, Vol. 2: Fitzroy Twp, Torbolton Tpwp, Huntley Twp & March Twp   More information
    • 1851 Census of Canada West, Carleton, Vol. 2: Fitzroy, Torbolton, Huntley & March (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • 1851 Census of Canada West, Carleton, Vol. 3: Nepean and Gloucester (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • 1851 Census of Canada West, Carleton, Vol. 4: Goulbourn Twp, North Gower Twp, Marlborough Twp, and Village of Richmond   More information
    • 1861 Census of Fitzroy Township, Carleton County, Canada West (Ontario)   More information
    • 1861 Census of Goulbourn Township (includes village of Richmond) , Carleton County, Canada West (Ontario)   More information
    • 1891 Census Index of Ontario, Goulbourn Township including the village of Richmond (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Church Records - Carleton County
    • Wesleyan Methodist Baptisms: Bytown/Ottawa, 19th Century (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register, Carleton County, 1830-1899 (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Estate Records - Carleton County
    • Carleton County, Ontario and Western Quebec Probates and Administrations - Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information
    • Indexes to Wills for townships of Huntley, Marlborough and Torbolton - Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information

    Land & Property Records - Carleton County
    • Land Patent Holders, Goulbourn Township & Village of Richmond   More information
    • Property Records - Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information
      • Carleton County Case Files: Second Heir and Devisee Commission, 1804-1895
      • Township of March Collector's Roll, 1846
      • Township of Nepean Assessment, 1822

    Militia Records - Carleton County
    • Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information
      • Nepean Township Militia, 1828
      • First Carleton Militia, 1829
      • Huntley Township Militia, 1829
      • Bytown Volunteers, 1838
      • March Township Militia, 1841

    Newspaper Vital Record Transcriptions - Carleton County
    • Birth, Marriage, and Death Notices from The Carp Review & Carleton County Advertiser 1905-1950   More information
    • The Ottawa Citizen Birth Marriage, Anniversary, Death and Memoriam Notices 1879-1885   More information
    • Early Ottawa Newspapers - Birth, Marriage and Death Notices 1854 to 1877   More information
    • Index to Birth, Marriage & Death Notices - Bytown Packet 1846-1849 (Later renamed ‘The Ottawa Citizen’)   More information
    • Birth, Marriage and Death Abstracts - Bytown Gazette 1836-1845 Bytown Independent 1836   More information
    Cemetery Records
    • Ormond Protestant Cemetery, Winchester Township (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Morewood Cemeteries, Winchester Township includes Morewood Presbyterian Cemetery and Morewood United Cemetery   More information
    Cemetery Records - Frontenac County
    • Christ Church Anglican Cemetery, Wolfe Island   More information
    • Trinity Church Anglican Cemetery, Wolfe Island   More information
    • Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cemeteries (Old and New Cemeteries), Wolfe Island   More information
    • St. Lawrence United Church (formerly Methodist) Cemetery, Wolfe Island   More information
    • Horne Cemetery / Point Alexandria United Church (formerly Presbyterian & Methodist) Cemeteries, Wolfe Island   More information
    Marriage Records - Glengarry County
    • Glengarry County Marriage Register 1858-1869 (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    Census Records
    • Index to the 1851 Census of Canada West, Wolford Township (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Index to the 1861 Census of Canada West, Grenville, Merrickville & Wolford Township (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Index to the 1881 Census of Ontario, Grenville, Merrickville & Wolford Township (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Index to the 1891 Census of Ontario, Oxford, South Gower & Wolford Townships (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Index to the 1891 Census of Ontario, Kemptville and Merrickvillle (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    Census Records
    • The 1881 Census of Ontario, Hastings County, Bangor, Wicklow & McClure Townships (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • The 1881 Census of Ontario, Hastings County, Carlo & Mayo Townships &Nipissing District (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    Cemetery Records - Lanark County
      Beckwith Township
      Dalhousie Township
      Lanark Township
      • Greenwood Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Lanark Village Cemetery   More information
      • Pinegrove Cemetery, Concession 5, Lot 3, Lanark Township, Lanark County, Ontario   More information
      • St. John's C.E. Cemetery, Innisville (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

      Lavant Township
      Pakenham Township
      Ramsay Township
      Town of Perth
      • Old Methodist Burying Ground, Perth - an early history & record of burials   More information

    Census Records - Lanark County
    • Index to the 1851 Census of Canada West, Montague Township (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Index to the 1861 Census of Canada West, Montague Township (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Index to the 1881 Census of Ontario, Montague Township (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Index to the 1891 Census of Ontario, Lanark, Bathurst, Beckwith, Dalhousie et al Townships (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Index to the 1891 Census of Ontario, Lanark Village, Montage Township, Smiths Falls (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Church Records - Lanark County
    • Lanark County United Churches, formerly Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian, Baptisms 1822-1899, Marriages 1834-1899, Burials 1863-1874   More information
    • Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register, Lanark County, 1843-1902 (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Land Records - Lanark County
    • No Lanark County land records published by OGS at this time...

    Newspaper Vital Record Transcriptions - Lanark County
    • Birth, Marriage, and Death Notices from the Carleton Place Herald, 1850 to 1923   More information

    Vital Records Records - Lanark County
    • Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information
      Includes: Some Returns of Births, Marriages and Deaths in the Perth Military Settlement, 1816-1818

    Cemetery Records - Leeds County
    • Denny Cemetery, Philipsville, Bastard Township   More information
    • Leeds County Cemeteries (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Ripley Abandoned Cemetery, South Crosby (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Sheldon Cemetery, Bastard Township (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
PRESCOTT & RUSSELL, United Counties of
    Cemetery Records - Prescott & Russell Counties

      Caledonia Township - Prescott & Russell Counties
      • Two Caledonia Township Cemeteries: Fenaghvale Community Cemetery (also includes Bradley Private Cemetery & Chesser Private Cemetery) and St. Bernardin de Siene Roman Catholic Cemetery    More Information

      Cambridge Township - Prescott & Russell Counties
      • The Casselman Cemeteries
          Includes: The Racine Farm Cemetery | The Brisson Farm Cemetery | Ste. Euphemie Roman Catholic Cemetery | The Casselman [family] Memorial Monument | The Casselman War Memorial Monument   More information
      • Saint Viateur Roman Catholic Cemetery, Limoges    More Information
      • St. Albert R.C. Cemetery, St. Albert (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

      Champlain Township - Prescott & Russell Counties
      Clarence Township - Prescott & Russell Counties
      • The Clarence Cemetery, Inscriptions & Photos of Memorial Stones, Russell County   More information
      • Bourget Sacred Heart R.C. Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Edward's Street Protestant Cemetery, Rockland (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Hammond Cemeteries, Hammond (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Holy Trinity R.C. Cemetery, Rockland (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Ste. Félicité Roman Catholic Cemetery, Clarence Creek, Russell County   More information
      • St. Pascal Baylon Roman Catholic Cemetery, Russell County    More Information

      Cumberland Township - Prescott & Russell Counties
      • Bearbrook [Anglican] Cemetery, Cumberland Township, Russell County    More Information
      • The Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland Township, Russell County    More Information
      • St. Hughe's R.C. Cemetery, Sarsfield (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

      North Plantagenet Township - Prescott & Russell Counties
      • Four North Plantagenet Township Cemeteries: Includes:
          Glenburn Cemetery (previously Methodist); George's Lake United Cemetery (previously Methodist); St. Leon the Great Roman Catholic Cemetery; The Church of the Good Shepherd Cemetery   More information
      • St-Benoit-Labré R.C. Cemetery, Wendover (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • St. Luke/St. Luc Roman Catholic Cemetery, Village of Curran   More information
      • St. Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery, Village of Plantagenet   More information

      South Plantagenet Township - Prescott & Russell Counties
      • St. Bernard R.C. Cemetery, Fournier (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Two Riceville Area Cemeteries Includes: Franklin's Corners Cemetery; Riceville Baptist Cemetery   More information
      • Two South Plantagenet Township Cemeteries Includes: Westminster United Church Cemetery; Our Lady of Divine Love Roman Catholic Cemetery   More information
      • St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Lemeux   More information

      Russell Township - Prescott & Russell Counties
      • Loucks Cemetery, Russell County   More information
      • Index to Russell Township Cemeteries (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • North Russell Cemetery, Russell County   More information
      • St. Andrew's and St. Paul's Cemetery, Russell County   More information
      • St. Jacques Roman Catholic Cemetery, Embrun (includes North and South sections)   More information
      • St. Mary's C.E. Cemetery, Russell County (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Ste. Therese R.C. Cemetery, Russell County (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Church Records - Prescott & Russell Counties
    • Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register, Prescott County, 1840-1877   More information
    • Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register, Russell County, 1840-1886   More information
    Cemetery Records - Renfrew County

      Admaston Township - Renfrew County
      • Admaston Protestant Cemetery   More information
      • Rosebank Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Memorial Stone Inscriptions   More information

      Bagot Township - Renfrew County
      • Four Bagot Township Cemeteries
          Includes Hillcrest Union Cemetery, Calabogie | St. Gabriel's Roman Catholic Cemetery | Most Precious Blood Roman Catholic Cemetery | Lakeside Cemetery   More information
      • Fraser Family Cemetery (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

      Bromley Township - Renfrew County
      • St. Michael's R.C. Cemetery, Douglas (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

      Brougham Township - Renfrew County
      Brudenell Township - Renfrew County
      • Six Brudenell Township Cemeteries
          Includes Evangelical Lutheran ( Missouri) Cemetery | Christian Cemetery | Our Lady of the Angels Roman Catholic Cemetery (Opeongo Rd)| Our Lady of the Angels Roman Catholic Cemetery (Range B South) | Zion Evangelical United Church Cemetery | Private Cemetery, Niemen Farm   More information

      Grattan Township - Renfrew County
      • Two Gratton Township Cemeteries (Eganville):
          Includes St. James The Less Roman Catholic Cemetery (Old) - St. James The Less Roman Catholic Cemetery (New)   More information
      • Four More Gratton Township Cemeteries :
          Includes St. Clement's Anglican Cemetery (Clontarf) | St Joseph's Roman Catholic Cemetery | Eganville Baptist Cemetery | Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Augsburg   More information
      • St. John’s Anglican Cemetery - Eganville  More information

      Greater Madawaska Township - Renfrew County
      • The Cemeteries of Mount St. Patrick
          Includes St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Conc. XV, Admaston Township | Holy Well Cemetery, Con XIV, Brougham Township   More information
      • Two Renfrew County Cemeteries:
          Includes The Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Cemeterey, Griffith | Matawatchan Community Cemetery, Matawatchan   More information

      Hagarty Township - Renfrew County
      • Seven Hagarty Township Cemeteries
          Includes St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Wilno | Killaloe (Grace) Evangelical Cemetery | St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Killaloe | Calvary Baptist Cemetery | St. Andrew's Cemetery (New) | Old St. Casimir's Roman Catholic Cemetery | St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Tramore   More information

      Horton Township - Renfrew County
      • Castleford Union Cemetery, Castleford (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Renfrew Public Cemetery (Thomsonhill / Thomsonville Cemetery), Renfrew   More information
      • St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Cemetery, Renfrew   More information

      Lyndoch Township - Renfrew County
      • Five Lyndoch Township Cemeteries
          Includes Evangelical United Brethren Cemetery at Wolfe | "Heaven's Little Acre" Cemetery | Our Saviour Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery | Quadeville Pentecostal Cemetery | Lyndoch Baptist Cemetery    More information

      McNab Township - Renfrew County
      • Albert Street Cemetery, Arnprior   More information
      • St. John’s (Chrisostom), Malloch Road Municipal Cemetery, Arnprior   More information
      • Two McNab Township Cemeteries
          Includes Flat Rapid Cemetery | St. Alexander's Roman Catholic Cemetery   More information

      North Algona Township - Renfrew County
      • Three North Algona Township Cemeteries (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

      Radcliffe Township - Renfrew County
      • Two Radcliffe Township Cemeteries (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

      Raglan Township - Renfrew County
      • Five Raglan Township Cemeteries
          Includes St. Stephen's Lutheran Cemetery | St. Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Cemetery | Calvary Evangelical United Brethern Cemetery | First Lutheran Cemetery | Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethern Cemetery   More information

      Ross Township - Renfrew County
      • Cobden Union Cemetery, Cobden (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery (the Ross Cemetery), Foresters Falls (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
      • Union Cemetery, Haley Station (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

      Sebastopol Township - Renfrew County
      • Three Sebastopol Township Cemeteries
          Includes St John Lutheran Cemetery (old) | St John's Lutheran Cemetery (new) | Sebastopol Baptist (German) Cemetery.   More information

      South Algona Township - Renfrew County
      • Six South Algona Township Cemeteries
          Includes Our Lady of Nativity Roman Catholic Cemetery | St. John's Lutheran Cemetery | Augsberg Evangelical Cemetery | Zion Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery | Trinity Lutheran Cemetery | St. Anne's Roman Catholic Cemetery   More information

      Stafford Township - Renfrew County
      • no Stafford cemeteries transcribed yet

      Wilberforce Township - Renfrew County
      • Vol. 1 - Cemeteries of Wilberforce Township
          Includes Melville United Cemetery, Eganville | St. Luke Cemetery, Eganville | Lett's Corners Cemetery, Wilberforce Twp. | The Point Presbyterian Cemetery, Wilberforce Twp.   More information
      • Vol. 2 - Cemeteries of Wilberforce Township
          Includes St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery (Germanicus), Wilberforce Twp., | St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery (Bonnechere), Wilberforce Twp.   More information
      • Vol. 3 - Cemeteries of Wilberforce Township
          Includes St. John's Wesleyan Methodist Cemetery, Wilberforce Twp., | Green Lake Wesleyan Methodist Cemetery, Wilberforce Twp. | Rankin Methodist Cemetery, Wilberforce Twp. | St. Thomas Anglican Cemetery, Wilberforce Twp. | Evangelical United Brethren Cemetery, Wilberforce Twp.   More information
      • Vol. 4 - Cemeteries of Wilberforce Township
          Includes Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Wilberforce Twp., | Grace Lutheran Evangelical Cemetery (Green Lake), Wilberforce Twp. | Grace Lutheran Cemetery, Eganville   More information

    Census Records - Renfrew County
    • 1842 Census of McNab Township - Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information
    • 1842 & 1851 Census of Canada West, Renfrew County, Vol. 1: Horton Township (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • 1851 Census of Canada West, Renfrew County, Vol. 2: Stafford & Pembroke (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • 1881 Census of Ontario, Renfrew County: Algona South, Brudenell & Lyndoch (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • 1881 Census of Ontario, Renfrew County: Hagarty & Jones, Raglan & Radcliffe, Richards & Burns (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • 1881 Census of Ontario, Renfrew County: Sebastopol Township & Unorganized Territories (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Church Records - Renfrew County
    • Renfrew County United Churches, formerly Methodist and Presbyterian, Baptisms 1841-1899, Marriages 1851-1899   More information
    • Index to Horton-McNab Presbyterian Baptismal and Marriage (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Newspaper Vital Record Transcriptions - Renfrew County
    • No Renfrew County newspaper vital record transcriptions published by OGS at this time...

    Land Records - Renfrew County
    • No Renfrew County land records published by OGS at this time...

QUEBEC, Province of

    Cemetery Records - Quebec
    • 1891 Cemetery, Old Chelsea, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Centre Eardley Cemetery, Aylmer, Qubec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Edina Cemetery, Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Dalesville Public Cemetery, Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Québec    More information
    • Hall's Cemetery, Wakefield, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • MacLaren Cemetery, Wakefield, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Norway Bay United & Norway Bay Anglican Cemeteries, Bristol, Québec    More information
    • Pink's Cemetery (Mountain View), Hull Township (Gatineau), Québec    More information
    • Private Cemetery, Chelsea, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Protestant Cemetery, Cantley, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Scotch Road Cemetery, Grenville Township, Argenteuil County, Québec    More information
    • St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cantley, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • St. James Anglican Cemetery, Hull, Gatineau, Québec    More information
    • St. James Anglican Church, Hudson, Vaudreuil County, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • St. Mary's Anglican Church, Como, Vaudreuil County, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • St. Matthew's Anglican Church Cemetery, Grenville Village, Argenteuil County, Québec    More information
    • St. Mungo's United Church Cemetery, Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Québec    More information
    • St. Stephen's Anglican Cemetery, Buckingham, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Old Chelsea, Quebec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Two Cemeteries of Masham, La Peche Township, Outaouais, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Census Records - Quebec
    • 1825 Census of Hull Township, Buckingham, Lochabour, & Templeton - Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information
    • 1851 Census of Eardley Township, Canada East (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • 1851 Census of the Township of Hull, Canada East (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Church Records - Quebec
    • Canadian Wesleyan Methodist Baptisms [5 vols] (Request availability: email - please include name of book)
    • Church of England Parish Registers of North Clarendon & Thorne, 1864-1916 [most are 1873-1916], Pontiac County, Quebec    More information
    • Church of England Parish Register, North Clarendon & District, 1864-1873, Pontiac County, Quebec    More information
    • Church Records of St. Andrew's Presbyterian/UC, 1881-1939, Poltimore & Cantley, Québec (Request availability: email - please include name of book)

    Estate Records - Quebec
    • Carleton County, Ontario and Western Quebec Probates and Administrations - Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information

    Immigration Records- Quebec
    • Names of Emigrants, From the 1845-1847 Records of James Allison, Emigrant Agent at Montreal   More information

    Militia Records - Quebec
    • Early Ottawa Valley Records    More information
      • Hull Militia, 1808
      • Eardley Militia, 1808
      • Onslow Militia, 1808

    Newspaper Vital Record Transcriptions - Quebec
    • Birth, Marriage, and Death Notices from the Shawville Equity 1883-1916 (Pontiac County)   More information

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