Ontario / Upper Canada
BOOK - Across the Waters: Ontario Immigrants' Experiences, 1820-1850
Genealogy & History Resources By Frances Hoffman & Ryan Taylor Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999
The experiences of our emigrant ancestors are so far removed from those of modern-day lives that we tend to overlook the extraordinary level of perserverance, sacrifice and selflessness that was essential to successfully establishing oneself during the formative years of Ontario. Though the reasons for migration varied by pioneer, it was the promise of land which was the chief incentive for emigration to Ontario. many others were motivated by desperate conditions at home and a desire for a new start in a land that promised a future that was not limited by social or economic class. Across the Waters is an assembly of the first-hand written accounts of 150 individual immigrants, skillfully bridged by authors Frances Hoffman and Ryan Taylor, to tell the fascinating story of what it was like to leave a familiar homeland to pioneer in the virgin forests of early Ontario. By allowing the personal writings of the early settlers to guide us through their experiences, we come to better appreciate the process of settlement. By examining the various stages of emigration, such as preparing for the journey, ocean crossings, obtaining and clearing land, building a shelter - then a house, and living in the clearings, we gain a clearer understanding of nineteenth century emigrant experience. Contents include:
424 Pages 6" X 9" Index Bibliography Hardcover ISBN 1-894378-00-8 Softcover ISBN 1-894378-01-6 Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999 More Canadian Genealogy & History Resources from Global Genealogy: