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BOOK - Two Riceville Area Cemeteries, South Plantagenet Township,Prescott County, Ontario
Recorded by members of the Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society Co-ordinated by John Sayers
Originally published by Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 2003
This reprint published by Global Heritage Press, Ottawa, 2024

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Coilbound Edition

This book incudes information from all memorial stones that were available in the summer of 2001 for the Franklin's Comers Cemetery and the Riceville Baptist Cemetery. Here are some details about each cemetery:
  • Franklin's Comers Cemetery, Conc. 13, Lot 6 (previously a Methodist Cemetery)
      Franklin's Comers Cemetery is located about 1 Km. east of Riceville. A Wesleyan Methodist church was built on the site in 1849 but there were Methodist preachers in the area at least 15 years prior to this. Many of the earliest settlers in the area are buried here. These include, or probably include, the first settlers in the area, Robert and Mary(Mokeson) Cutt who came in 1820 and shortly afterwards Henry and Mary(Copely) Metcalfe, both families from Royston, south Yorkshire, England. The names on the stones indicate origins primarily from England, Ireland and Scotland.
  • Riceville Baptist Cemetery, Con. 13, Lot 8 (No longer used but in good condition when recorded in 2003)
      Baptists formed a congregation in 1862. A beautiful little church was built in Riceville village and the cemetery is located behind it. Many of those buried in this cemetery were leaders in the community. No new burials have taken place here for many years.
Book contents include: 50 Pages
8.5 X 11"
Originally published by Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 2003
Original 2003 ISBN: 0-7779-1485-9
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2024
New ISBN 978-1-77240-238-4 (Coilbound edition)

NOTE about print quality: Inc. entered into a publishing agreement with the Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society in 2016, to publish current and future books as well as to bring all of their previously published works back into print. We are pleased to make their books available once again under our Global Heritage Press imprint. Each book has been reprinted as it was prepared by the volunteers of the Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, without additional corrections or additions, though the Branch often made additions and corrections over the years since a title was originally printed. All additions and revisions by the Branch are included in this edition. Modern technology enabled us reproduce the original work in as good as, or better quality than when originally published. Most of the early titles were created on a typewriter and reproduced by Gestetner and early photocopiers. Many of the masters were digitized from these original paper masters by the Ottawa Branch. The remainder, we scanned from archived paper copies. We've cleaned up the masters as best as was possible without re-keying all of the content. The result is a collection of books that are useful and complete, but of a print quality that reflects the technology of the time in which they were originally published. The earlier titles are clearly readable but not of the same high quality print of later books. The foregoing also affects the thoroughness of search results in digital versions of some early titles. Early editions included fonts that are not recognized by modern digital search tools. We advise readers to always check indexes and alphabetical listings and not to rely solely on the digital search feature.

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