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BOOK - The Roman Catholic Parish of Precious Blood Flanagan's Point, Glen Walter, Ontario Baptisms, Marriages & Burials 1913-1962     [Glengarry County]
By Duncan MacDonald
Originally published by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 2006
This edition published by MacDonald Research*, Milton, 2015
*MacDonald Research is an imprint of Inc.

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Printed Edition
softcover - coil-bound
8.5 X 11"

Book-on-CD Edition
searchable PDF format
runs on PC & Mac
The Roman Catholic Parish Church of Precious Blood at Flanagan's Point, is located in Glen Walter, Ontario. Glen Walter is situated on the north side of the St. Lawrence River, just east of Cornwall. The church was established in 1907 but the surviving Registers don't begin until 1913.

Details about the Parish Registers from which the records were extracted:
  • Register of BAPTISMS. This register documents Baptisms from 1913 until 1962. Due to privacy concerns, Mr. MacDonald was rstricted to only indexing entries for Baptisms from 1913 to 1925.

  • Register of MARRIAGES. Records Marriages from 10th June 1914 up to 1962. Due to privacy concerns, Mr. MacDonald was rstricted to only indexing entries for Marriages from 1914 to 1925.

  • Register of BURIALS. Records Burials from 1914 to 1962. Though MacDonald mentions in the Introduction that he only transcribed Burials up to 1925, the entries in the book actually go up to 1962. Later in the same Introduction he has inserted "Because of the fragile condition of the Burial Register we have incorporated the complete Burial register to year 1962 in the hope of preserving this vital work." It is interesting to note that the early burial entries by Rev William M. Fox would, in many cases, list the names of those present. Rev. Fox also included maiden names of married women in quotation marks after their married name. Example: Eva Kuhn "Blanchard"
Contents of this book include: This book is organized in three chapters titled: Baptisms, Burials, Marriages. The comprehensive index makes finding a specific person easy and fast. The digital version is also completely searchable by any word/s or phrase/s.

106 pages
Softcover - coil bound
Digital edition in searchable PDF format (readable on any device that can read a pdf file)
8.5 X 11"
Originally published by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 2006
Original title: The R.C. Parish of Precious Blood: Flanagan's Point, Glen Walter, Ontario, 1913-1925
Original ISBN 1-894033-33-7 (cerlox bound)

This edition published by MacDonald Research, Milton, Ontario 2015
ISBN 978-1-77240-020-5 (soft cover edition)
ISBN 978-1-77240-021-2 (digital edition)
(MacDonald Research is an imprint of Inc.)

NOTE about print quality: acquired MacDonald Research Centre after the passing of its founder and primary transcriber/compiler, Duncan MacDonald. We are pleased to make his books available under the new MacDonald Research imprint. Each book has been reprinted as it was prepared by Mr. MacDonald, without corrections or additions. Modern technology helped us reproduce the original work in as-good-as, or better quality as that which was originally published. Much of MacDonald's original work was created on a typewriter. His well-worn "masters" were made on a photocopier. We've cleaned them up as much as possible without re-keying all of the content resulting in books that are useful and complete, but of a print quality that reflects the technology of the time in which they were orignally published.

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