Ontario / Upper Canada
BOOKS - The Taillon (Tyo) Families, 3rd Edition, and the Descendants of Philippe Lalonde [France, Quebec, Eastern Ontario, New York]Genealogy & History Resources Compiled by Duncan MacDonald & Pauline Deshaies Originally published by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 1994 This edition published by MacDonald Research*, Milton, 2015 *MacDonald Research is an imprint of GlobalGenealogy.com Inc.
The geographic places that are mentioned most frequently in this book are Quebec, Stormont and Glengarry counties (Ontario), Tyotown, Indian Lands, and New York State. Contents include:
219 Pages 8.5 X 11" Printed edition: Coil bound Digital edition: pdf format, readable on any device that can read a pdf file. Index Originally published by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 1994 Original ISBN 0-921133-61-8; Original Title: The Taillon (Tyo) families, 3rd Edition Plus Philippe Lalonde This edition published by MacDonald Research*, Milton, 2015 *MacDonald Research is an imprint of GlobalGenealogy.com Inc. New ISBNs: 978-1-77240-034-2 (printed); 978-1-77240-035-9 (digital) NOTE about print quality: GlobalGenealogy.com acquired MacDonald Research Centre after the passing of its founder and primary transcriber/compiler, Duncan MacDonald. We are pleased to make his books available under the new MacDonald Research imprint. Each book has been reprinted as it was prepared by Mr. MacDonald, without corrections or additions. Modern technology helped us reproduce the original work in as-good-as, or better quality as that which was originally published. Much of MacDonald's original work was created on a typewriter. His well-worn "masters" were made on a photocopier. We've cleaned them up as much as possible without re-keying all of the content resulting in books that are useful and complete, but of a print quality that reflects the technology of the time in which they were orignally published. This book's original master has some page edges cut off in the newspaper clippings section, The print masters were provided by Mr MacDonald's estate, so we suspect that all previous editions of this book had the same problem. We thought it best to include those pages because the content of those clippings are still useful insofar as it is usually only one letter missing along the page edge, leaving the affected clippings largely intact. More Canadian Genealogy & History Resources from Global Genealogy: