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Ontario / Upper Canada Genealogy & History Resources
BOOK - Interesting Notes and Comments from the Diary of Rev. John MacDonald, Roman Catholic Priest at Perth, Upper Canada 1823-1837
Includes the Almanacs of Peter Ferguson of Sherbrook Township and an 1836 Census of "Catholic Souls" in Lanark County
By Duncan (Darby) MacDonald
Origianlly published by MacDonald Research Centre as two separate volumes, Brockville, 1985, 1988
Published by MacDonald Research, Milton, 2015
*MacDonald Research is an imprint of GlobalGenealogy.com Inc.
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 Printed Edition 8.5" X 11"
 Book-on-CD Edition
Reverend John MacDonald served as teh Roman Catholic Priest at Perth, Upper Canada (Ontario) from 1823 to 1837. This book contains two previously published volumes of extracts from Rev. MacDonald's diaries from 1823 to 1836. Additionally, extracts from the 1868-1912 almanacs of Peter Ferguson of Sherbrook Township, and an 1836 Census of "Catholic Souls" residing in Lanark County. If your Catholic ancestor was in Lanark County during the period from which these extracts are taken, they are likely mentioned by name.
Part One and Part Two were reprinted from the original masters that were used for the editions published by Duncan MacDonald in 1985 and 1988. Those masters were in very poor condition -- however, every page is included in this edition and the material is readable. Some alterations to the original Introductions were made.
Part One includes:
- Introduction by Duncan MacDonald.
- A list of Roman Catholics individuals from in and around Perth who were visited by Rev. MacDonald during 1831, 1834 and 1835 including their name, the Lot and Concession where they reside, notes detailing if they had left the property.
- A day by day account of visitations and tithes collected by Rev. MacDonald in Lanark County during a January to December 'research trip' in 1835. The listing is arranged chronologically, identifying distances travelled; who was visited; Township, Lot and Concession where they lived (not all); and how much money and/or goods that were collected from each parishioner. He also identifies by name those who "did not pay".
- Includes candid comments recorded in the diary by Rev. MacDonald -- examples: "Peter Belanger, fornicator"; 'Mary Kenny, the widow of John Duncan, her first husband is yet alive and is John Richard and is in Virginia with another wife"; "Martin Larkin, an old sly south side Journeyman"; "William Murphy, rather stingy"; Gone to the States". These comments may be helpful to family historians.
Part Two includes:
- Introduction by Duncan MacDonald
- Record of Subscriptions "for the finishing of the Church in Perth"in 1826. Includes names of members of the parish and how much was donated by each.
- Details recorded by Rev. MacDonald while 'visiting his flock' 1831, collecting tithes, and other reasons outlined in the entries for the twelve months from December 30, 1830 - December 26, 1831 throughout Lanark County. Includes names of parishioners, locations, amounts donated, and miscellaneous comments regarding visits.
- List of Lanark County Roman Catholic parish members sorted by township, lot and concession regarding residence between 1823 and 1830. Includes information about those who migrated away. Example: "FITZEMONS, John 7th conc Lot-29 Montague, away to Cornwall not to return. Sold his land to MERRILL"
- Details recorded by Rev. MacDonald while 'visiting his flock' 1836, collecting tithes, and other reasons outlined in the entries for the twelve months from January 1, 1836 - December 31, 1836 throughout Lanark County. Includes names of parishioners, locations, amounts donated, and miscellaneous comments regarding visits.
- 1836 Census of "Catholic Souls" in Lanark County including "their names, place of residence, and the age of all who are under 16 years old". [most were recorded in January of 1837]
- Almanacs of Peter Ferguson 1868-1912 [bulk of entries are 1870s-1880s]. Includes notes about various local births, marriages and deaths -- also comments about weather, crops, activities. Peter Ferguson was a resident of Sherbrooke Township.
NOTE about print quality:
GlobalGenealogy.com acquired MacDonald Research Centre after the passing of its founder and primary transcriber/compiler, Duncan MacDonald. We are pleased to make his books available under the new MacDonald Research imprint. Each book has been reprinted as it was prepared by Mr. MacDonald, without corrections or additions. Modern technology helped us reproduce the original work in as-good-as, or better quality as that which was originally published. Much of MacDonald's original work was created on a typewriter. His well-worn "masters" were made on a photocopier. We've cleaned them up as much as possible without re-keying all of the content resulting in books that are useful and complete, but of a print quality that reflects the technology of the time in which they were orignally published.
202 Pages
8-1/2 x 11"
Softcover - coil bound
Origianlly published by MacDonald Research Centre as two separate volumes, Brockville, 1985, 1988
Published by MacDonald Research, Milton, 2015
*MacDonald Research is an imprint of GlobalGenealogy.com Inc.
ISBN 978-1-77240-037-3 (printed edition - coil bound); ISBN 978-1-77240-038-0 (digital edition)
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