Ontario / Upper Canada
BOOK - Places of Worhship in Peterborough County, Ontario.
Genealogy & History Resources By Fraser Dunford Published by the Kawartha Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, Peterborough, 2004
Searching for old church records is much like searching for a needle in a haystack, on a very dark night, in the middle of a blinding snowstorm. An early congregation can be known by different names. The official records of the denomination may not be very accurate so that congregation could be omitted in a year, or mis-named. The very early records could be anywhere in the world, if they exist at all. Since the records were made and kept by the minister, they frequently went with him as he moved to another part of Ontario, to Western Canada, to the United States or England or Australia. Those records could still exist but the current holders may have no idea that they are looking at Ontario records. Some records fell into private hands and are now held by people who refuse to let anyone look at them. Many records are lost due to fire, flood, and human disinterest. This work seeks to list, within Peterborough County, Ontario:
Some places of worship outside Peterborough County are included where they may be significant to county residents. In particular, the three border communities of Hastings, Bobcaygeon, and Kinmount are treated as if they were in the county. This work does not provide a history of each church, but it does list histories as part of a church's records. Fraser has attempted to show where the information comes from, whether with the information itself or at the beginning of the chapter on that congregation. He's given greater weight to official denominational records such as yearbooks and less weight to the ubiquitous congregation history booklets, which he found surprisingly inaccurate. In many cases he's quoted both, or disagreeing official records, to indicate that there may be doubt. If you are seeking church records for churches in Peterborough County or the adjoining areas of Hastings, Bobcaygeon, and Kinmount you will find this book extraordinarily helpful We have only a few of these in stock. Once they are gone, they will no longer be available. Details:
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