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Canada, British North America
Military & War History Resources

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BOOK - Fighting for Canada - Seven Battles, 1758-1945 .
By Donald E. Graves (editor); etal
Softcover...24.95 (C$)

It is a popular but untrue myth that Canada is a peaceable kingdom and Canadians are an unmilitary people. Canada was created through armed conflict, or the threat of such conflict, and throughout their history Canadians have proved themselves to be a more warlike people than some would like to believe.

This book is a study of seven battles fought either to defend Canada or by Canadian soldiers oversears on behalf of their nation. The work of six professional military historians (four of them combat arms officers), Fighting for Canada emphsizes the tactical level of war - the sharp end of the business where soldiers kill and are killed, and where personal leadership, training and experience are of paramount imporatnce. In scale, intensity and result, the actions examined in this book vary widely and include:

  • Ticonderoga, 1758: the bloodiest military action in North America before the American Civil war, as a French force defeats a large British and American army - by Ian McCulloch
  • Ridgeway, 1866: experience proves superior to numbers when Irish Fenians invade Canada and embarrass the Canadian militia - by Brian A. Reid
  • Queenston Heights, 1812: an outnumbered but professional force defeats a major American Invasion
  • Leliefontein, 1900: A Boer War mounted rearguard action fought with great valour by both sides - by Brian A. Reid
  • Moreuil Wood, 1918: a rare First World War cavalry action that was a turning poing on the Western Front - by John R. Grodzinski and Michael R. McNorgan
  • Le Mesnil-Patry, 1944: enthusiasm and courage prove unavailing against the ruthless determination of the Waffen SS in Normandy - by Michael R. McNorgan
  • Kapelsche Veer, 1945: a grim and unrelenting account of a tragic and costly battle that should have never been fought. - by Donald E. Graves.

    Through these fascinating, detailed studies, the reader sees the development of warfare from the musket period to the grim horrors of the two world wars. Edited and with introduction and linking passages by popular military historian Donald E. Graves, this book will appeal to any reader interested in military history, the nature of combat and the meaning of courage.

    • 446 pages
    • Soft cover, perfect bound
    • ISBN 1-896941-15-X

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