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BOOK - Canada's Heroes in the Great World War, Cornwall, Alexandria, Vankleek Hill, Hawkesury and Intermediate Points - Memorial Edition
Edited by Noah J. Gareau with an historical narrative by Lt-Col F. McKelvey Bell
Originally published by War Publications Limited, Ottawa, 1921
Facsimile reprint by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 2000
This edition published by MacDonald Research*, Milton, 2015
*MacDonald Research is an imprint of GlobalGenealogy.com Inc.
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 Printed Edition
 Book-on-CD Edition
This book begins with a 106 page historical sketch of the First World War with emphasis on the compaigns of the war in which many of the men and women from Cornwall, Alexandria, Vankleek Hill, Hawkesbury and intermediate points served. The next section includes 82 photos of First World War scenes followed by 64 pages that include portraits and details about 768 men, non-commissioned officers, officers, and nurses from Cornwall, Alexandria, Vankleek Hill, Hawkesury and intermediate points who served in The Canadian Expeditionary force.
Contents include:
Front Matter (8 pages)
- Title
- Preface
- Table of Contents
Historical Sketch/Chapters (106 pages)
- Prelude
- Coming Events
- Valcartier
- The Voyage across
- Salsibury Plains and the Siren
- Ypres
- Wounded
- In Hospital
- The Somme Offensive
- Vimy Ridge and Trench Raids
- The Battle of Vimy Ridge
- Jack Wentworth's Fortunes and the Seige of lens
- The Battle of Hill 70 and Passchendaele Ridge
- The Battle of Amiens
- Homeward Bound
- Battle of Cambrai and the Last days of the War
- Nominal roll of the Officers and non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the 154 Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF)
- Photographs (85 pages)
- War Views [82 photos]
- Nurses who served [12 nurses - including portraits, enlistment date, some entries list date went overseas, unit/hosptial where served]
- Officers and non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the 154 Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) [756 men - including man's details] Example of photograph page
Example of a page of portraits and captions for individual men, nurses, non-commissioned officers and officers:
212 pages
8.5 X 11"
Photographs WWI images (82), nurses (12), officers & men (756)
Originally published by War Publications Limited, Ottawa, 1921
Facsimile edition reprinted by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 2000
This edition published by MacDonald Research*, Milton, 2015
*MacDonald Research is an imprint of GlobalGenealogy.com Inc.
ISBN: 0-894033-16-7 (printed edition)
ISBN: 978-1-77240-017-5 (digital edition)
NOTE about print quality:
GlobalGenealogy.com acquired MacDonald Research Centre after the passing of its founder and primary transcriber/compiler, Duncan MacDonald. We are pleased to make his books available under the new MacDonald Research imprint. Each book has been reprinted as it was prepared by Mr. MacDonald, without corrections or additions. Modern technology helped us reproduce the original work in as-good-as, or better quality as that which was originally published. Much of MacDonald's original work was created on a typewriter. His well-worn "masters" were made on a photocopier. We've cleaned them up as much as possible without re-keying all of the content resulting in books that are useful and complete, but of a print quality that reflects the technology of the time in which they were orignally published.
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