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BOOK - Documenting Your Canadian Ancestor Who served during the North-West Rebellion (1885) in Western Canada
By Kenneth Cox
Published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2023

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This guide contains a brief history of the events to led up to the rebellion, the rebellion itself, and the outcome, plus a finding aid to help those seeking to document Canadians who served during the North-West Rebellion in Western Canada in 1885. It includes a case study of one of the men (James Forbes Foley) to illustrate what records are available and process involved.

The Canadian Federal government purchased all the Hudson’s Bay lands in 1870 eventually resulting in the formation of the Province of Manitoba. This was achieved after the Canadian Militia and British troops had moved west to the Red River colony to suppress the first civil disturbance led by Louis Riel. Riel escaped to the United States but was later convinced by supporters to return to Saskatchewan with his family. The spark of new conflict came on March 18th 1885 when Riel’s followers seized the local Indian agent and some other Canadian government officials and announced the formation of a provisional government. The Federal government moved swiftly to quash the rebellion.

The pdf of this book is provided in high definition, including front and back covers, suitable for printing your own physical copy in 8 1/2" x 11" format.

Contents include:
  • Putting your ancestor in context……The North-West Rebellion
  • Service records - overview
  • Service Medals……North-West Canada Medals
  • Case file……James Forbes Foley
  • Reference Texts
    24 pages
    8.5 X 11"
    Illustrations (B&W and colour)
    Photographs (B&W and colour)
    Published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2023
    ISBN13: 978-1-77240-215-5 (digital)
About the author: Kenneth G. Cox
    Kenneth G. Cox believes it is not enough to just discover ancestors and place their names on a genealogical chart; it is important to understand the place they occupied in our country's history. Click here for more books from Kenneth G. Cox

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