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BOOK - Documenting Your First World War Royal Flying Corps and Second World War Canadian Air Force Ancestors
By Kenneth Cox
Published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
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This reference guide provides examples of the records a researcher might receive from the archives when tracing First World War Royal Flying Corps or Second World War Royal Canadian Air Force ancestors. Included as well are examples of original photographs that might be found in the possession of a family historian who was wondering what the badges or medal ribbons
worn on their ancestor’s tunic signified. The guide also offers suggestions for further reading to enhance a family historians understanding of air force history. The author believes that by
reading beyond the personal documents a family historian will enhance their understanding of what their air force ancestor experienced when first joining; while training and later what being
posted to a front line squadron entailed. Further reading of some of the autobiographies written by Canadians who actually served in the air force during the First or Second World Wars
will certainly help a researcher understand the experiences their own ancestor must have had during these two world conflicts.
It is a hoped by reading beyond the documents a researcher will come away with an understanding of what the terms ‘bogey’, ‘buster’, ‘duf/gen’, ‘gong’, ‘prang’, ‘sprog’, ‘erk’, ‘rhubarb’, ‘getting the chop’ or ‘buying the farm’ meant to our ancestors or what the abbreviations, ‘AC2’, ‘O’, ‘W.O’. ,’A.G’., ‘B’. or ‘E’. stood for on that half-wing worn over the left breast pocket in that old photograph. The family historian will also come to learn what the designation ‘P/O’, ‘S/P’, ‘F/O’ meant to our ancestors when those abbreviations appeared on
their service documents and beside their name. For those of us with air force ancestors who actually served as aircrew, you may learn that life in fighter or bomber command could be
short. Those air force ancestors who served and returned alive were the lucky or skilled ones.
The pdf of this book is provided in high definition, including front and back covers, suitable for printing your own physical copy in 8 1/2" x 11" format.
Contents include:
- Putting your ancestor in context……World War 1
- Case Study……Lieutenants Gillis and Scherk
- Putting your ancestor in context……World War 2
- Case Study……Flying Officers Blanchfield and Cox
- Service Medals…… World Wars 1 & 2
- Abbreviations used in Air Force records
- Merchant Navy Records
- Reference Text and useful Web Sites
28 pages
8.5 X 11"
Illustrations (B&W and colour)
Published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
ISBN13: 978-1-77240-205-6 (digital)
About the author: Kenneth G. Cox
Kenneth G. Cox believes it is not enough to just discover ancestors and place their names on a genealogical chart; it is important to understand the place they occupied in our country's history. Click here for more books from Kenneth G. Cox
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