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BOOK - Documenting Your Canadian Ancestor who Fought in Spain during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
By Kenneth Cox
Published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022

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For a family historian who suspects an ancestor may have been associated with the civil war in Spain, it is hoped this guide will help them with their search for details. Beyond being a researcher's guide book, it also includes a complete list of the 1547 Canadians known to have volunteered in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1938.

Approximately 1500 Canadians fought in Spain during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and over 400 of those died defending Republican Spain against Fascist aggression. Yet, few Canadians know anything about this because the event became overshadowed by the outbreak of World War Two in September 1939. The service records of these Canadian volunteers were removed to Soviet Russia and stored in the State Archives in Moscow when the Nationalist (Fascist) Party of Francisco Franco finally ended the civil war. There was a very real fear that should the records fall into the hands of Fascist forces there would be repercussions. When the volunteers returned to Canada they were held suspect by the Canadian Government because of their socialist views and the fact that the Fifteenth International Brigade and specifically the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion, under which they served in Spain, had been supplied and supported not only by Soviet Russia but also by the Canadian Communist Party.

Following the end of the World War, many of the Spanish Civil War volunteers did have their story told through newspaper articles and oral interviews and in the last decade some of their records have been released by the State Archives in Moscow. Still, many of the records of these men and women are distributed in a wide variety of archival depositories: university archives, newspaper archives, national archives and private labour archives.

The pdf of this book is provided in high definition, including front and back covers, suitable for printing your own physical copy in 8 1/2" x 11" format.

Contents include:
  • Putting your ancestor in context……the Spanish Civil War
  • Service Records……… Archival resources
  • Service Medals………Nationalist and Republican forces
  • Case File…..Example: Wilfred Cowan (
  • Nominal Roll…… 1547 Canadian volunteers who served in Spain
    32 pages
    8.5 X 11"
    Illustrations (B&W and color)
    Published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
    ISBN13: 978-1-77240-203-2 (digital)
About the author: Kenneth G. Cox
    Kenneth G. Cox believes it is not enough to just discover ancestors and place their names on a genealogical chart; it is important to understand the place they occupied in our country's history. Click here for more books from Kenneth G. Cox

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