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Fenian Raids 1866-1871; Red River Rebellion 1869-1870:
    The Fenian Raids were attacks by members of the Fenian Brotherhood based in the United States, on British army forts, customs posts and other targets in Canada in order to bring pressure on Britain to withdraw from Ireland, between 1866 and 1871. Most of the raids were successfully repelled by British forces and local militias. While the U.S. authorities arrested the men and confiscated their arms afterwards, there is speculation that many in US government had turned a blind eye to the preparations for the invasion..

    The Red River Rebellion was the sequence of events that led up to the 1869 establishment of a provisional government by the Métis leader Louis Riel and his followers at the Red River Colony, in what is now the Canadian province of Manitoba. A military expedition was sent to Manitoba to enforce federal authority. Now known as the Wolseley Expedition (or Red River Expedition), it consisted of Canadian militia and British regular soldiers led by Colonel Garnet Wolseley. The arrival of troops ended the Rebellion.

BOOK - Searching for Canadian Militia Records following the Fenian Threat and the Red River Expedition, 1866-1872    
By Kenneth G. Cox
Published by author, Toronto 2018, updated 2023
Searching for Canadian Militia Records following the Fenian Threat and the Red River Expedition, 1860-1872 identifies available records, how to access them, and discusses interpretation of findings. Several lists of men are also included, with names, rank, unit, actions, wounded captured, killed in action, recipients of Paid Bounty, etc. Generously illustrated with examples, this book will be of great help to those seeking to kknow more about Canadian militia records for those who served in the defense of the Fenian Raids and the Red River Expedition 1866-1872. Militia records from this period are unfortunately scarce. However, there are resources that can prove to family historians that their ancestors 'stepped up' when called upon to defend their country, and became more than 'part-time' soldiers.
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