United Empire Loyalists American Revolutionary War Genealogy & History Resources More Canadian Resources | More American Resources More Loyalist Resources | More American Revolution Resources BOOK - Voyage Of a Different Kind, The Associated Loyalists of Kingston and Adolphustown [Ontario] By Larry Turner. Originally published by Mika Publishing, Belleville, 1984 This second printing by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999
From the City of New York to the shores of Lake Ontario: it was a unique migration in 1783 and 1784. Following a path of its own choosing, a small but significant group of Loyalist refugees opted for settlement in the western territory of the old Province of Quebec. Having been forced to evacuate the City at the close of the American Revolutionary War, the companies of Associated Loyalists formed to expedite the goal of setting a place called Cataraqui, struggled against many odds. Seeking to avoid the overwhelming draw to settle in Nova Scotia, Michael Grass and Peter Van Alstine as leaders of these renegade companies, charted a very different course in their goal to settle what would become Kingston and Adolphustown. Their negotiations with Sir Guy Carleton in New York and Sir Frederick Haldimand in Quebec helped alter the process and procedure of Loyalist settlement in Upper Canada. As part of a larger settlement on the St. Lawrence River and at Cataraqui involving as estimated five thousand Loyalists with the Provincial Regiments, the men, women and children of the Associated Loyalists numbering a little more than three hundred persons, carved their distinct character in this wilderness land that would become Upper Canada. Contents include:
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6.25" x 9" Illustrations Map Appendices Index Originally published by Mika Publishing, Belleville, 1984 This printing by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999 (CD 2009) ISBN 1-894378-08-3 (Hardcover edition) More Genealogy & History Resources from Global Genealogy: