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BOOK - The Settlement of the United Empire Loyalists on the Upper St. Lawrence and Bay of Quinte In 1784, A Documentary Record
By Brig. General E. A. Cruikshank
Originally published by Ontario Historical Society, Toronto, 1934
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2007

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Hardcover Edition

Book-on-CD Edition

The Settlement of the United Empire Loyalists on the Upper St. Lawrence and Bay of Quinte In 1784, A Documentary Record is comprised of a collection of letters and journal entries of the people who were most closely involved with planning and accomplishing Loyalist settlement along the St. Lawrence River and the Bay of Quinte area between May 1783 and November of 1784.

The letters and other entries are organized chronologically, making it very easy to follow the progress of the effort.

Many of the documents deal with administrative issues - a perfect way to gain insight into how settlement of the area moved from concept, to exploration, evaluluation, survey, placement of Loyalists on the land, and finally to managing logistical and social issues soon after settlement. Details on how issues such as transportation, provisions, interaction with First Nations, and much more are included.

Two example entries:
  • Excerpt from a letter from Captain Maurier to Major Mathews, Montreal 17th June 1784:
      ... " Mr. McPherson who has charge of canals and stores at Coteau du Lac acquaints me that when Sir John Johnson went up, he applied for his lands, that he told him he had nothing to do with him, as he did belong to the Qr. Mr. Genl's Department & that he must apply through them at Head Quarters - the true case is the man came through the woods with Sir John in 1776 & belonged to his Battalion until 1880 when he was employed by Captain Twiss. I think he should receive Land as a subaltern & beg you'll please to obtain an order from his Excell'y for any quantity he may please to grant." ....

  • Excerpt from a letter from Captain Sherwood to Major Holland, New Oswagacha, 17th October 1784:
      .... " I have not yet gotten all of the people to their land, owing to the great numbers constantly coming in" ....... " Our people have made a very rapid progress in settlement but they are now much disheartened at not having received any seed wheat although they have sufficient ground cleared I don't know what we shall do for bread for another year but hope gov't will lengthen our provision." ...... "The savages begin to steal and kill our cattle and to threaten our women and children, pray represent this to the Commander in Chief, mentioning at the same time that this is owing to the rum they get at Oswagacha for which they give all their provisions and then are induced by hunger to steal from us."
Check the index (.pdf) for persons or topics that are of interest to you.

Pages: 188
Size: 7 X 9.5"
Originally published by Ontario Historical Society, Toronto, 1934
This edition by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2007

ISBN: 978-1-897466-03-4 (hardcover)

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