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Home Childen, Barnardo Children, Middlemore, Fegan Home, Quarriers, etc Genealogy & History Resources BOOK - British Home Children: Their Stories Compiled by the British Isles Family History Society of Ottawa (BIFHSGO) Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2010 (CD 2013)
The compiler of this book, the British Isles Family History Society (BIFHSGO), has been a long-time leader in researching and sharing information about Home Children. Beginning in 1996, BIFHSGO began extracting the names of Home Children from the records of Library and Archives Canada (LAC). To date, over 100,000 names have been extracted from passenger lists and other records by BIFHSGO volunteers, and the information has been provided to LAC for incorporation into a Home Children Database and made available online to the general public. The Middlemore Homes Index that lists children brought to Canada during the period 1872–1886 was developed by BIFHSGO volunteers and is posted on the Society’s website. To commemorate The Year of the British Home Child, BIFHSGO has assembled a collection of stories prepared by the researchers about the lives of some of these these children — their ancestors — that demonstrate the strength of character, sense of purpose and good humour that enabled them to overcome adversity and contribute a positive and lasting legacy to their new country. The stories reflect the contributors’ recollections of their ancestors and the times and conditions in which they lived. Inevitably there will be inconsistencies in details, and readers are encouraged to accept the stories in the spirit in which they are presented. Contents include:
224 Pages 8.5 X 11" (second printing 2024) Coilbound Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2010 (CD 2013) ISBN 978-1-926797-47-2 (Softcover) Names that appear in the Index:
Bailey, Abraham; Ball, Franklin; Ballantine, Hannah; Ballantine, Robert; Bampton (Stone), Pauline F; Bampton, Joseph Albert; Bampton, Elburn Charles; Bampton, Joseph; Bampton, Mary Ann; Barclay, Leonard; Barker, Anne; Barker, Thomas; Bartholomew, Alfred; Bartholomew, Alice; Bartholomew, Grace; Bartholomew, Harriett; Bartholomew, Ida; Bartholomew, James; Bartholomew, James H; Bartholomew, Lily; Bartholomew, Walter; Bartholomew, William A; Beaton, Allan Gilchrist; Beaton, Ethel Phyllis; Beaton, Hannah; Beaton, Harry; Beaton, John; Bell, Josie; Bell, Robert and Lucille; Bennett, Kevin W; Bennett, Margaret Ann; Berry, John; Bilbrough, Ellen Agnes; Birt, Louisa; Boyle, Mary; Brennan, Benjamin; Brent, Mrs; D;K; Brock, Spencer; Brock, Willie; Brody, Joseph; Brooks, Eva B; Brunet, Elizabeth; Buck, Grace; Buckley, Charles; Buckley, Elizabeth; Buckley, Ethel; Buckley, Hannorah; Buckley, Isabella; Buckley, Jack and Mary; Buckley, Pat; Buckley, Vina; Burgess, Ernest; Burgess, James; Byerlay, Maxine (Thompson) Calder, Gordon; Callaghan, Mary Kathleen; Callaghan, Richard Patrick; Campbell, Christina; Campbell, Errald; Campbell, Lyal; Carpenter, Berton G; Carpenter, Daniel B; Carpenter, Eleanor A; Chenier, Xavier; Chisholm, Beryl; Clapham, Elizabeth Ellen; Clare, Jack; Clare, Mabel; Coggins, Anna Maria; Coggins, Charles; Coggins, Frank Edward Weston; Coggins, Malvina; Coggins, Rosina; Collighan, Patrick; Condry, Michael; Connor, Ethel; Cook, Bryan D; Cox, Millicent; Crawford, George; Crawford, Marion; Creekard, William; Cyr, Charlie Dancey, Ernie; Dancey, Vernon; Davis, Mary Sophia; Davis, Michael; Davis, Michael and Charlotte; Delany, Mervyn; Delisle, Joe; Desjardins, Julie Clara; Dobb, Theodore; Doe, Mary Jane; Donovan, Kenneth; Dubé, Eusèbe; Dubé, Mabel Mary; Duncan, Elizabeth; Duncan, Jim; Duncan, Joseph Donachie; Duncan, Josephine; Duncan, Thomas; Duquette, Cyprien Fingland, Adam and Mary; Fingland, Don; Fingland, Joyce C; Fingland, Mary; Fingland, Thomas; Fingland, William George; Fisher, Eric; Fitzpatrick, Ann; Flewelling, Cheryl Wakeham; Foord, Archie and Reg; Foord, George Frederick; Foord, Georgina; Forster, Margaret; Francke, John Christian; Frazer, Mary; Fulford, George Taylor Gardiner, Frederick; Gardiner, Sheila; Gardner, Samuel; Gibson, Albert; Gilchrist, Elizabeth; Gilchrist, Henry; Gilchrist, Mary; Gillespie, Donna and Helen; Goodfellow, Mildred; Graham, Bernard; Graham, Charles; Graham, Edward; Graham, Suzanne; Grant-Brooks, Augustus; Greene, Catherine Hall, George H; Hall, Mary Jane; Hallas, Kenneth; Hammond, Elaine; Hardy, Dorothy; Hardy, George; Hardy, Mary; Harmer, Ann; Harmer, Anna; Harmer, Edith; Harmer, Florence; Harmer, George; Harmer, James; Harmer, John Henry; ; Harmer, Robert; Harrison, Phyllis; Henderson, Jane; Henderson, John E; Herring, Daisy; Herring, Ivan; Homes, Charlie; Houlahan, Patrick; Hudson, George Reuben; Hudson-Masterman, Harriet; Hughes, Catherine; Hyland, Thomas and Marinda Irvine (née Thorburn), Sherry James, Duncan; Jeavons, Edith Millwood; ; Jeavons, Jonah and Emma; Jeavons, Ron and Diane; Jeavons, Timothy; Jeffs, Frank (Mr; and Mrs;); Jenkins, George; Johnson, Bertha; Johnston, Helen; Jones, Darlene Kelly, Alfred; Kelly, Alfred James; Kelly, Brian; Kelly, Dennis; Kelly, Diane; Kelly, Florence; Kelly, Norman; Kelly, William Lafrance, Sarah Albertine; Laidlaw, Elvira; Laidlaw, James; Lavigne, Aldem; Lavoie, Philias; Leech, Isabel; Leech, James; Lindsay, Elizabeth; Lockerby, Bertha Ann; Lockerby, George; Lockerby, Robert Hoyles; Lorente, Arthur; Lorente, David J;; Lorente, Gerald; Lorente, Joan; Lorente, Joseph; Lorente, Willie; Love, Jane; Love, Matthew; Lucy, Hannah; Lucy, Mary MacEvoy, Pat; MacPhail, Chris; Macpherson, Annie;; Maidwell, Katherine; Maidwell, William; Mallory, Lizzie; Mann, Evelyn; Mann, Robert; Marlin, James Wilbur; Marlin, Pansy; Masterman, Charles Rueben; Masterman, George Henry Edward; Masterman, James William; Masterman, Kenneth; Masterman, Marjory; Masterman, Reuben; Masterman, Thomas Henry; Masterman, William; Masterman-Chappell, Sharon; Masterman-Griffin, Saundra; Masterman-Hallas, Harriet; McCaffrey, Bernadette; McCrossin, Mary A; McDonald, D.D.; McDonald, D.J. (Mrs.); McDonald, Donald Duncan; McDonald, Dougald; McDonald, Josephine; McEvoy, Pat; McGugan, Archibald; McIntaggart, Michael Patrick; McKay, Violet Annie; McKee, Abraham; McKenna, Catherine; McMullen, Willie; McTague, Anne; Melvin, Ida Ettie; Meredith, Benjamin James; Meredith, William; Merrill, Alice; Merrill, Marjory Eva; Meylan, Hélène; Millington, Catherine; Millington, Edward; Mitchell, Ann; Mitchell, David; Mitchell, John; Mitchell, Martha; Mitchell, Matthew; ; Mitchell, Robert Spence; Mitchell, Samuel; Mitchell, William; Moir, Alexander; Moir, Alfie; Moir, Bertie; Moir, Frank; Monk, Henry James; Monk, John Arthur; Monson, Martha; ; Monson, Thomas; Morris, Sarah Ellen; Morrison, Jane; Mount, Sir William; Murphy, Edward; Myhill, Annie; Myhill, Frederick; Myhill, Mary (Lucy) Northrup, Samuel H; Nunney, Alfred Edmund; Nunney, George Frederick; ; Nunney, Stephen Sargent Claude; Nunney, William Percy O’Byrne, Jim; O’Connor, F;E; O’Malley, Joan; O’Meara, Patrick; O’Shaughnessy, Claude and Minnie Parker, Frank; Parks, W;G; (Mrs;); Paton, Flora; Paton, Janet; Peters, Sarah Grace; Peterson, Maria Hemeon; Pettigrew, Margaret; Pfahl, Charles; Pfahl, Joseph; Pfahl, Norman; Phillips, James; Phillips, Rachel Ann; Pickard, Elaine; Picken, Thomas; Pinchin, Florence; Pinchin, W; George; Playfair, Anna; Playfair, John Andrew; Powell, Albert Henry; Powell, Esther Florence; Powell, George Thomas; Powell, John Jeffrey; Powell, Murray D; Primswood, Frederick and Charlotte Quarrier, Agnes; Quarrier, Annie; Quarrier, William; Quinn, Mary Rankin, Martha; Regan, Julia; Rich, Lillian and Charles; Risborough, Joseph Everitt; Rivard, Lionel (Mrs;); Robert, Antoine; Roberts-Pichette, Patricia; Robinson, Hercules; Rollins, Samuel and Jennie; Rose, Charlotte Ann; Rose, Elizabeth Hattie; Rose, Frederick; Rose, Isaac and Margaret; Boulger, Ross, David; Russell, John Harold; Russell, Richard Salmon, Rev; John; Salter, Henry; Sanham, Chris; Sargent, Mary; Saul, Mary; Sayers, John; Scanlon, Joseph; Shearer, David; Shearer, Elizabeth; Sheean, William J; Shipperley, James; Silk, Peter; Simmonds, Fleurette; Smelt, Christopher; Smelt, John Harold; Smelt, Newark; Smelt, Richard Henderson; Smith, David; Spence, Alex; Spence, Mary Jane; Spindler, Amelia; Spindler, Blanche; Spindler, Carl; Spindler, Dora; Spindler, Elizabeth; Spindler, Joseph; Spindler, Mathilda Marjory; Spindler, Ottila; Spindler, Otto Alexander Francis; Stephen, Carol A; Stevenson, Elmer; Stevenson, Horace; Stewart, Anna; Stewart, Margaret White; Suitor, Witham J; Swaebe, Carol Anne; Swaebe, John; Swaebe, Millicent; Swaebe, Norman; Swaebe, Norman David; Swansburg, Billie Taylor, Ena; Taylor, Victor (Mrs.); Thomas Duncan; Thompson, Carl; Thorburn, Elizabeth Rose; Thorburn, Mike; Thorburn, Thomas Mitchell; Threlkeld, Mary Agnes; Tong, Fanny; Townesend, John Unsworth, Beverley Vanderlowen , Fannir; Vant, Francis Henry; Vant, Linda; Vinh-Doyle, William Wakeham, Edwin John Reginald; Wakeman, Edwin and Edith Amelia May (Shove); Walker, Emily; Walker, Helen Mae; Walker, Jesse; Walker, Roy (Mrs;); Walker, Thomas; Wallace, David; Wallace, Mary Ann; Wallace, Robert; Warcup, Hugh; Watch, Charles William; Watt, Tom; Webster, Ivan Lorne; Webster, Leland Wilmot; Webster, Robert; Webster, Russell Edgar; Webster, William Joseph; Wedderburn, Barbara; Wellwood, Addie; Weston, Frank; Wickham, Annie; Wickham, Charles; Wickham, Edward; Wickham, Jenny Malvina; Wickham, John William; Wickham, Minnie; Wickham, Rosina Margery; Wickham, Sophie; Windle, Mary Jane; Windle, Samuel; Windle, William; Wright, Glenn More Canadian Genealogy & History Resources from Global Genealogy: