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Genealogy & History Resources
( Topics That Concern More than One Province )

Provincial, Municipal and Regional Resources

4 VOL SET - Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to Canada Before Confederation (1867) Vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4
By Don Whyte.
A unique compilation of thousands of Scottish Imigrants to Canada, taken from a wide range of primary and secondary sources. These volumes document thousands of fur traders, explorers, bankers, railway builders, politicians, farmers, teachers and journalists who came to Canada before 1867. Donald Whyte consulted numerous sources, printed and manuscript, and by extensive correspondence, gathered much information that would not otherwise have been saved for posterity. All four volumes can be purchased as a pdf download or on a single CD ROM. A must for anyone searching for Scottish ancestors who migrated to Canada prior to 1867.
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4 books pdf download......24.95 (C$)
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4 Books on CD... 29.95 (C$)

BOOK - Obituaries From Canadian Presbyterian Periodicals 1872-1896
By Donald A. McKenzie
Published by Global Heritage Press, Ottawa, 2016
This new book of extracts of Presbyterian obituaries by Donald McKenzie is a natural followup to his three decades of transcribing and publishing 12 volumes of obituaries and other genealogical data from Ontario's Methodist periodicals 1830-1900. This book provides transcribed obituaries and death notices from the two main Presbyterian periodicals published in Canada: British American Presbyterian / Canada Presbyterian, published weekly in Toronto 1872-1896 and the Presbyterian Record, published monthly in Montreal 1876-1896. Obituaries are organized alphabetically by surname, plus there is an Index of other people mentioned in obituaries, and a detailed index of places mentioned. The Index of Places which occupies 27 pages at the end of this volume. Roughly 1400 place names are listed. About two-thirds of them are Canadian, and half of the rest are from Scotland, the original home of Presbyterianism. The remainder are from England, Ireland, the U.S . and some 30 other countries. ISBN 978-1-77240-047-2     More Information
Hardcover...49.95 (C$)
pdf download......18.95 (C$)
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BOOKS - Notices of Births, Marriages, Conversions, Deaths & Obituaries From Methodist Newspapers 1830-1900 [Canada]
Compiled by Donald A. McKenzie
Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2005-2013
This series of 12 volumes contains transcriptions of births, marriages, conversions, deaths, and obituaries as they were published in Methodist Newspapers between 1830 and 1900. You can buy individual volumes or save by buying the entire 12 volume set. The alphabetical format [alphabetical by surname] of these volumes will enable you to quickly find any of your ancestors whose vital events were reported in the Canadian Methodist newspapers from 1830 to 1900. Many of the entries are from Ontario and Quebec, however there are a significant number of entries from coast to coast across Canada, including Newfoundland. Of note is that some volumes also contain vital events records for people of faiths other than Methodist. Mr McKenzie's detailed and informative introduction to this work provides the reader with all the information necessary to understand and use the material.

Now available in 3 formats: printed book, CD, or PDF download!      More Information

BOOK - In Search of the Red Dragon - The Welsh in Canada
By Carol Bennett
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books, Renfrew, 1985
In this book, Carol Bennett describes Welsh immigration and settlements, discusses the survival of the Welsh language and cultural institutions in Canada, and tells the story of a number of famous Canadians of Welsh extraction. This is a celebration of the Welsh people as part of the Canadian cultural mosiac. The Welsh in Canada have been generally disregarded by writers and historians. They came here in fewer numbers than other ethnic groups such as the Irish and the Scots, and as a result their contribution to Canadian life has been overlooked. Nevertheless, they have made a significant impact on this country, as politicians,journalists, artists and clergy. In Search of the Red Dragon: The Welsh in Canada, received the Ninnau award for its contribution to North American Welsh culture    More information including Index
pdf download...... 17.95 (C$)
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BOOK - The Scotch-Irish. Two Volumes in One
By Charles A. Hanna.
Originally published by G. P. Putnam, New York, 1902
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2006

This is the basic sourcebook on the Scotch-Irish in North America, a massive compilation of source records pertaining to the Scots who settled in the north of Ireland and their descendants in North America. The Scotch-Irish left Ulster as a result of neo-mercantilist British economic policy in the region, requirements that they pay 10% of their income to the Anglican Church, ongoing friction with their Catholic Irish neighbors, and greater economic opportunity in the New World. ISBN 1-894378-92-X   
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Hardcover... 145.95 (C$)
Book on CD... 19.95 (C$)
pdf download.....15.95 (C$)
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BOOK - The Sash Canada Wore - A Historical Geography of The Orange Order in Canada
By Cecil J. Houston and William J. Smith
Originally published by Universtiy of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1980
This edition by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1999 [CD 2011]

Significant migration of Protestant Irish to Canada in the early 19th century brought with it the establishment of the Orange Order in Canada. This work explores the role of the Orange Order in the unfolding settlement geography of Canada. Protestant Irish soldiers and emigrants, largely Ulster-born, introduced the organization into New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario within the first decade of the nineteenth century. At its zenith, he movement had a membership of as many as one in three Canadians. (Hardcover temporarily out of print)    More Information
Book on CD.....19.95 (C$)
pdf download.....15.95 (C$)
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BOOK - The First Century of Methodism in Canada, 1775-1883. Two Volumes In One
By J. E. Sanderson
Originally published by William Briggs, 1908 (vol. 1) & 1910 (vol. 2)
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2008 (CD 2011)

Sanderson's fine history of the early years of Methodism in Canada has served as an essential resource for more than a century. Being out of print for over one hundred years, this new edition has been pubished to provide access for today's researchers. This editon is a facsimile reprint of both of the original volumes, bound into a single book.ISBN 978-1-897446-34-8 (Hardcover)     More Information
Hardcover......115.95 (C$)
Book on CD ......19.95 (C$)
pdf download.....15.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Cyclopedia of Methodism In Canada (1765 - 1880)
By Rev. George H. Cornish
Originally published by Methodist Book and Publishing House, Toronto, 1881
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton 2001 (CD 2009)

Cyclopedia of Methodism In Canada contains historical, educational and statistical information regarding the Methodist Church and specific Methodist Ministers in Canada, dating from the "Beginning of the Work" (1765) in the several provinces of the Dominion of Canada and extending to the Annual Conferences of 1880. Includes information about all of those who served as ministers and circuit riders, complete with a record of where and when they served. Cornish included listings of circuits held by ministers of the Methodist Church in Canada from 1765 to 1880. Includes: Index of Names of Ministers & Probationers; Index of The Circuits and Missions; Index to Illustrations. This book is an important resource for those interested in theology, social history, history and genealogy in early Canada ISBN 1-894378-16-4 (Hardcover)     More Information
Hardcover......119.95 (C$)
Book on CD ......19.95 (C$)
pdf download.....15.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Lovell's 1873 Gazetteer of British North America
By John Lovell and Son, Montreal, 1873
Originally published by John Lovell and Son, Montreal, 1873
This facsimile reprint by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1998 (CD 2010)

This facsimile reprint of The volume contains over six thousand descriptions and historical facts about cities, towns and villages across Canada, as they were known in 1873. Also included is a listing of over fifteen hundred lakes and rivers with their location, size and general information. A table showing the railway and steamboat routes within British North America in 1873, which will assist researchers in understanding the routes that their ancestors may have migrated over. The table lists the distance that each place in British North America is to the nearest railway station or port.ISBN 0-9682524-5-1 (Hardcover)    More Information
Hardcover......79.95 (C$)
Book on CD......19.95 (C$)
pdf download......  15.95 (C$)
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BOOK - True Stories of New England Captives Carried to Canada During the Old French and Indian Wars
By C. Alice Baker
Originally published by E. A. Hall & Co., Cambridge, 1897
This edition by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2006 (CD 2010)

This thoughtfully written book provides the reader with the gripping history of Indian attacks in Maine; New Hampshire; and Massachusetts. Events leading up to the attacks and the attacks themselves are described in considerable detail with an emphasis on how those engagements affected specific people, especially those who were captured and removed to Canada. ISBN 1-897210-98-1 (Hardcover)    More Information
Hardcover......64.95 (C$)
Book on CD......19.95
pdf download......  15.95 (C$)
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BOOK - The Canadian Almanac of 1862
Originally published by W. C. Chewett & Co. 1862.
This edition by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2003

Many family historians value a carefully compiled almanac. Almanac's assist genealogists, historians, social historians and geographers locate information and records that affected the inhabitants of the area being researched. ISBN 1-897210-98-1     More Information

Coilbound......19.95 (C$)
pdf download......  12.95 (C$)
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BOOK - Routes to Roots: A Collection of Genealogical Columns
By Ryan Taylor
Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 1997
A wide range of genealogical and research topics assist family historians with their quest to uncover their roots. Included is an essay describing how to effectively use libraries for family history research and how to best utilize the skills and training of professional librarians. Routes to Routes is a compilation of newspaper articles written by renowned Canadian genealogist, Ryan Taylor. During his distinguished genealogy career, Taylor was a highly respected genealogy speaker, educator, writer, radio call-in-show genealogy expert, and regular panelist on the popular television show Ancestors in the Attic (History TV). This book is an entertaining read that shares many sound research ideas from the vast experience of Mr. Taylor. ISBN 0-9682524-0-0.     More Information
Softcover......19.95 (C$)

BOOK - Prisons, Asylums, and the Public: Institutional Visiting in the Nineteenth Century
By Janet Miron
Published by University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, Toronto, 2011
The prisons and asylums of Canada and the United States were a popular destination for institutional tourists in the nineteenth-century. Thousands of visitors entered their walls, recording and describing the interiors, inmates, and therapeutic and reformative practices they encountered in letters, diaries, and articles. Surprisingly, the vast majority of these visitors were not members of the medical or legal elite but were ordinary people. Prisons, Asylums, and the Public argues that, rather than existing in isolation, these institutions were closely connected to the communities beyond their walls. Challenging traditional interpretations of public visiting, Janet Miron examines the implications and imperatives of visiting from the perspectives of officials, the public, and the institutionalized -- sheds new light on popular nineteenth-century attitudes towards the insane and the criminal.
ISBN 978-0-802095-13-8    More information
Softcover......CDN$   $27.95

BOOK - Picturesque Canada: The Country As It Was And Is - 2 Volume Set
Edited by George Munro Grant
Originally published by Beldon Bros., Toronto, 1882
This edition by Hammerburg Productions, Toronto, 2008

Beyond being an extraordinary history, Picturesque Canada: The Country As It Was and Is is one of the most important examples of wood-engraved illustration that has ever been published in Canada. Hammerburg Productions has re-created this gem to a very high standard that has thrilled collectors of Canadian history and illustration. Profusely illustrated with over 500 wood engravings [reproduced in extraordinary detail], many of them full-page. The original book was illustrated under the supervision of L. R. O'Brien, first President of the Royal Canadian Academy.
ISBN 978-9784643-4-9 (2 vol. hardcover set)     More information

Two Volume Set

Volume 1
9 X 12"

Volume 2
9 X 12"

Two Volume Set......CDN$   $249.95

BOOK - The Land Newly Found, Eyewitness Accounts of the Canadian Immigrant Experience
By Norman Hillmer and J.L. Granatstein
Published by Thomas Allen Publishers, Toronto, 2006
From two of Canada’s preeminent historians comes a highly original compilation of eyewitness accounts from our nation’s immigration history in the words of those who lived the experience. From war brides and home children to refugees and boat people, "The Land Newly Found" not only explores the personal stories of those who choose to make Canada their new home, but provides keen insight into the policies and political struggles of a budding multicultural nation. These eyewitness accounts are broad in scope, revealing the hardships and heartbreak, hard work and happiness of people beginning their lives anew in a foreign land.
ISBN 978-1-926797-51-9 (Hardcover)    More information
Hardcover......CDN$   $48.95

BOOK - Genealogy and the Law in Canada
By Dr. Margaret Ann Wilkinson
Digital records and broad access to the Internet have made it easier for genealogists to gather relevant information from distant sources and to share the information they have gathered. The law, however, remains tied to particular geographic locations. This book discusses how specific laws — access to information, personal data protection, libel, copyright, and regulation of cemeteries — apply to anyone involved in genealogical research in Canada.
ISBN 978-1-55488-452-0 (softcover)     More information

Softcover......CDN$   $19.99

ATLAS - Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Dominion of Canada - 1880
Originally published by H. Beldon and Company, 1880
This premium-quality, limited-edition reprint published 2007 by Hammerburg Productions. The Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Dominion of Canada, was originally published by H. Beldon & Company in 1880. It contains maps of all the existing provinces at the time, as well as maps of the places where early Canadians emigrated from: Europe, Asia, North and South America, United States, Oceania and The World. This county atlas consists of historical text, maps, portraits, and views.
Large Format Atlas, 14" X 18.5". More Information.

BOOK - Dixie and the Dominion: Canada, the Confederacy, and the War for the Union
By Adam Mayers
Dixie & the Dominion is a compelling look at how the U.S. Civil War was a shared experience that shaped the futures of both Canada and the United States. The book focuses on the last year of the war, between April of 1864 and 1865. During that 12-month period, the Confederate States sent spies and saboteurs to Canada on a secret mission. These agents struck fear along the frontier and threatened to draw Canada and Great Britain into the war.
ISBN13: 9781550024685    More information

Hardcover......CDN$   $40.00

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