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BOOK - Patriotes, Reformers, Rebels and Raiders, Tracing your ancestors during the 'troublous' times in Upper and Lower Canada 1820-1851
By Kenneth G. Cox
Published by Kenneth G. Cox, Toronto 2014

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This detailed book identifies and explains Rebellion of 1837-38 historical records, including transcribed lists of many of the players in this often ignored chapter of Canada's history. In 1840 Jean Baptiste Turcott submitted his application to Governor Lord Durham for a land grant claiming his service during the War of 1812 as a right to entitlement. It can be assumed that because of the date on the application Jean Baptiste must have remained loyal to the Crown during the recent rebellions which had occurred in both Upper and Lower Canada in 1837. A year before Jean Baptiste's application another Turcot, Louis, had stood before a military court martial and been sentenced to death by hanging for his active role during the same rebellions.

Jean Baptiste would eventually move his family to Wolfe Island near Kingston, Upper Canada (Ontario), while Louis would be exiled to Australia. Both would eventually appear on the 1851 census with one living in the newly renamed Canada West (Ontario) and the other back with his family in Canada East (Quebec). The search for a family connection between these two men, as they experienced the 'troublous' times between 1820 and 1851 in Upper and Lower Canada, is the basis for this research guide.

Contents include:
  • Introduction: British North America and the rebellions of 1837, - resources to consider when tracing your pre-rebellions ancestors

  • Chapter One: The Roots of Rebellion - the Constitutional Act of 1791, Robert Gourlay's list of grievances and the rule of the colonial elite
    • Appendix 1-1 The 1818 Civil list and the Family Compact
    • Appendix 1-2 Treason Act, 1814, list of those suspected of sedition under the Act
    • Appendix 1-3 Register of Persons connected with High Treason, War of 1812-14
    • Appendix 1-4 Ontario census predating 1851 available at the Ontario Archives

  • Chapter Two: The Rebellion in Upper Canada
    • Appendix 2-l 'tried for treason' - list ofthose held in prison in Upper Canada following the rebellion

  • Chapter Three: The Rebellion in Lower Canada
    • Appendix 3-1 'tried for treason' - Example of the official list of those held in prison in Lower Canada, Colonial Office resources

  • Chapter Four: The Aftermath of the Rebellions
    • Appendix 4-1 Executed for high treason, names of those sentenced to death following the rebellions of 1837 and the subsequent border raids
    • Appendix 4-2 'tried for treason' - list of captives following the Battle of the Windmill, Short Hills
    • Appendix 4-3 list of individuals indicted under the Bermuda Ordinance

  • Chapter Five: Transported - trial, transportation and life in Australia
    • Appendix 5-1 Transported and executed - list of individuals sent to Australia's Van Diemen Land or New South Wales or hanged for inciting insurrection

  • Chapter Six: The Rebellion Losses Bill - 'Claims for Losses'
    • Appendix 6 - 1, Government list of claimants made for losses resulting from the rebellions, Colonial Office documents

  • Chapter Seven: Military Records
    • Appendix 7-1, militia records held at Library and Archives Canada
    • Appendix 7-2, militia units by district
    • Appendix 7-3 militia units incorporated during the disturbances
    • Appendix 7-4, British Regiments serving in North America during the Rebellions and Border Raids

  • Chapter Eight: Women and the Rebellions
    • Appendix 8-1, Signatures requesting leniency for Samuel Lount
    • Appendix 8-2, Petitions for leniency from Orillia U.C.
    • Appendix 8-3, Letter from Wm Henry listing the number of petitions received with transcription
308 pages

About the author
Kenneth Cox is a former school principal who started his own family history research when he retired. Having a keen interest in history, he soon realized that it wasn't enough to just discover ancestors and place their names on a genealogical chart; it was also important to understand the place they occupied in our countries history. Simply put, to be a genealogist you also have to be a historian. Ken has written and published a number of articles concerning military research and family history.

More Rebellion of 1837-1838 Resources from

Rebellions of 1837-1838:
    The Lower Canada (Quebec) and Upper Canada (Ontario) rebellions of the late 1830's were an effort by a dedicated few to turn the British provinces of North America into a republic or republics. After unsuccessful bids for control of power, a few of the rebels were hanged or transported, but most were eventually pardoned. As a direct result of the uprisings, Lord Durham, was assigned to report on the grievances among the colonists and find a way to appease them. His report eventually led to greater autonomy in the Canadian colonies, and the union of Upper and Lower Canada into the Province of Canada in 1840.

BOOK - Reports of the Commissioners on the Rebellion Losses in the years 1837-1838 - in Lower Canada (Quebec)
Published by Provincial Parliament, Montreal, 1852
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2013

This Report of the Commissioners on the Rebellion Losses... focuses on 107 claims of the final 348 claims that were still outstanding in 1852. These 107 denied or partially denied claims make especially interesting reading insofar as so many of the claimants participated directly in the Rebellion, or materially supported the rebel cause. After an explanitory preamble the report continues with a list of the claimants names and amounts of claim, where they lived, details about the amount of the claim. The bulk of the book contains written explanations supporting the Commissioners' decisions on each individual claim (identified by claim number and person's name), plus several pieces of releavant correspondence and related explanation.    More information
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BOOK - Patriotes, Reformers, Rebels and Raiders, Tracing your ancestors during the 'troublous' times in Upper and Lower Canada 1820-1851
By Kenneth G. Cox
Published by Kenneth G. Cox, Toronto 2014
This detailed book identifies and explains Rebellion of 1837-38 historical records, including transcribed lists of many of the players in this often ignored chapter of Canada's history. In 1840 Jean Baptiste Turcott submitted his application to Governor Lord Durham for a land grant claiming his service during the War of 1812 as a right to entitlement. It can be assumed that because of the date on the application Jean Baptiste must have remained loyal to the Crown during the recent rebellions which had occurred in both Upper and Lower Canada in 1837. A year before Jean Baptiste's application another Turcot, Louis, had stood before a military court martial and been sentenced to death by hanging for his active role during the same rebellions. Jean Baptiste would eventually move his family to Wolfe Island near Kingston, Upper Canada (Ontario), while Louis would be exiled to Australia. Both would eventually appear on the 1851 census with one living in the newly renamed Canada West (Ontario) and the other back with his family in Canada East (Quebec). The search for a family connection between these two men, as they experienced the 'troublous' times between 1820 and 1851 in Upper and Lower Canada, is the basis for this research guide.     More information
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BOOK - 1837-38 Rebellion Losses of Upper Canada (Ontario)
Published by Provincial Parliament, Montreal, 1849
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2013

A comprehensive source for names of the claimants and their losses during the Rebellion of 1837-38 in Upper Canada including subsequent restitution amounts or rejection of claims in whole or in part. Some years ago we purchased a forty eight page document originally printed in 1849, that lists the individual claimants by their name, the amount of their claim in currency (sums claimed), the amount paid (sums allowed) or denied (rejected altogether) and the District in which the claimant resided. The Johnstown District claims include "Nature of Claim" and "remarks". Those entries shine much light on which side of the conflict that the claimants sympathized with along with details of ownership or personal information.   More information
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BOOK - Sketches Illustrating The Early Settlement and History of Glengarry in Canada
By J. A. MacDonell.
J. A. MacDonell recognized that much had been written on the subject of United Empire Loyalist settlement in Ontario, the War of 1812-14, and the Rebellion of 1837-8, but expressed concern that there was little mention made of the part that the Highlanders of Glengarry played in those conflicts. He corrects that oversight within the 29 chapters that comprise this formitable text. This book is an fine source of information for those interested in early settlement of the Highlanders in Glengarry and surrounding counties, and the role that they played in the American Revolution, United Empire Loyalist migration and settlement, War of 1812, and the
Rebellion of 1837-38. ISBN 1-894378-80-6 (Hardcover)     More information
Hardcover......56.95 (C$)
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BOOK - A Deep Sense of Wrong The Treason, trials, and transportation to New South Wales of Lower Canadian Rebels after the 1838 Rebellion
A Deep sense of Wrong is an intimate, grass-roots history, based largely on surviving legal records and on the writings of some of the individuals who lived the story. More Information

BOOK - After the Rebellion, The Later Years of William Lyon Mackenzie
By Lillian F. Gates
This comprehensive book on William Lyon Mackenzie's later life focuses first on the period 1838-1849, Mackenzie's years in exile in the United States. More information

BOOK - The Patriots and the People: The Rebellion of 1837 in Rural Lower Canada
By Allan Greer
Published by University of Toronto Press, Toronto
The Patriots and the People is a fundamental reinterpretation of the Rebellion. Allan Greer argues that far being passive victims of events, the habitants were actively responding to democratic appeals because the language of popular sovereignty was in harmony with their experience and outlook. He finds that a certain form of popular republicanism, with roots deep in the French-Canadian past, drove the anti-government campaign. Institutions such as the militia and the parish played an important part in giving shape to the movement, and the customs of the maypole and charivari provided models for the collective actions against local representatives of the colonial regime. More information
Softcover.... 43.95 19.95 (C$)

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