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Books by Gavin K. Watt
Military History & Genealogy

About Gavin K. Watt

Gavin Watt has studied Canada's involvement in the American Revolution for over forty five years. He has authored sixteen acclaimed books of the history of that conflict, several concentrating on the loyalist experience. Watt pursues a life-long interest in military history and has re-enacted in four historical eras. He is a honourary Vice-President of the United Empire Loyalists' Association and has often spoken on military history and United Empire Loyalist topics at historical societies' meetings and conferences

BOOK - Treaties and Treacheries - The Early Years of the Revolutionary War on America's Western Frontiers, 1775-1778
By Gavin K. Watt
Published by Global Heritage Press, Ottawa, 2021
Watt’s previous works have concentrated on the events of the American Revolutionary War in lower Quebec, upstate New York and Vermont. In this new book, he ventures west and south to examine the conflict out of Detroit across western Pennsylvania and the Ohio, Illinois and Kentucky territories that was hugely complicated by the colonists’ incessant encroachment onto First Nations’ lands. Treaties & Treacheries examines the war’s first four years when political control of the northwest region remained uncertain. Thereafter, the United States dominated, as Britain abandoned attempts to rule the region and withdrew support of her many Indigenous allies. At war’s end, many of the region’s anglo-loyalists settled in western Ontario, while the Indigenous inhabitants and the majority of the Canadiens — many of whom had supported the Crown - accepted United States’ ascendancy and remained in their pre-war settlements.     More Information
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BOOK - No Despicable Enemy, 1779: The Continental Army destroys Indian Territory
By Gavin K. Watt
Published by Global Heritage Press, Ottawa, 2019
This book opens with a summary of the incredibly complex, worldwide conflict of 1779, which had sprung from America’s four-year revolt, and explains the inability of the Crown’s commanders in New York City and Quebec to keep pace with their ever-expanding challenges. General Washington seized this opportunity to punish the northern native nations, whose raiding had so dominated the previous campaign. His armies invaded their territories, razed their towns and destroyed their extensive crops and orchards. His primary goal was to force these British allies out of the war, although an apparent secondary goal was to prepare for the postwar expansion of the United States. While Washington’s campaign was a technical success, the goal of destroying native morale failed. Three more years of intense raiding followed. ISBN 9781772401424 (softcover)     More Information
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BOOK - For Want of His Silver Plate, Sir John Johnson's Raid of May 1780   
By Gavin K. Watt
Published by Global Heritage Press, Ottawa, 2018
It is unknown when Sir John Johnson first contemplated a major raid into his homeland of Tryon County’s Mohawk District. After evading capture in May 1776, he had anticipated a very short exile in Quebec and a triumphant return to the family seat of Johnson Hall, but that was not to be. For Want of His Silver Plate relates the history of Sir John Johnson's raid of 1780, providing much detail about individual events and people. Beyond the value of the narrative, the lists included in the Appendices will be of great value to military historians and genealogists alike. ISBN 978-1-77240-119-6 (bound)     More Information
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BOOK - A Service History and Master Roll of Major Edward Jessup's Loyal Rangers
By Gavin K. Watt with the research assistance of Todd A. Braisted
Published by Global Heritage Press, Ottawa, 2017
The families of Edward Jessup’s Loyal Rangers were major contributors to the settlement of eastern Ontario. Of the original thirteen townships, four were primarily settled by Loyal Rangers, yet the history of this important regiment has largely disappeared. There are two sections to this book. The history element goes back to the very beginning when men were preparing for military service, and follows the varied paths they took to see their plans realized, some with more success than others. A great deal of attention is given to General John Burgoyne’s expedition of 1777, as the several units that were brought together to create the Loyal Rangers in 1781 had served separately under Burgoyne, and the majority suffered for it. The history follows the aftermath of Burgoyne’s surrender -- exile in Quebec, squabbling among the officers, lack of proper employment, little subsistence and no pay. In 1778, there was a failed attempt to combine them into a single battalion followed by many more exasperating events. Bodies of men were sent on military raids and scouts, but their future as separate regiments remained uncertain until the governor took the situation in hand and forced an amalgamation in 1781. The history finishes with details of the war’s final two years and the subsequent disbandment and settlement. The second section is a Loyal Rangers’ Master Roll, which was assembled by examining a great many original and secondary sources. The roll records the details of seven hundred and sixteen men whose names were found on Loyal Rangers’ returns of 1781 to 1783 ISBN 978-1-77240-076-2 (soft cover - coil bound)     More information
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BOOK - Loyalist Refugees, Non-Military Refugees in Quebec 1776-1784 - Second Edition
By Gavin K. Watt
Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2016
Soldiers did not come alone. In the past, wives, mothers, fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers and children of the fighting men have been given secondary treatment. In Loyalist Refugees, they are the subjects of a study describing the systematic persecution that forced so many to seek refuge in Quebec. How these unfortunate people were housed, fed, clothed and employed is examined, as is their desperate unhappiness and discontent. This book identifies and lists details for more than 2,000 non-military loyalist refugees who sheltered in lower Quebec during the American Revolution—pointing researchers to crucial primary and secondary sources in Canada, the USA, and the UK. Many if not most of these refugees migrated to places across British North America and beyond, after their period of sanctuary in Quebec. More information
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BOOK - A Short Service History and Master Roll of James Rogers' 2nd Battalion, King's Rangers
By Gavin K. Watt
Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2015
After more than thirty years of studying the loyalist regiments that served in Quebec during the American Revolution, author Gavin k. Watt concluded that Major James Rogers’ 2nd battalion, King’s Rangers was sadly overlooked and required additional attention. There are two main sections to this book. First is a brief service history of the 2nd battalion from its creation in 1779 until disbandment in 1783. Second – by consulting original and secondary sources, Watt prepared a Master Roll of three hundred and fifty-eight men listing alternate spellings of surnames and given names, rank, enlistment date, company, service details, age, height, place of origin, trade, wife and family, and place of settlement. Of course, not all of these details could be found for every man, but the roll is pleasingly complete. In 1784, Rogers led a party of disbanded King's Rangers and their families to the Third Township of Cataraqui, later known as the Township of Fredericksburgh, in Lennox County, Ontario, where they were granted land. ISBN 978-1-77240-028-1 (soft cover - coil bound) ISBN 978-1-77240-029-8 (digital)     More information
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BOOK - The British Campaign of 1777, Volume One - The St. Leger Expedition: The Forces of Crown and Congress Second Edition
By Gavin Watt & James F. Morrison
Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2003 (CD 2010)
Loyalist ancestors? Patriot ancestors? This book is what you have been looking for... The authors produced a revised edition of their indispensible study of the Crown forces and native allies of St. Leger's expedition of 1777 and forces of Congress and the natives who opposed them. Filled with names of those who participated and detailed end notes and bibliographic information. For a list of names from the index, see "More information". ISBN 1894378695 (Hardcover)   More information
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BOOK - The British Campaign of 1777, Volume Two - The Burgoyne Expedition: Burgoyne's Native and Loyalist Auxiliaries
By Gavin Watt. With research assistance of T.W. Braisted, and acknowledgement of Dr. P.L. Stevens' works
Published by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2013
This new book is a companion piece to Volume 1, The St. Leger Expedition. Similar to the first volume, the second will appeal to readers who enjoy the minutiae of the military campaigns of the American Revolution. While essentially a military work, many will find the book useful for genealogical research. The majority of accounts about military campaigns concentrate on the big-name personalities who directed operations or commanded large formations. In contrast, this book is primarily about the 'little' and 'littler' men. For a list of names from the index, see "More information". ISBN 978-1-926797-70-0 (Hardcover)   More information
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BOOK - The Flockey, 13 August 1777, The Defeat of the Tory Uprising in the Schoharie Valley
By Gavin K. Watt
First edition published by author, King City, 2002
This edition published by by Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2013 (includes updates and revisions)

This book tells the story of how a Troop of the Second Regiment of Continental Light Dragoons defeated the Tories and Indians during the Schoharie Valley uprising in an action known as The Flockey. The Flockey is an essential resource for a wide variety of researchers and general readers including those interested in the history surrounding the American Revolution and United Empire Loyalists. The lists in the appendices provide much valuable information about specific people which is very helpful for family historians. ISBN 978-1-926797-77-9 (Softcover)    More information
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BOOK - The History and Master Roll of the The King's Royal Regiment of New York, Revised and Expanded Edition.
By Gavin Watt
Published by Global Heritage Press, 2006
Gavin Watt has significantly updated and revised his original book that was published under the title The King's Royal Regiment of New York in 1984. This new volume [2006] provides much new content, including corrections, additions and newly discovered sources that have come to light during the 22 years of research since his earlier book. The history of the regiment, and of the men of The King's Royal Regiment have great significance to those with an interest in the American Revolutionary War and the subsequent resettlement of United Empire Loyalists and others, many of whom migrated to Canada. ISBN 1-897210-83-3 (Hardcover)    More information
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