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Books by Duncan (Darby) MacDonald Eastern Ontario / Upper Canada
Duncan (Darby) MacDonald spent a lifetime investigating and recording the records of families and church registers in Eastern Ontario. He published more than 50 volumes over 30+ years under his own signature. We acquired the rights to Duncan's published work after his passing. His books are being republished under our imprint 'MacDonald Research Press'. The remainder of his titles will be added to our catalogue as they are completed. The following list of books is organized by category and then by place if applicable. Browseable Indexes are included for books that have one (most).
- Some long lost Births, Marriages & Deaths along the St. Lawrence River from Dundas County to Glengarry County, Ontario c1840-c1950 More information
- Newspaper Tidbits, Taken from Cornwall, Ontario Newspapers and Others, Genealogical Extractions 1835-1906 More information
- Canada's Heroes in the Great World War, Cornwall, Alexandria, Vankleek Hill, Hawkesury and Intermediate Points - Memorial Edition More information
- Souvenir of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Commemorating OLD BOYS' REUNION at Cornwall August 11-15, 1906 More information
- Lanark County, Ontario
- Interesting Notes and Comments from the Diary of Rev. John MacDonald, Roman Catholic Priest at Perth, Upper Canada 1823-1837
Includes the Almanacs of Peter Ferguson of Sherbrook Township and a 1836 Census of "Catholic Souls" in Lanark County More information
- Prescott & Russell, United Counties of, Ontario
- The Complete Parish Registers of St. Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Parish, Greenfield, Ontario, 1894-2000 - Second Edition [Greenfield, Ontario] More information
- Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry, United Counties of, Ontario
- Notre Dame Du Rosaire Roman Catholic Parish Registers 1869-1925 in 3 Vols [Crysler, Ontario] More information
- St Alexander Roman Catholic Parish, Lochiel - Baptisms, Marriages, Burials and Gravestones 1863-1932 [Lochiel Township] More information
- The Roman Catholic Parish of Precious Blood Flanagan's Point, Glen Walter, Ontario Baptisms, Marriages & Burials 1913-1962 More information
- St. Andrews West (Roman Catholic) Parish Registers 1804-1944 - Third Edition More information
- The Old & New St. Andrews West and MacMillan South of Finch Cemeteries, Cornwall and Finch Townships Stormont, Ontario More information
- The Story of St. Andrews West from Index cards of the late Edwin McDonald More information
- St. Columba Presbyterian Church Baptisms and Marrriages 1820-1884 [Lochiel, Ontario] More information
- St. Finnan's (R.C.) Parish, Alexandria, Glengarry County, Ontario Baptisms, Burials and Marriages 1836-1945 More information
- The St. Columban's Mission/Parish, Cornwall, Ontario Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths, Burials, Confirmations - Third Edition More information
- St. John's Presbyterian Church, Cornwall, Ontario Parish Registers 1833-1896 More information
- Parish Registers of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, St Joseph's Roman Catholic Parish, Lancaster, Ontario 1904-1925 More information
- St. Margaret of Scotland Roman Catholic Church Parish Register Transcription 1886 to 1999 [Glen Nevis, Ontario] More information
- St. Martin of Tours Roman Catholic Parish, Glen Robertson - Baptisms, Marriages, Burials 1895-1925 More information
- St. Mary's Williamstown, Glengarry Parish Registers 1854-1928 More information
- St. Raphael's Roman Catholic Parish Registers 1805-1904 - Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, Burials & Converts More information
- Sinnsearrachd, Historical notes regarding the Roman Catholic Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall 1834-1960 More information
- The Roman Catholic Parish of "Our Lady of The Angels" Moose Creek, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1882-1925 - Second Edition More information
- Hogansburg, New York, USA
- The Parish Registers of Births, Marriages, Deaths of St. Regis Roman Catholic Mission (Early Jesuit) 1784-1879
Prior to the establishment of Roman Catholic churches on the Canadian side of the border, rites of baptism, marriage and burial were often recorded in the registers of St Regis Mission for those living on the Canadian side. More information
- Province of Quebec
- St. Joseph De Soulange, Les Cèdres, Québec. Some Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1777-1833 More information
- Notre-Dame de Montréal [RC], Selected Records of Baptism, Marriage and Burial for Early Scots and Irish 1775-1810 More information
FAMILY HISTORIES - Pioneer Families of Eastern Ontario
- A Genealogical Sketch of Joseph BROWNELL of Moulinette, Upper Canada, and Other Related Genealogies More information
- CAMERON - The Ancestors and Descendants of John Cameron, United Empire Loyalist and Lady Mary Cameron of Cornwall Township, Third Edition More information
- Three FRASER Families with roots in St. Andrews West, Cornwall Township, Stormont County, Ontario. Sgt. Donald Fraser, United Empire Loyalist; The Hon. Thomas Fraser, Simon Fraser The Explorer More information
- The Taillon (Tyo) Families, 3rd Edition, and the Descendants of Philippe LALONDE More information
- John LONEY, United Empire Loyalist & Shoemaker to Sir William and Sir John Johnson More information
- A Genealogical Sketch of a United Empire Loyalist Family in North America The MATTICE Family, Third Edition More information
- The TAILLON (TYO) Families, 3rd Edition, and the Descendants of Philippe Lalonde More information
- The WALDORF Families, 2nd Edition, and the Descendants of Martin Waldorf UE More information
- How WRIGHT You Are - Third Edition More information
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- United Empire Loyalists - American Revolution:
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