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Books by Dr. Fraser Dunford
History & Genealogy

Dr Dunford is a professional engineer and retired university administrator. During 40+ years in genealogy, he wrote several books and 150+ articles, often appeared on radio, chaired genealogical conferences, was Executive Director of the Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) for 6 years, spoken to many genealogical meetings in Canada, and gives on-line genealogy talks. He manages five genealogical websites: Guild of One Name Studies,   Pre-1850 settlers in Dummer Twp; A guide to identifying photographers world-wide; Listing genealogical sources for Peterborough county; Details on Fraternal and Benevolent Societies in Ontario. He earned the Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies (Canadian and English specialities) from the National Institute of Genealogical Studies. In addition to books listed below he published 'Places of Worship, Peterborough County', Kawartha Branch, OGS, 2004.

GUIDE - Ontario Municipal Records - A Beginner's Guide
By Fraser Dunford
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2023
Originally published by Ontario Genealogical Society, 2015
Few genealogists appreciate the goldmine that is municipal records. Municipalities provided an astonishing variety of records, all of them local (by definition!) and many just loaded with names of people living in that locality. This source is not well-known because: (a) you must know the municipality your ancestor was in, (b) you have to know where that municipality’s records are now, and (c) the records will almost certainly be completely, totally, absolutely un-indexed. This guidebook is an introduction to the long list of municipal records that are helpful to family history researchers. It provides a brief history of municiple records that have been collected in Ontario and a short description of records that researchers can find. The author included maps that clearly show district, county and regional municipality boundary changes from 1788 to 1979.     More information
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BOOK - Municipal Records in Ontario, History and Guide [detailed]
By Fraser Dunford
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2023
Originally published by Ontario Genealogical Society, 2005
This book provides the detail necessary to identify, locate and access a wide range of municipal records that provide researchers with valuable information. Appendices list every municipality that could have produced records including dates of establishment, amalgamation or elimination, and dates of boundary changes.Two more appendices give details on Assessment Rolls and Collector Rolls, showing what information can be found in them in different time periods. Essential for those researching Ontario ancestors.     More information
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More books by Freaser Dunford to be released in 2023:
  • Beginners' Guide to Genealogy
  • Beginners' Guide to Ontario Genealogy
  • Ontario Land Records - A Beginner's Guide

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