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Books by Carol Bennett-McCuaig
History & Genealogy

About Carol Bennett-McCuaig

Carol Bennett-McCuaig (1938-2018) was a former weekly newspaper editor who became a prolific and respected author. She earned two degrees from the University of Waterloo, one in History and the other in Religious Studies. She wrote sixty three books, including regional histories, commissioned works and books geared to helping people who are researching their Lanark and Renfrew County (Ontario) roots, and a long list of historical novels. One of her histories, In Search of the Red Dragon: The Welsh in Canada, received the Ninnau award for its contribution to North American Welsh culture. In 1997 she received an Achievement Award from the Ontario Heritage Foundation, for her body of work in recording regional history. She was a life member of Heritage Renfrew, and a past president of the North Lanark Historical Society.

BOOK - Valley Irish (Ottawa Valley - Carleton, Lanark & Renfrew counties)
By Carol Bennett-McCuaig & D.W. McCuaig
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books Ltd, Renfrew, 1983
What would the Ottawa Valley be without the Irish? Between the years 1818 and 1868 they came here in their thousands, both Protestant and Catholic, from every county in the Emerald Isle. They left Ireland for many different reasons, and their arrival helped to shape the destiny of this part of Canada. Carol Bennett has documented the Irish settlement in the old District of Bathurst (part of the modern counties of Carleton, Lanark and Renfrew), drawing on the history of nineteenth century Ireland to explain why the people left their native land, and how these events affected the Ottawa Valley. In addition, she has profiled a cross-section of the old families of the area. Browse the Index to see which families are included. These stories will be invaluable to the genealogist. D.W. McCuaig's photographs of Ireland and the Ottawa Valley interspersed with a few heritage photos for contrast, enable the reader to compare the two landscapes.     More information including Index
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BOOK - The Kerry Chain - The Limerick Link (Ireland to Renfrew County, Ontario)
By Carol Bennett-McCuaig
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books Ltd, Renfrew, 2003
Between the years 1823 and 1875 a large number of families from Ireland's County Kerry and County Limerick, many of them inter-related, arrived in Renfrew County, Ontario. Many of them had first lived in the counties of Lanark and Carleton to the south, before making the move to join compatriots and relatives in the newly opened townships. These chain migrations involved both Catholics and Protestants. This book documents that migration with much detail about individuals and families. While the author appears to have been the first to uncover the Kerry chain, it has never been any secret that many of the people who settled in the Mount St Patrick area were from West Limerick. Carol McCuaig has found that many of the surnames are repeated in both the North Kerry and West Limerick groups, who lived within a short distance of each other in Ireland. This book will be of interest to both the family historian and those engaged in Irish immigration studies.     More information including Index
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BOOK - Wardens of Renfrew (1861-1989 Renfrew County, Ontario)
By Carol Bennett-McCuaig
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books Ltd, Renfrew, 1989
This book contains biographical sketches of all the Wardens who have served since Renirew became a Provisional County in 1861 and a fully-fledged. County in October, 1866. It also features several Renfrew County men who at an earlier date served as Warden of the United Counties of Lanark & Renfrew. The Warden of of a County in Ontario is elected by their peers on County Council, to act as the chief exectutive officer of the county for their term. They preside over council meetings, provide leadership, and represent the county at official functions.Genealogists will find this book useful. In addition to the data of all 117 Wardens, there is mention of a number of others who have served on County Council from time to time.     More information including Index
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BOOK - Leinster to Lanark (Irish settlers to Lanark County, Ontario)
By Carol Bennett-McCuaig
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books Ltd, Renfrew, 2010
In the years following the 1798 Insurrection in Ireland a large group of settlers from the counties of Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford and Wicklow came to Lanark County in the Ottawa Valley. Many others from the same places, often related to them, settled in the adjoining counties of Leeds and Carleton. A careful comparison has been made between the huge amount of historical and genealogical research which the author has carried out over the past forty years. In due course some members of these pioneer families moved to other parts of the province, their destination being the counties of Bruce, Grey, Hastings, Huron, Lambton and Renfrew, among others. Many other descendants still reside on their families' original lots in Lanark County. Genealogical information pertaining to the pioneer generation has been included for hundreds of families. In addition to this the author has included stories which have been handed down in some of the families concerning their ancestors' experiences in southeastern Ireland in 1798. Browse the Index to see which families are included.     More information including Index
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BOOK - The Lanark Society Settlers (Scottish settlers to Lanark County, Ontario)
By Carol Bennett
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton (now Carleton Place), 2012
Originally published by Juniper Books, Renfrew, 1991
In 1820 and 1821 more than forty settlement societies from the Glasgow area of Scotland organized and managed the assisted emigration of a large number of Scottish families to the New Lanark Settlement in Lanark County, Upper Canada (Ontario) under the auspices of the British government. The immigrants were granted undeveloped land in the townships of Dalhousie, Lanark, North Sherborooke and Ramsay. This long out-of-print book has been reprinted and is available to those with an interest in the history and families of Lanark County.     More information including Index
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BOOK - In Search of Lanark, a historical overview of its towns, villages & townships (Lanark County, Eastern Ontario)
By Carol Bennett-McCuaig & D.W. McCuaig
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books Ltd, Renfrew, 1982
In Search of Lanark provides a historical overview of Lanark County's towns, villages and townships. Each community's chapter features a written historical sketch by Carol Bennett-McCuaig and photos of interest by D. W. McCuaig. Many individual settlers are mentioned as are noteable persons and families. This expanded edition contains 160 illustrations of fine old stone houses, log cabins, churches, rail fences, and people from one of eastern Ontario's most beautiful counties. You will find everything that was in the 1980 edition plus information, photos, and communities that were omittted from that first edition. To see the list of communities and for more detail about the book see:     More information
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BOOK - Founding Families of Beckwith Township 1816-1846 (Lanark County, Ontario)
By Carol Bennett-McCuaig
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books Ltd, Renfrew, 2007
Did your ancestors pioneer in Beckwith Township between 1816 and 1846? If so, they were among the earliest families of the district. Although few of them were rich in worldly goods we should think of these people as part of an elite group who, through their hard work and vision of a better future, have left us a legacy of which we can be proud. It was they who cleared the land and set up institutions which are valued by us today. Whether you are working on your falnily tree or merely acknowledging, with justifiable pride, that you are descenaed from one or more of the founding families of Beckwith, this book was·compiled for you!     More information including Index
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BOOK - The BENNETT Millennium Book (Pioneer family of Lanark County)
By Carol Bennett-McCuaig
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books Ltd, Renfrew, 2000
This is the story of Edward Bennett, pioneer of Lanark Township, Lanark County, Ontario, his wives, Julia Kenny and Ann Graham, and their descendants. Edward Bennett drew land in Ramsay Township but moved to Lanark Township in 1822 to a lot adjoining that of his brother-in-law, James Kenny. This book is the result of 40 years of genealogical research by recognized local historian, genealogist and prolific author Carol Bennett-McCuaig. Everyone with a connection to this family or an interest in the settlement of Lanark County will find this book helpful.     More information
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BOOK - Peter Robinson's Settlers
By Carol Bennett
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Milton (now Carleton Place), 2011
Originally published by Juniper Books Ltd, Renfrew, 1987
In 1823 and 1825 groups of people from south Ireland were brought to Upper Canada under the leadership of the Hon. Peter Robinson, MPP. They settled in the District of Bathurst in the Ottawa Valley and in the Newcastle District in the Peterborough area. Carol Bennett documented the events which led up to this emigration scheme, and she has examined each family to see what became of them. The book includes stories of the settlers, events in which the families took part, and profiles of prominent descendants. ISBN 978-1-926797-52-6 (2011 Edition)     More information including Index
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BOOK - In Search of the K and P - The story of the Kingston & Pembroke Railway
By Carol Bennett-McCuaig
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books Ltd, Renfrew, 1981
This book is a history of the Kingston & Pembroke Railway, the people who were part of that enterprise, and the stories of many people who lived along the line. A worthwhile read for railway buffs, historians, family historians, as well as the casual reader who is interested in how a railway affected the lives of so many in the backwoods of Eastern Ontario. The book is lavishly illustrated with period photos of places, equipment and people. This edition includes additional reader contributed stories that were included in the second printing of the book. The entrepreneurs who promoted and built the Kingston & Pembroke Railway hoped for handsome profits from the railway, the mines and the lumber mills in the backwoods of Eastern Ontario. The people who lived beside the line, who affectionately called it the Kick & Push, found that it opened up a wider world for them and they adopted the K & P as their own.     More information
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BOOK - Invisible Women (of Eastern, Ontario)
By Carol Bennett-McCuaig
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books Ltd, Renfrew, 1999
This book focuses on the 'invisible women' without whom the settlement and development of Eastern Ontario would have been impossible. Apart from the few whose activities thrust women into the limelight it is an unfortunate fact that women in our society were rendered virtually invisible until the second half of the twentieth century. In countless obituaries in small town newspapers they were almost anonymous, mentioned only as 'the wife of John Smith' or 'the relict of Henry Woods.' Although they might have been celebrated as "a beloved wife and mother' or 'a good Christian woman' there was seldom any clue to the personal life of these members of 'the weaker sex', their hopes and dreams and achievements. Eastern Ontario is a beautiful part of Canada, and a wonderful region in which to live. This book celebrates the lives of all the invisible women who have helped to make it what it is today.     More information including Index
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BOOK - In Search of the Red Dragon - The Welsh in Canada
By Carol Bennett
This edition published by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2022
Originally published by Juniper Books, Renfrew, 1985
In this book, Carol Bennett describes Welsh immigration and settlements, discusses the survival of the Welsh language and cultural institutions in Canada, and tells the story of a number of famous Canadians of Welsh extraction. This is a celebration of the Welsh people as part of the Canadian cultural mosiac. The Welsh in Canada have been generally disregarded by writers and historians. They came here in fewer numbers than other ethnic groups such as the Irish and the Scots, and as a result their contribution to Canadian life has been overlooked. Nevertheless, they have made a significant impact on this country, as politicians,journalists, artists and clergy. In Search of the Red Dragon: The Welsh in Canada, received the Ninnau award for its contribution to North American Welsh culture    More information including Index
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